On Friday, the 26th of December 2015/8th of January 2016, Ms Antonia Moropoulou, professor at the NTUA, met at the Patriarchate with Patriarch Theophilos, the representative of the Franciscans in Jerusalem, f. Athanasios Makoras, and the representative of the Armenian Patriarchate in Jerusalem, f. Gurion. Present at the meeting was the Patriarchal Commissioner, Metropolitan Isychios of Kapitolias, the Elder Secretary-General, Archbishop Aristarchos of Constantina, the Elder Sacristan, Archbishop Isidoros of Hierapolis and the architect of the Church of the Resurrection, Mr Theodosios Mitropoulos.

At the meeting, Professor Moropoulou informed His Beatitude and the representatives of the other two Communities of the phases of the study conducted so far on the condition of the Aedicula, delivering the conclusions of the study to each Community, namely the Greek Orthodox, the Franciscans and the Armenians.

His Beatitude went on to praise Ms Moropoulou on her conscientious and thorough scientific work, conducted with dedication, zeal and love of the Holy Sepulcher and the Patriarchate, adding that the Patriarchate stands ready to continue this project aimed at the safe visit of pilgrims to the Holy Aedicula and the preservation of the rights of each Community according to the status quo and against any illegal intervention by external factors.

From the Secretariat-General



On the morning of Tuesday, the 5th of January 2016, professor Antonia Moropoulou of the National Technical University of Athens, in her capacity as head of the “Comprehensive Program of Diagnostic Research and Strategic Design for the Restoration of the Holy Aedicula of the Holy Sepulcher in the Church of the Resurrection”, and the NTUA’s inter-disciplinary team visited the Patriarchate.

The inter-disciplinary group consists of professors Constantinos Spyrakos and Charalambos Mouzakis, and their associate, Mr Asimakopoulos, from the Laboratory of Earthquake Engineering of the School of Civil Engineering, who conduct measurements of micro-vibrations for the assessment of dynamic behaviour; as well as professors Andreas Georgopoulos, Georgios Pantazis and Evangelia Lambrou from the School of Rural and Surveying Engineering and their Associates, Panayiotis Agrafiotis and Lydia Kotoula, conducting on site Lazer analysis for the measurement of the deviations and of the orientation of the Holy Aedicula.

The distinguished members of the inter-disciplinary team were cordially welcomed by His Beatitude Theophilos, Patriarch of Jeruaslem, in the presence of Hagiotaphite Fathers. At the meeting, the Patriarch praised the work undertaken by the scientists, namely the study on the restoration of the Aedicula of the Holy Sepulcher by means of enhancement and conservation works aimed at the safety of visiting pilgrims and the preservation of our Nation’s privilege, given that Greece had erected the Holy Aedicula during a period of captivity amidst a myriad of adversities, as attested by the inscription “dedicated to the Christ of the Rum-Orthodox, 1810”.

Professor Moropoulou and the NTUA’s team informed His Beatitude on the works carried out so far in line with the study in progress.

In the context of the visit, Ms Moropoulou submitted to His Beatitude the conclusions of the study in the form of intermediate report in both Greek and English, signed by herself and by professors Korres and Georgopoulou, intended to be delivered by Patriarch Theophilos to the Franciscans and the Armenians.

A relevant meeting has been scheduled for Friday, the 8th of January, at the Patriarchate.

The completion of the study is scheduled to take place before the end of January 2016. It will then be officially presented in the presence of His Beatitude and of the Greek Prime Minister who, during his recent visit to Jerusalem, expressed a keen interest in this specific project.

From the Secretariat-General



Between Sunday the 4th and Tuesday the 6th of October 2015, Professor Antonia Moropoulou of the National Technical University of Athens, accompanied by Mr Korres and his wife, Architect Asimina Koutrouli, visited the Holy Sepulcher and the Patriarchate. The aim of the visit was to perform diagnostic works on the stability of the structure of the Aedicula of the Holy Sepulcher, following the unconstitutional intervention of the Israeli Archaeological Service and Police, months ago.

On the first day of their visit, the scientists, accompanied by the Sacristan of the Holy Sepulcher, Archbishop Isidoros of Hierapolis, and the Architect of the Church of the Resurrection, Mr Theodosios Mitropoulos, visited the Aedicula in order to carry on the designated works. On the following day, they met with H.B. Theophilos, Archbishop of Jerusalem, and exchanged views on ways in which reinforcement works may be conducted without causing damage to the structure of the monument nor altering the site’s veneration status.

