On Friday, February 8/21, 2020 the Holy and Sacred Synod of the Patriarchate of Jerusalem chaired by H.H.B. our Father and Patriarch of Jerusalem Theophilos considered various matters and made the following decisions:

Decided the convocation of the Fraternal gathering of the Orthodox Churches in Amman of Jordan, with the aim of cultivating the dialogue and reconciliation, for the sake of the unity of the Church, with respect of the privileges of the Ecumenical Patriarchate.

Appointed His Eminence Metropolitan Joachim of Helenoupolis a member of the Ecclesiastical Court of First Instance in Jerusalem.

Decided the ordination to Deacon of Monk Anthanasios who serves in Bethlehem.

From Secretariat-General


In the Holy Synod convened today, Friday 21 of February, by His Beatitude Patriarch Theophilos III various matters relating to the Patriarchate’s ministry were discussed, including the pending matter with the Patriarchate of Antioch relating to Qatar.

It was asserted by Patriarch Theophilos that since the two Primates met together mid last year in Cyprus dialogue has been taking place between the two Patriarchates on the matter.

In today’s Synod, Patriarch Theophilos positively commended the position of His Beatitude Patriarch John X in welcoming Jerusalem’s initiative for Orthodox Unity being held as the “Amman Fraternal Gathering” even though a resolution between both Patriarchates, regarding Qatar, had not yet been concluded.

Patriarch Theophilos briefed the members of the Synod that, with gratitude to the Almighty, in the last weeks, concrete understandings have been reached with Antioch for a resolution to this matter.

His Beatitude concluded that Jerusalem is looking forward to next week’s familial gathering of Orthodox Primates, with hope for continued dialogue towards the precious unity amongst brothers, as well as keenness for the opportunity to further discuss with His Beatitude Patriarch John X of Antioch in order to reach a final agreement on the matter of Qatar.

From Secretariat-General


On Friday morning, December 14/22, 2019, the Hagiotaphite Brotherhood visited the Western Churches in Jerusalem which celebrate Christmas according to the Gregorian Calendar.

The first visit was to the Franciscan Brotherhood in Jerusalem.

There, H.H.B. our Father and Patriarch of Jerusalem addressed the Hegoumen of the Franciscans Fr. Francesco Patton and the Franciscans of his Fraternity with the following address:


“Your Excellency, Father Francesco,

Your Eminences,

Your Graces,

Beloved Members of our Respective Fraternities,

Dear Fathers,

We are delighted to greet you, dear Father Francesco, as you and your community celebrate the Christmas Feast. It was your venerable founder, Saint Francis, who created the first Christmas crib scene, as he attempted to focus the people on the great truth of the incarnation of the Divine Logos and away from worldly pursuits. Ans so we sing at this season:

When the creation beheld you born in a cave,

You, who hung the whole world in the void above the waters,

it was seized with amazement and cried:

“There is none holy save you, O Lord.”

(Irmos, Compline of the Forefeast)

This is our proclamation at this and every Christmas season, that there is only One who is holy, our Lord Jesus Christ, who is “the expectation of the nations and the salvation of the world.”

As we face the many challenges that beset us in our region, we do so in the conviction that this region in which our sacred history has unfolded down the generations remains able to mediate the essence of the divine-human encounter that finds its fulfilment in the incarnation. And we contend that in this region, the human witnesses to this sacred history – that is our Christian communities – must be able to live and flourish.

We remain, dear Father Francesco, deeply aware of, and grateful for, your firm commitment to the well-being and flourishing of the Christian communities of the Holy Land and your unwavering partnership in guarding and serving the Holy Places, ensuring that they remain places of worship open to all, without distinction. We acknowledge with gratitude your role in the Council of the Heads of the Churches of the Holy Land, and the significant leadership that you exercise.

As a clear sign of this, we have the recent agreement that we have signed together with the Armenians for the completion of the restoration of the foundations of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre.

