Between Monday the 18th/31st of October and Saturday the 23rd of October/5th of November 2016, the 6th Biannual Euromed Conference takes place in Nicosia, Cyprus, at the “Filoxenia” Conference Centre. Participating in the Conference are distinguished representatives of international foundations, organizations and institutions, i.e. UNESCO, examining ways of protection, conservation and restoration of national and religious monuments that make part of global cultural heritage.

The speakers, activities and purposes of the Conference appear in detail on the invitation forwarded by Dr Marinos Iacovides, Conference Chair, and Professor Antonia Moropoulou of the National Technical University of Athens, Co-Chairlady; also on the programme of deliberations, attached here below:



The opening of the Conference was blessed by His Beatitude Theophilos, Patriarch of Jerusalem, on the morning of Monday the 18th/31st of October, with a speech on the emblematic restoration project of the Holy Sepulchre, conducted by the NTUA. See link:


The Co-Chairwoman of the Conference, Professor Antonia Moropoulou, made an on-screen presentation of the restoration works and the significance of the participation of religious dignitaries in EuroMed 2016, see link:


At noon of Monday, the 18th/31st of October, His Beatitude Archbishop Chrysostomos of Cyprus hosted lunch for Patriarch Theophilos and His Entourage, Metropolitan Timotheos of Bostra, Archbishop Aristarchos of Constantina, Ms Moropoulou and Hierodeacon Markos.

Also in the framework of the Conference, a reception was hosted by the Most Reverend Timotheos, Metropolitan of Bostra, on the evening of Monday, the 31st of October.

From the Secretariat-General


On the morning of Friday, the 15th/28th of October 2016, Doxology was held at the katholikon of the All-holy Church of the Resurrection, on the national day celebrated in commemoration of the 28th of October 1940.

Doxology was performed as gratitude to God for His help to our nation for liberation from the 1940-1944 German occupation, and as supplication for the atonement and repose of all departed fathers.

The service was led by His Beatitude Theophilos, Patriarch of Jerusalem, having as concelebrants Prelate and Hieromonks of the Hagiotaphite Brotherhood, in the presence of the Greek Consul-General to Jerusalem, Mr Christos Sofianopoulos, praying members of the Greek parish and local Jerusalemites.

After Doxology, participants were hosted at the Patriarchate, where His Beatitude Theophilos addressed guests in Greek.

The anniversary of the 28th of October epos, said the Patriarch, is undoubtedly a turning point not only for the history of the Greek nation but also for the history of the world.

“The struggle against the forces of Fascism and Nazism”, Patriarch Theophilos added, “the face of which has already appeared in different form and shape in our days and within the limits of our own region, namely the Middle East, has admittedly been a miracle of patriotism yielded from the magnificence of the Greek soul and its Christian faith”.  

The significance of the anniversary of “No” to the Axis forces must not be ignored, the Patriarch pointed out, “neither should it be construed as a conventional fact of our historical memory, but rather as a call for alertness in the face of merciless persecutions committed before our very eyes, displacement and murderous crimes against our innocent fellow humans, especially children”.

The Patriarch’s address was followed by a speech by Greece’s Consul-General.

“No”, Mr Sofianopoulos said, represented the Greeks’ unanimous refusal to cede their freedom and national honour. “It was their refusal to repudiate their history and live insignificant and subdued. It was their reaction against the darkest political forces that had attempted to subjugate Europe and the world”.

“Hellenism”, the Consul-General added, “fought with strength, self-denial, patriotism and heroism for the integrity of their homeland and for liberation, demonstrating the Greek virtues, dedication to traditions and resilience, inviting the admiration of the international public opinion”.

Today’s anniversary, concluded Mr Sofianopoulos, urges us to “contemplate the significance of the symbolism of the 28th of October 1940 for Hellenism on this present day. The unbreakable unit and patriotism shown by people who fought for peace, freedom, dignity and social justice, reminds us that “our ability to bounce back and triumph was and still is endless. A great responsibility weights upon us, to understand this message, convey it to the younger generations and move on united as then, with decisiveness”, the Greek Consul-General concluded.