During the meeting, Professor Moropoulou, coordinator and head of the interdisciplinary research team of the Metsovion Technical University, assigned to provide complete diagnostic research as well as the materials to be used in the interventions for the conservation and restoration of the Aedicula of the Holy Sepulcher, delivered to the Patriarch the First Stage of the University’s Study on: a the geometrical documentation by the research team of the University’s School of Rural and Surveying Engineering, headed by Professor Andreas Georgopoulos, and b. the outcome of the investigation into the representation with nondestructive methods of the construction phases and materials of the interior of the Aedicula, by the Laboratory of Materials Science and Engineering of the School of Chemical Engineering, headed by herself.

Professor Moropoulou also visited the All-holy Church of the Resurrection with Mr Emmanuel Korres, Professor at the School of Architects and Head of the Interdepartmental Programme for the preservation of monuments, known for his work on the restoration of the Parthenon monuments. In the context of this visit, a site investigation of the Holy Aedicula took place in order to set forth the principles and outline of the materials and conservation interventions. The investigation concluded that the foundations are in excellent condition and they have not failed in any way.

Structural problems have been observed only at the masonry mortar and filling materials behind the marble on the external construction at a height just over 1,5 m.

Therefore, the project will be carried out gradually in the course of successive phases without interrupting the monument’s operation.

Professors participating in the interdisciplinary group, namely Mr Andreas Georgopoulos, Mr Emmanuel Korres and Mr Constantinos Spyrakos have already been called upon to collaborate towards the completion of the study by Ms Moropoulou on Thursday, the 8th of October 2015. The final proposition, once discussed at the Technical University in Athens, will be presented at the Patriarchate of Jerusalem for approval by the three religious communities within March 2016.

A meeting with the Patriarch will take place on the afternoon of the same day, for the completion of the research project and discussion of the programme agreement with the Technical University.

The issue will be discussed tomorrow, the 6th of October, at a meeting in the office of the Elder Sacristan between representatives of the other two denominations, the Franciscans and the Armenians.

From the Secretariat-General



On the morning of Friday the 29th of August/11th of September 2015, the day of the commemoration of the Beheading of John the Baptist, H.B. Theophilos, Patriarch of Jerusalem, inspected conservation and renovation works on the roof the Basilica of the Nativity in Bethlehem, undertaken three years ago by the Palestinian State in collaboration with the Patriarchate, the Franciscans and the Armenians. The Patriarch was accompanied by Archbishop Aristarchos of Constantina, Archbishop Theophylaktos of Jordan and Archdeacon Evlogios. On the site, He was joined by Palestinian Minister Ziyad Badak, and a group of architects, conservators and other specialized technicians.

To inspect the works, His Beatitude stood on the scaffolding set up in order to facilitate workers and protect visiting pilgrims. He went on to express His content on progress made so far and give instructions for improvement.

From the Secretariat-General



On Sunday, the 15th/28th of June 2015, H.B. Theophilos, Patriarch of Jerusalem, led the Divine Liturgy in the Church of the Greek Orthodox Arabic-speaking Community of the town of Zbabde.

The town lies at half an hour’s drive from Jacob’s Well to Nablus, northward.

Warmly welcomed by Boy Scouts and inhabitants of the town, the Patriarch led the Matins and Divine Liturgy. Co-officiating were Metropolitan Kyriakos of Nazareth, Archbishop Aristarchos of Constantina, the Hegoumen at Jacob’s Well, Archimandrite Ioustinos, and the head of the parish, f. Issa Touma. Hagiotaphite deacons sang in Arabic, in the Byzantine style, in the presence of a crowd of pious men and women.

During Communion, the Patriarch preached the Word of God.

On the conclusion of the Liturgy, His Beatitude presented f. Issa Touma with the cross of Steward, then offered icons to the faithful.

A procession followed, led by the Boy Scouts, to the city centre. There, the Patriarch performed the holy water rite, laying anew the cornerstone of the Church of Theotokos, the initial construction of which had begun thirty years ago.

The head of the church, f. Dawd Touma, thanked His Beatitude for this initiative. Addresses were also made by the Mayor of the town, the acting Prefect of the region and His Beatitude Himself. Financial aid was offered by the Patriarch to the Mayor and the Church for projects of the Orthodox Church scheduled in the vicinity of the mosque, signifying the peaceful coexistence between Christians and Muslims. Patriarch Theophilos offered the Church Board the recently published New Testament in Arabic, and received a plaque commemorating the event.

