On Saturday morning, July 22/August 4, 2018, during the Divine Liturgy at the Horrendous Golgotha, Mr. Alexander Yasevich was ordained a Deacon. He is a member of the Russian-speaking congregation of the Patriarchate at Ber Sheba parish in South Israel.

The ordination took place after the decision of the Holy and Sacred Synod, by the Most Reverend Archbishop Aristovoulos of Madaba, who has been taking care of the Ber Sheba Russian –speaking congregation and established there a House of Prayer dedicated to the Patriarch Abraham, the Holy Macaws and St. Sophronios the Patriarch of Jerusalem, with the approval and support of H.H.B. our Father and Patriarch of Jerusalem Theophilos.   

The Most Reverend Archbishop of Madaba addressed the ordained Deacon as follows;

“Reverend Sub-Deacon Alexander,

The Holy Church of Jerusalem has been exercising its pastoral mission around its jurisdiction and has not been held back by any kind of hard toil, danger, nor geographical distance, in order to minister and serve the Christians wherever they are.

Since the year 2008, I have undertaken the difficult task to gather the Orthodox Christians who live in the region of South Israel. In my daily prayer I had been asking for three things from God; to deem us worthy to find an initial place in order to experience our first Liturgy; to deem us worthy to acquire our first Priest; and finally to deem us worthy to build our own Church.

With God’s help we managed to have our first Holy Church in Ber Sheba and celebrate the Divine Liturgy there. At the same time, God brought you in our small Church and you willingly helped in the readings and in other tasks. From the very beginning I noticed your character and saw your obedience, your willingness and endurance in the temptations. I introduced you to the Archbishops of the Brotherhood and the Fathers of the Church and finally I took you to His Beatitude our Patriarch.

The Holy and Sacred Synod approved your ordination to the degree of the Deacon and your appointment to the newly-founded parish of Ber Sheba, as a helper and Deacon along with the current Priest Fr. Igor Ravsky. Your beloved wife and children, who are with you today, realized your love for the Church from the beginning and did not hinder your desire to serve Christ.

Now you need to have extra patience, first to deal with your own temptations and then with the temptations that will come to your parish. We will support you with our prayer, our council, and we will help you to perform your new duties correctly.

You should always remember that the one who wants to be first ought to serve all others, and follow the example of our Lord Jesus Christ, who washed His Disciples’ feet. Keep your heart humble, without asking anything for yourself, but ask only for what is best for Christ’s flock.

I wish Christ, Who was crucified here in Golgotha and Resurrected at the All-holy Tomb, may strengthen you, and fill you with all the gifts of the Holy Spirit.”

The address was followed by hailing “Axios! Axios!” by those who escorted him, relatives and members of the Ber Sheba parish.

After the ordination the newly-ordained Deacon Alexander offered a reception at the Office of Geronda Sacristan who was represented by Monk Nikolaos.

The ordained Deacon then visited and thanked H.H.B. at the Russian Holy Monastery of St. Mary Magdalene in Gethsemane.

From Secretariat-General