Our deepening unity of purpose and principle continues to be of such importance as we work together to ensure that he Christian presence in our Holy City and this Holy Land remains strong and vital. We must resist the pressure of radical groups who wish to alter the fundamental integrity of our multi-ethnic, multi-religious, and multi-cultural landscape, and undermine the Christian character of Jerusalem. We remain firm on the crucial Jaffa Gate issue and pray to God for the grace to be firm in our resolve. For the life of the world depends on maintaining Jerusalem as a home for all people of good will, where all may co-exist peacefully and with mutual respect.

As we celebrate this joyful season, therefore, let us do so confident in our God-given mission. And let us rejoice with the angels at the birth  of the Son of God, who is “the Word made manifest”, who “has assumed the material substance of our flesh” and who has “in his ineffable providence taken up his dwelling among us” (Compline of the Forefeast, Canticle Four).

We wish you, dear Father Francesco, and your Fraternity, a blessed and holy Christmas and a peaceful New Year.

Thank you.”

The second visit was to the Latin Patriarchate in Jerusalem.

There, His Beatitude addressed the Latin Patriarch in Jerusalem Fr. Pier Batista Pizzaballa and the Priests under his command with the following address:

“Your Excellency, dear Archbishop Pizzaballa,

Your Excellency, Archbishop Girelli,

Your Eminences,

Your Graces,

Dear Fathers,

Beloved in Christ

It is with great joy that we greet you, Your Excellency, dear Archbishop Pizzaballa, and congratulate you on the joyful celebration of the Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ. The whole creation rejoices at the birth of the Son of God, as we sing in the words of Vespers of the Forefeast of the Nativity;

Lo, the time of our salvation is at hand.

Make ready O cave;

the Virgin draws nigh to give birth.

Be glad and rejoice, O Bethlehem,

For from you our Lord has shown forth like the dawn.

(Stichera Tone two)

The glory of the incarnation of the Divine Logos can never be dimmed. Whatever the concerns of the present moment, whatever the circumstances of our human history, our sacred history, which has unfolded in this Holy Land, remains a true beacon of light, hope, and witness for a confused and anxious world. Even now our sacred history “shines forth like the dawn”.

As we gather once again for our respective Christmas celebrations, we do so in the face of ongoing challenges to the well-being of the Christian communities of this Holy City and our region. We continue to be firm in our conviction with respect to the proper ownership of the Jaffa Gate properties, and our intention to guard and maintain the Christian character of the Holy Places in general and of Jerusalem in particular.

We are also giving our best efforts to encourage the government to take its part in collaboration with us in ensuring that the Holy Places have the essential services that they need to support both the local Christian community as well as the many thousands of pilgrims who come to worship at them every month. As you are well-aware, all these matters are ongoing, and demand constant vigilance.

But we persevere. And we persevere in deep thanksgiving for the growing unity of purpose and resolve that we share. We shish to take this opportunity to thank you, dear Archbishop Pizzaballa, for your unswerving commitment to the multi-cultural, multi-ethnic, multi-religious landscape of the Holy Land, and the vitality of the Christian presence here. We thank you, too, for working with us and the other Christian Communities in the Council of the Heads of the Churches for the Holy Land, which has been articulating clearly of our common Christian witness in the Holy Land.

Our unity of purpose in maintaining a vibrant Christian presence in this Holy City and in the Holy Land is a matter of hope and encouragement to the world, and in this mission, we must never lose heart. For in this work together, we show to the world the truth that “Christ comes in his love to humankind, “to save the man He fashioned” (Stichera Tone Two). The fundamental purpose of our life here is the proclamation of the Gospel of salvation to the world, and the care of the Christian communities in the place where the salvation was made manifest.

So, as we greet you at the time of this great feast,

Let us celebrate…

raising our minds on high,

let us go in spirit to Bethlehem;

and with the eyes of our soul

let us look upon the Virgin,

as she hastens to give birth to our God,

the Lord of all.