From the Secretariat-General






On Monday the 5th/18th of May 2015, Ms Anastasia Moropoulou, Professor at the National Technical University of Greece and Director of Studies in the “Materials and Conservation Interventions” Direction, visited the Patriarch of Jerusalem. She was accompanied by the University’s Interdisciplinary Team, namely: C. Spyrakos of the School of Civil Engineers, A. Georgopoulou from the School of Agronomists and Topographers, A. Bakolas, A. Delengou and S. Lampropoulou from the School of Chemical Engineers, M. Troullinos, Conservator at the Ministry of Culture and M. Alexani, Marie Curie Fellow at the National Technical University of Greece.

The Delegation arrived in Jerusalem on the invitation of the Patriarchate in order to produce initial diagnostic projects related to the stability of the structure of the Aedicula of the Holy Sepulcher, erected in 1810. The aforementioned project has been initiated following an unconstitutional attempt of the Israeli Department of Antiquities and the Israeli Police to intervene in the Aedicula, two months ago.

The distinguished scientists were warmly received by His Beatitude in the presence of the Patriarchal Commissioner, the Elder Secretary-General, the Secretary of the Holy Synod, Archbishop Methodios of Tabor, Archbishop Isidoros of Hierapolis and other Hagiotaphite Fathers. Also present at the meeting were the representatives of the Franciscan Custodians, Monk Athanasios Makora and f. Dobr Omir, as well as the Armenian Archbishop, Ari Sevrenian, and f. Samuel, Hegoumen of the Armenian’s Church of the Resurrection. The Patriarch was informed of the team’s study plan and offered instructions related to the pilgrimage status of the site. The aim of the stabilization works is to guarantee the safety of pilgrims on the site of the Lord’s Burial and Resurrection.

His Beatitude stressed the need for quality works, while Ms Moropoulou gave assurances of maintaining the monument’s structure with the help of Professor Grazie Touci of the University of Florence. The Holy Aedicula, she said, is the most precious monument of Orthodoxy, the Greek genus and all Christians.

The team of scientists then left the Patriarchate, accompanied by Theodosios Mitropoulos, Architect of the Church of the Resurrection. The Elder Sacristan, Archbishop Isidoros of Hierapolis will be assisting them in their mission.

From the Secretariat-General



This year’s Holy Easter Period saw the completion of the Byzantine decoration of the Iconostasis of the Church of the Nativity of Theotokos in the Greek Orthodox, Arab-speaking Community of Kafr Yasif, Northern Israel. The decoration was carried out by Mr Nezar Kseiboun, hailing from Kana, Galilee, at the expenses of the Patriarchate and under the supervision of the Hegoumen of Mount Tabor Monastery, f. Hilarion.

The aforementioned project is posted at the Patriarchate’s Website with the wishes and blessings of H.B. Theophilos, Patriarch of Jerusalem.

From the Secretariat-General



Orthodox Initiative and Middle East Council of Churches

Amman, Jordan

April 2015


Christ is risen!

The Easter season is a special time for Christians throughout the world. It is a time to reflect upon our faith, gather in community, and worship and praise our Lord; resurrection is a renewal of hope.

The Middle East has seen turbulent times the past few years with wars and violence tearing apart countries and families. Millions of people have been forced from their countries, many celebrating religious feasts away from home for the first time.

At the Orthodox Initiative and Middle East Council of Churches Office in Amman, Jordan, we have been working to do all that we can for the most vulnerable.  Since we began, our work has expanded to meet the ever-changing needs of our community. Originally, our work focused on the refugees fleeing from Syria in the north of the country. We provided food, clothing and other relief items to many living in refugee camps along the Syria-Jordan border. As times changed, our work adapted moving through out the Kingdom to where we could be most effective. In the past year, our work has adapted once again to accommodate the large number of Iraqi Christians who have been forced to flee their homeland seeking safety and security from the brutal violence of ISIS. Many of these Christians have found themselves in Jordan, being hosted by local churches, often coming with few possessions. The local churches are providing all that they can in the true spirit of Christian community, however more is needed not only in physical assistance, but also in acts of community building to strengthen dignity and inspire hope.

Over the past year, we have worked together on many projects with the Syrian Orthodox Church of Amman. Early this spring, we met with members of the church to discuss the prospects of incorporating Syrian and Iraqi refugee children into the Scout program that meets at the church. Many refugee children in Jordan are having a hard time continuing with schooling and finding activities to keep busy. With the Scouts, the youth will have opportunities to learn skills, go on camping trips and adventures, and give back to the hosting community; all while being in company with other youth. As the Easter season approached, we continued to work to develop this project as the Scouts play a large role in the festivities around the Holy Week and Easter.  Hoping to inspire and ease the burden of this large project, our team was able to provide new uniform shirts to the scouts in the weeks leading up to Easter, giving them the ability to start the process of incorporating more members into the program. This project has many parts and expenses; however, the potential of being able to incorporate the youth into this program will have great returns to the whole community for generations to come.

Our work with the Syrian Orthodox Church and the refugees that they are hosting continued into Holy Week. On Good Friday, we were able to provide over 300 vouchers to purchase new clothes for Easter, a step that not only meets the need for new clothes with the coming spring and summer, but also a small step in humanization by giving the guests the ability to celebrate with new clothes, a tradition during the Easter season.

In the midst of Holy Week, our team headed to the south of Amman to visit Our Lady of Peace Center. Known for its work with the disabled, this center has recently taken in close to 50 Iraqi Christians who fled from ISIS last fall. Now living in caravans behind the center, a small community is forming. No one knew each other before arriving at the center, but they have quickly started to develop systems and structures to help them make the best of their difficult situation. Although they have caravans and a place to stay, these refugees fled their homes bringing little with them and are facing the common struggles of finding aid and resources.  Our team joined a group of Jordanian women who volunteered to assist those refugees. Together, we were able to help by bringing vouchers for new clothes and both perishable and nonperishable food. We were also providing resources for beds and sanitary items to help accommodate them. Seeing this group and taking account of their stories weighed heavy on our hearts, yet at the same time, their resilience and ability to form relationships with each other through hardships and struggles reinforced our faith in the power of community. The AYA group of women are the best example of the hosting community stepping in with local NGOs and the government assisting the refugees and taking part of the burden the Jordan is carrying. Our goal is to work with them as one team as a step towards strengthening this personal initiative and empowering women in our country.

Over the past few months, our team has been working with the Armenian Catholic Church on top of Ashrafiya, in East Amman. Over the past months, we have done various distributions of food parcels and clothing vouchers to the members of this community. This past fall and winter, the church was hosting Iraqi Christians in their meeting hall, giving them shelter and safety while they searched for apartments. This space is now empty as the refugees have moved into the neighborhood, but it is still being utilized for gatherings. The Church has hopes for continuing to renovate this space so that it can be used for large events such as weddings and funerals, providing income for the church to continue its work in serving the refugees. The workers who are renovating the church are the same refugees who first lived in the church hall, and they refuse to be paid in return for their work as they consider that this work of the Lord and a thank you to the church community for all that it has done for them.

A week before Easter, we made our way up the hill to visit with Father Boghos of the church and the Iraqi Christians to distribute clothing vouchers. We had heard that some of the children were very sad as this year, they felt left out not being able to have new clothes for Easter when many others around them did for Palm Sunday. Seeing the continuous need for clothing, and an opportunity to put a smile on family faces, we felt it necessary to bring clothing vouchers. During this distribution, only the men were present, as it is expensive to find transportation throughout the city, yet there was an air of excitement for bringing these gifts back home to families and children.

Although holidays like Easter and Christmas are opportunities for gift giving and direct assistance, it is also important to come together as a community and celebrate. This year, our team provided Easter lunch for the Iraqi and Syrian Christians at the Armenian Catholic Church. Easter weekend in Amman saw unusual weather with cold winds and rains covering the Kingdom, yet this did not stop the festivities. On Easter Sunday, our team made its way up to the church to find the hall that was once divided and full of small living spaces, full of families with children running around playing. We sat down to eat and had a delicious meal of ouzai, which is rice and meat wrapped in bread, with the Iraqi and Syrian Christians and the Church community. Although the rain and cold weather was keeping many at home, our team was able to provide buses and transportation for the guests to come to lunch, bringing warmth and happiness to the hall, as well as a token of gratitude to the refugees who volunteered to set the tables and serve. After a busy Holy Week with visits and distributions throughout Amman, Easter lunch was a highlight reminding us of why we continue with our work. We spent a large portion of the afternoon with the refugees, hearing about heartbreaking stories, and at the same time, seeing their immense hope and continued faith in what the future holds. Although the day was cold and rainy, spirits were warm and happy.