(Aposticha Tone One)


May the true Light that shines from the cave never be dimmed, and may it be our strength and our consolation as we strive to be faithful to the calling that we have been given.

We wish you, dear Archbishop Pizzaballa, your clergy, and all the communities entrusted to your care, the richest blessings of this Christmas season and a happy New Year.

Thank you.”

From Secretariat-General


The Holy and Sacred Synod on its Proceedings on Thursday November 22/ December 5, 2019, chaired by H.H.B. our Father and Patriarch of Jerusalem Theophilos made the following decisions;

Appointed the Representative of the Holy Sepulchre in Constantinople, Most Reverend Archbishop Nectarios of Anthedona, President of the Committee of Dialogue of the Orthodox and Roman Catholic Church.

Approved the application of the Byzantine Choir Leader of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre Novice Constantine Spyropoulos to receive the Monastic Schema, join the Hagiotaphite Brotherhood and consequently be ordained a Deacon.

Appointed Archimandrite Porphyrios Sacristan Assistant, ministering Priest of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre and an alternate member of the Jerusalem Ecclesiastical Court.

Appionted the Hegoumen of Haifa Archimandrite Artermios member and Vice President of the Ecclesiastical Court of Acre.

Degraded Archimandrite Sophronios from the degree of Priesthood and of the Monastic Order.

Appointed Priest George ministering Priest in Zarka.

Appointed Fr. Farah Hadad ministering Priest in the Amman Metropolis.

From Secretariat-General


On Wednesday, September 12/25, 2019, the Holy and Sacred Synod of the Patriarchate of Jerusalem chaired by H.H.B. our Father and Patriarch of Jerusalem Theophilos decided the following;

Appointed the Most Reverend Archbishop Aristovoulos of Madaba Archivist and President of the Pastoral Committee of the Russian-speaking flock, while the recently appointed Archimandrite Artemios will remain an assistant.

Appointed Archimandrite Raphael Patriarchal Representative in Madaba.

Appointed Archimandrite Benedict Kayal Patriarchal Representative of North Jordan.

Appointed the Most Reverend Archbishop Isidoros of Hierapolis Vice-President of the Ecclesiastical Court of First Instance and Dragouman Archimandrite Mattheos alternate member.

Appointed the Most Reverent Archbishop Christophoros of Kyriakoupolis President of the Ecclesiastical Court of Appeal and Elder Kamarasis Archimandrite Nectarios a member.

Appointed Elder Kamarasis Archimandrite Nectarios Caretaker of the Holy Monastery of Saint Basil.

Renamed the Most Reverend Metropolitan Benedict of Philadelphia to Most Reverend Metropolitan of Diocaesarea.

Temporarily assigned Archimandrite Porphyrios as the ministering Priest at the Holy Monastery of Prophet Elias.

From Secretariat-General


Last week His Beatitude our Father and Patriarch of Jerusalem Theophilos III attended the second State Department Ministerial to Advance Religious Freedom, in Washington, DC. His Beatitude attended accompanied by a church delegation from Jerusalem representing the three Church families (Orthodox, Catholic and Protestant families). H.B. took the opportunity to raise the issue of Jaffa Gate with members of the US administration and other religious leaders in attendance.

As the Patriarchate continues its legal efforts to see the supposed sales of the Jaffa Gate properties overturned due to the corruption through which they were made, it also welcomed the efforts of all people of good will around the world that are pursuing a positive resolution to this most crucial of matters not only to the Christians of the Holy Land but to all the Christians of the world.

Supporters of Ateret Cohanim have launched a media campaign against His Beatitude Theophilos III and started making efforts to undermine the Patriarchate’s case, claiming that it is opposed to the rule of law. This is categorically untrue; the Patriarchate’s continued legal battle demonstrates its ongoing abiding by the legal process.

By contrast, Ateret Cohanim’s actions demonstrate its disregard for the rule of law, first in the bribery it promised to secure the properties, and more recently in seeking to evict the Jaffa Gate tenants despite its public claims that this was not its intent.