Through out the spring, we have been continuing work on the youth center being built in Karak. After Jordan faced a long and heavy winter, progress has been delayed, yet with warm weather we have been able to continue forward. We are working on finishing projects such as painting and interior works. We look forward to seeing the completion of these projects and beginning to work to develop them into places where all members of the community can come together to meet and find support and safety, and develop programs the center can offer.

In the past years our region has faced many challenges and tragedies. However, through our hardships we have been able to come together. The Easter Season has given us opportunities to reflect on the strength of our communities, both in Jordan and throughout the world. We have been able to continue with our work in helping the most vulnerable around us, and develop new projects to move forward. As we continue, renewed from Easter, we have faith that our community and our team can continue forward stronger than ever.


Yours Sincerely,


Wafa F. Goussous – An Advocate for the Christian Presence in the Middle East

Nathaniel Bailey – Media and Communications

The Orthodox Initiative for the Churches in the Middle East

Director for the office of the President for the Orthodox Family

His Beatitude Patriarch Theophilos III

Middle East Council of Churches



On the afternoon of Friday, the 24th of January/6th of February 2015, Patriarch Theophilos of Jerusalem met with approximately twenty members of the Executive Committee of the recently appointed Advisory Committee in Amman, Jordan. The Patriarch was accompanied by Metropolitan Isychios of Kapitolias, Patriarchal Commissioner; Archbishop Aristarchos of Constantina, Elder Secretary-General; Archbishop Philoumenos of Pella, Patriarchal Commissioner in Northern Jordan; the Hegoumen in Fhes, Archimandrite Ieronymos, and Ms Wafa Gousous, M.E.C.C. Director of the Amman Office.

The Committee has been set up by Patriarch Theophilos of select members of the flock in Jordan, in order to collaborate with the Patriarchate towards the investigation and settlement of problems facing its flock, and the consolidation of its unity.

The Executive Committee was headed by its Chairman, Kamal Abu Jaber, and Vice-Chairman Munther Haddadit.

At the meeting, members of the Committee greeted the Patriarch’s visit as a blessing and moral enhancement for Jordan’s Orthodox flock and as a token of support of all Christians in Jordan.

On His part, His Beatitude pointed out a series of questions in need of settlement, i.e. the frequency of His visits to Jordan and His meetings with the flock there, the setting up of Press Center for the promotion of the Patriarchate’s work against its denigrators, the foundation of a Center of Orthodox Studies and of a School for Clerics, the arrangement of press conferences on the work of the Patriarchate, the setting up of an Audit Committee, the convening of the plenary session of the Advisory Committee, and meetings with the Patriarchate’s critics aimed at reuniting them with the rest of the flock in a single body accepting the Patriarch of Jerusalem as Christ, because as a Primate, the Patriarch is as Christ on earth.

His Beatitude carefully listened to the Committee’s opinions, even those that were unfavourable, and said that in His view, priority should be placed on founding schools in Salt and Karak and supporting Christians against abandoning their homes in the Middle East, as well providing support to the Hashemite family in its fight against violence and for the preservation of truth.

At the end of the meeting, His Beatitude and His retinue left for Karak, Jordan, to offer their condolences to the relatives of the brutally executed Jordan pilot Maaz al-Kassasbeh, who hailed from Karak.

On the following day, Saturday the 25th of January/7th of February 2015, His Beatitude returned to the city of Karak in order to inspect reparation and renovation works carried out at the Church of the Patriarchate’s Greek Orthodox Arab-speaking Community.

From the Secretariat-General


During this period leading to Christmas day, the Holy Archbishopric of Qatar offered its polyglot flock the opportunity to participate in a Bazar of Christmas Gifts. The event was enriched by performances based on various local traditions, on Friday, the 21st of November 2014 (New Calendar).

The event was honoured by the presence of the Ambassadors of Greece, the Republic of Cyprus, Romania, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Moldavia, Lebanon, Serbia, and the representative of the Russian Embassy to Qatar, as well as representatives by other denominations in Doha.

Handmade Christmas decorations, gifts and items of worship were offered for sale, in support of the work performed by the Archbishopric. All items were made by members of the Myrophorae Association, the Association of Youth and other members of the flock.

Also in offer was a great variety of specimens of Arab, Greek, Serbian, Romanian and Ukrainian cuisine, courtesy of numerous companies and ladies from the flock.

The whole event was indeed very successful, having attracted a large crowd of Orthodox from Qatar.

From the Holy Archbishopric of Qatar