From Secretariat-General


The Holy and Sacred Synod of the Patriarchate of Jerusalem, Chaired by H.H.B. our Father and Patriarch of Jerusalem Theophilos, at its 110th Meeting of July 12/25, 2019, unanimously lifted the degradation of Monk Eirinaios and restored Him to the Episcopal Office, which he formerly held, and to the degree of the Former Patriarch of Jerusalem, attributing thus the full owed respect to His Office.

The Holy and Sacred Synod took this decision for the reasons mentioned in the following text:

“Because the enacted according to the rules continuing order of all things in the Church constructs and promotes peace, in which God’s Spirit, “which constitutes the institution of the Church” finds rest, and because the holy rules were enacted by the Holy Fathers “for the healing of the passions and the cure of the souls”, therefore also for the abolishment of any passionate and selfish action opposed to the unity of the body of the Church, the Holy and Sacred Synod of the Patriarchate of Jerusalem, following amenably the canonical orders, within the spirit of the aforementioned canonical principles, took the decision of the degradation of Patriarch of Jerusalem Eirinaios, in deep sorrow, fourteen years ago, and he had ever since been transferred to the order of Monks. Nevertheless, the Holy and Sacred Synod has never ceased to show a vivid interest in the well-being of the aforementioned brother of ours, with much patience, and for this reason it has unceasingly rendered interceding prayers to God for him.

Because the health condition of our brother in Christ has recently been deteriorating, the Holy and Sacred Synod, having considered the orders of God and acting philanthropically, according to the authority “which is held by the One who heals according to the science of Spiritual medicine” decides unanimously the lifting of the degradation that had been imposed on our brother Eirinaios, fervently praying to “the Lord of every principle and authority” to grant him and all of us the grace of the All-holy and Life-giving Tomb”.

The Holy and Sacred Synod delegated Geronda Secretary-General Most Reverend Archbishop Aristarchos of Constantina and the Secretary of the Holy and Sacred Synod Most Reverend Archbishop Demetrios of Lydda to announce this decision to the former Patriarch Eirinaios, who under the care of the Patriarchate had recently been hospitalized at the French Hospital in Jerusalem and is currently being looked after at the Holy Monastery of Saint Gerasimos of the Jordan.

From Secretariat-General



Today His Beatitude our Father and Patriarch of Jerusalem Theophilos III was joined by Jerusalem’s Patriarchs and Heads of Churches for a vigil and a prayer that was held at the old city’s Jaffa Gate to raise awareness about the dangers of having radical groups compromising the integrity and character of Jerusalem’s Christian Quarter and threatening the access for pilgrims to the Holy shrines and the Church of the Holy Sepulchre.

It was stressed that they cannot remain silent while access to the Holy Sites is threatened and the hope of a lasting peace is diminished.

The Christian Leaders of Jerusalem further announced that they will be organising an “International Day of Prayer for the Christian Community and Christian Quarter of Jerusalem”. They asked Christians from around the world to join them and to attend the event in Jerusalem in September 2019.

The following were the remarks delivered at the Vigil by H.H.B. Theophilos III:

“We stand here, at the Jaffa Gate, the heart of the Christian Quarter. We stand to pray for our beloved city. We stand as disciples, faithful to Christ in the place of his passion. We stand alongside the millions of pilgrims from every tribe and tongue who visit and bless this Holy City. We stand together with the tenants of our properties who have long provided an open door to visitors and worshipers from far and near.

And from the bottom of our heart we thank our fellow Church leaders in Jerusalem for joining us and standing with us in solidarity; we all and together share our common beliefs, our common humanity and our common destiny; specific to these matters and general for our communities.

As a community of reconciliation, we refuse to allow radical groups to dilute the integrity and character of Jerusalem’s Christian Quarter. We cannot remain silent while access to our Holy Sites is threatened and the hope of a lasting peace is diminished. We will not remain silent. 

As a community of justice, we demand that the rule of law is upheld and stand united against any attempt to take Church properties by unlawful measures or to forcefully evict innocent tenants. We warn against any such attempt and we shall not fear to use all legitimate means to oppose and block this from occurring. We remain impassioned guardians of the Status Quo and will ensure that people of all faiths can flourish and thrive within the walls of this city.

We pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Today, we call upon Christians everywhere to join us in prayer and invite brothers and sisters to gather in September 2019 for an International Day of Prayer for the Christian Community and Quarter in Jerusalem. We look forward to welcoming Christian leaders and worshipers from around the world as we continue our fight to preserve and protect the Christian community here in the Holy Land.

With King David, the greatest ruler. We pray for the divine peace and security within these walls. (Psalm 122:6-7)”


The Holy and Sacred Synod of the Patriarchate of Jerusalem, chaired by H.H.B. our Father and Patriarch of Jerusalem Theophilos on May 31/ June 13, 2019, considered various matters of the Patriarchate and decided the following;

  1. Appointed Archimandrite Parthenios Hegoumen of the Shrine of Tiberias.
  2. Appointed Archimandrite Artemios Hegoumen in Haifa of North Israel for the Greek-Orthodox Arab-speaking Community there, and person in charge of the Russian-speaking flock.
  3. Decided the specific framework signed agreement of assigning a piece of land in the south side of the estate of the Tower of St. Savvas in Beit-Sahour for the construction of a hospital by the Palestinian Autonomy.
  4. Decided the assignment of the preservation of the wood carved ikonostasion of the Basilica of the Nativity in Bethlehem to the team of experts ARTIS GILDING AND RESTORING under the management of Mr. Ioannis Tsiorvalas, by the funding of the Patriarchal Representative Most Reverend Archbishop Theophylactos of Jordan.

From Secretariat-General



On Tuesday, April 3/16, 2019 the Holy and Sacred Synod of the Patriarchate of Jerusalem held a meeting, chaired by H.H.B. our Father and Patriarch of Jerusalem Theophilos.

The Holy and Sacred Synod discussed various topics related to the Patriarchate, among which the following;

1.The question of restoring the reputation of the unjustly denigrated Metropolitan  of Kapitolias Isychios, on the basis of an opinion, to the Deputy Legal Adviser, Mr. Lambros Kitsaras, to His Beatitude and the Synod of the Insolvency Prosecutors. The opinion is as follows:


His Holy Beatitude

Theophilos III

Patriarch of Jerusalem


 Subject: Completion of a court case of His Eminence Metropolitan Isychios of Kapitolias and the Patriarchate of Jerusalem

Athens, 09-04-2019 

Your Beatitude,

1.    Following my previous letter dated 29.7.2018, I have the honour to send you this latest letter to inform you in writing of the successful completion of the legal proceedings, after the compromise of the legal parties, against the newspapers who have carried out the defamatory and unlawful acts data.

2.    In particular, as you know, in the spring of 2018 during the months of March-April, Greek newspapers of scandalous press published photographic snapshots of illegally obtained and acquired audiovisual material of doubtful authenticity, which exposed both the Most Reverend Metropolitan Isychios and the Patriarchate .Today, all of these newspapers and journalists have recalled and apologized, following the lawsuits we have brought them. 

In particular:

On the occasion of publications in the newspapers “ESPRESSO” of 19.3.2018, 20.3.2018,21.3.2018 and 22.3.2018, we filed the legal proceedings of 15/6/2018 and 2/11/2018 of the Patriarchate and the Most Reverend Metropolitan of Kapitolias Isychios, before the Athens Multi-Member Court of First Instance against the owner of the newspaper, its editor-in-chief and the editors of the disputed publications. The above actions were determined to be discussed in that Court initially on 6/12/2018 and finally due to a postponement on 24/1/2019. After agreeing with the opposing party, which declared its repentance for the above press, we have compromised, obliging them to publish a restorative publication in their newspaper. Indeed, on the cover and cover of the newspaper of January 1, 2019, the following text was included with the Patriarchate’s photographs:

“Our newspaper published in 19, 20, 21 and 22/3/2018, its publications, referring to allegations of a third person and material of dubious origin, concerning the reputation of the Metropolitan of Kapitolias Isychios and the Patriarchate of Jerusalem.

After the exercise against us by the Patriarchate of Jerusalem and His Eminence Metropolitan Isychios of Kapitolias, of 15/6/2018 with a general testifying number 60723/2018 and a special testifying number 2258/2018 and 2/11/2018 with a general testifying number of 102767 / 2018 and a special filing number 3952/2018 of their lawsuits, having exchanged mutual explanations, clarifications and after the investigation of the case by the Patriarchate of Jerusalem, which brought to our attention the proceedings of the E.D.E. that were conducted concerning the Metropolitan of Kapitolias, of 17/9/2018, the content and outcome of which we are not questioning, we declare that our publications were not meant to interfere with the Metropolitan Bishop of the Capitol, nor the famous for its mission Patriarchate of Jerusalem, we recall and we apologize to them for the inconvenience that may have been caused.

 Finally, with regard specifically to the Patriarchate of Jerusalem, we believed and still believe that it is faithful to the Christian principles, that it is a lighthouse of Hellenism and Orthodoxy in harsh times, far away from mother Greece, where there are continuous fights for the prevalence of peace and the reconciliation of the peoples, and would only keep within it the Fathers who respect their Holiness and the Principles of the Orthodox Church. ”

1. Following the publication of the above publication on the 4th page of the newspaper, as well as the title “SPECIALIZATIONS REGARDING PUBLICATIONS RELATING TO THE PATRIARCHATE OF JERUSALEM”, we have waived the documents of our lawsuits and the difference is considered terminated with the necessary explanations and apologies of the above newspapers to have been given.

2. Furthermore, on the basis of other publications in the newspaper “Star”, March 31, 2018 and 23.04.2018, our lawsuits were filed on 15/6/2018 and from 06/11/2018 before the Athens Multi-Member Court of First Instance against the owner the newspaper, its chief editors and the authors of the disputed publications. The actions were determined to be discussed in that court, first on 22/11/2018 and finally, after a postponement on 04.04.2019. However, upon appealing to the opposite party, which declared its repentance for the above press, we have compromised by obliging them to publish a restorative publication in their newspaper. Indeed, on the cover and cover of the newspaper of 24.3.2019, the following text was included with the pictures of the Patriarchate: “Our newspaper reported on 31/03 and 23/4/2018, reports on allegations of a third person and material of dubious origin, concerning the reputation of His Eminence Metropolitan Isychios of Kapitolias and the Patriarchate of Jerusalem.
In our publications, we have, without any intent to harm, displayed snapshots of material that we did not have and could not control and which threatened the reputation and integrity of the Most Reverend Metropolitan Isychios and the Greek Patriarchate without having any concrete evidence. After the exercise against us by the Patriarchate of Jerusalem and His Eminence Metropolitan Isychios of Kapitolias of the 15/6/2018 and 6/11/2018 lawsuits, after exchanged mutual explanations and clarifications between us after the investigation of the case by the Patriarchate of Jerusalem, which brought to our knowledge the 17/9/2018 Minutes of the E.D.E. that it conducted concerning the Metropolitan of Kapitolias, the content and conclusion of which we are not questioning and which affirms the inaccuracy of the above-mentioned publications, we state that our publications did not aim to intermarry the Most Reverend Metropolitan of Kapitolias, nor the famous for its mission Patriarchate of Jerusalem, we recall them and offer them a sincere apology for the inconvenience that may have been caused.Specifically, with regard to the Patriarchate of Jerusalem, we believed and still believe that it is faithful to the Christian principles, that it is a lighthouse of Hellenism and Orthodoxy in harsh times, far away from mother Greece, where there are continuous fights for the prevalence of peace of the reconciliation of the peoples, and would only keep within it the Fathers who respect their Holiness and the Principles of the Orthodox Church. ” 

Following the publication of the above publication on the 4th page of the newspaper, as well as the title “REVOCATION OF PUBLICATIONS CONCERNING THE PATRIARCHATE OF JERUSALEM AND THE MOST REVEREND METROPOLITAN ISYCHIOS”, we have resigned from the writings of our lawsuits and the dispute is considered terminated, with the necessary explanations and the apology of the above newspaper to have been given.

3.Finally, on the occasion of other publications in the “Star” newspaper of 31.03.2018 and 23.04.2018, our lawsuits were filed on 15/6/2018 and from 06/11/2018 before the Athens Multi-Member Court of First Instance, against the owner of the newspaper, its editors-in-chief and the authors of the disputed publications. The above actions were determined to be discussed at the above Court on 22/11/2018 and eventually postponed on 04.04.2019. However, upon appealing to the opposite party, which declared its repentance for the above press, we have compromised by obliging them to publish a restorative publication in their newspaper. Indeed, on the sheet and cover of the newspaper of March 3, 2019, the following text was included with the photographs of the Patriarchate:

“Our newspaper reported on 31/03 and 23/4/2018, reports on allegations of a third person and material of dubious origin, concerning the reputation of His Eminence Metropolitan Isychios of Kapitolias and the Patriarchate of Jerusalem.In our publications, but without the intent of harming, there were screenshots of material that we did not have and could not control and which threatened the reputation and integrity of the Most Reverend Metropolitan Isychios and the Greek Patriarchate without concrete evidence. After the exercise against us by the Patriarchate of Jerusalem and His Eminence Metropolitan Bishop of Hesiod of 15/6/2018 and by their conduits on 06/11/2018, after having exchanged mutual explanations and clarifications between us after the investigation of the case by the Patriarchate of Jerusalem, which brought to our attention, from 17/9/2018 the Proceedings of E.D.E. that it conducted concerning the Metropolitan of Kapitolias, the content and conclusion of which we affirm and assure the inaccuracy of the above-mentioned publications, we declare that our publications were not meant to interfere with the Most Reverend Metropolitan of Kapitolias, nor with the famous for its mission Patriarchate of Jerusalem, we recall, and we offer them a sincere apology for the inconvenience that may have been caused.

Specifically, with regard to the Patriarchate of Jerusalem, we believed and still believe that it is faithful to the Christian principles, that it is a lighthouse of Hellenism and Orthodoxy in harsh times, far away from mother Greece, where there are continuous fights for the prevalence of peace of the reconciliation of the peoples, and would only keep within it the Fathers who respect their Holiness and the Principles of the Orthodox Church. ”

Following the publication of the above publication on the 4th page of the newspaper, as well as the title “REVOCATION OF PUBLICATIONS CONCERNING THE PATRIARCHATE OF JERUSALEM AND THE MOST REVEREND METROPOLITAN ISYCHIOS”, we have resigned from the writings of our lawsuits and the difference is considered terminated with the necessary explanations and the apology of the above newspaper to have been given.

 3.    After all of these, allow me to claim that the fraudulent slander against His Eminence of Kapitolias has been dropped in its entity, since the traffickers themselves have recalled and apologized. I therefore consider it morally necessary for him and the Patriarchate of Jerusalem to have his full and immediate moral restoration, by removing any remaining reservation on his face and restoring all his ecclesiastical and administrative responsibilities. 

Sincerely Yours,

Lambros Kitsaras

University professor


2. The ordination to Priest of Deacon George Houri who serves in the Madaba Community in Jordan.

3. The downgrading to the order of laity of the escaped Hierodeacon Anastasios.

 From Secretariat-General