From the Secretariat-General



On Wednesday, the 13th/26th of October 2016, the Patriarchate celebrated the return of the relics of hosios Savva the Sanctified to his Monastery.

On this particular feast-day, the Mother of Churches celebrated the translation, in 1965, of the relic of hosios Savva from Venice to Jerusalem, and then to his Monastery, where it is kept to this day. The saint’s relic had been transferred by the Crusaders to Venice, and returned by the Roman Catholic Church upon request by the Church of Jerusalem after the meeting between the Pope and Ecumenical Patriarch Athenagoras in Jerusalem and the lifting of the anathemas.

The feast was initially led, during Vespers, by His Eminence Theophanes, Archbishop of Gerassa; then, during an all-night vigil, by H.B. Theophilos, Patriarch of Jerusalem, having as concelebrants Archbishops Theophanes of Gerassa, Aristarchos of Constantina and Metropolitan Joachim of Zambia. Archimandrite Aristovoulos sang in Greek on the right and Archimandrite Philotheos sang on the left, in Arabic, with Sabbaite Fathers. In attendance were pilgrims from Greece, locals from Bethlehem, Beit-Jala and Beit-Sahour, praising the Lord for the presence of the hosios’ consecrated relic.

During Communion, His Beatitude delivered a sermon in Greek, saying that Hosios Savva had realized that his body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, according to the teachings of St Paul, who said: “Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own” (1 Corinthians 6, 19). “This divine light of the Holy Spirit”, His Beatitude added, “is provided by our blessed Father Savva through his lantern, namely this sacred relic, attesting the transfiguration and resurrection of Christ, our Saviour. And it is precisely this transfiguration and resurrection in Christ that incessant prayer aims at, prayer not only by monks but by all those wishing to save their souls”.

“The venerable members of our Hagiotaphite Fathers are workers of the Lord’s pedagogy, these monks trained here with their spiritual Fathers under the protection of the Most Blessed and Ever-Virgin Mary, and under the guidance of Father Savva the sanctified, whom we honour today”, added Patriarch Theophilos.

From the Secretariat-General




Address to the Delegation to the Holy Land of the Catholic German Bishops’ Conference and the Council of the Evangelical Church in Germany

at a Reception at the festival Hall Augusta Victoria Hospital


His Beatitude Theophilos III

Patriarch of Jerusalem

21 October 2016


Your Eminence Cardinal Marx,

Your Grace Bishop Bedford-Strohm,

Your Eminences,

Your Graces,

Dear Fathers,


Christ is in our midst!

We welcome you, dear friends, to the Holy Land on this historic pilgrimage of members of the German Bishop’s Conference and the Council of the Evangelical Church in Germany. Your pilgrimage takes place as the Christian world prepares to commemorate the beginning of the Reformation in Europe next year, and for which both Roman Catholics and Lutherans have been making important plans together.

Your joint pilgrimage is a sign to the world of this new relationship between Roman Catholic Church and the Lutheran Church, and this is a development that all who look to the unity to all Christians welcome warmly. You are here to recall together the common roots of our shared Christian faith, roots that are set deeply and firmly in this Holy Land and in the Church of Jerusalem, the Mother of all Churches and the cradle of Christianity.

 More than this, your pilgrimage is a sign to the world of our awareness for the healing of the divisions of the entire Christian world. The Christian awareness must always be one of unity; a unity that we believe is the will of our Lord Jesus Christ for the Church. Every step in overcoming prejudice, every effort in creating mutual understanding, every opportunity for joint witness is a step towards that fuller unity that is our universal vocation.

Your pilgrimage comes not long after the Great and Holy Council of the Orthodox Church in Crete last June. This Council was also an important sign of the unity of the Church for a world that looks to Church for light and hope in a time of darkness, confusion and despair. We must always remember that our unity is not for ourselves, but for the purpose of the effective witness and service – martyria and diakonia – of the Gospel.

The Church of Jerusalem, the Mother Church of all the cradle of Christianity, takes great joy in hosting such a pilgrimage as yours to the Holy Land City, and we are realizing among ourselves the words of our Lord Jesus Christ, who said:

“How often have I desired to gather your children together as a hen gathers her brood under her wings.”        (Mt 23:37)

Such great events like your pilgrimage and the Council, signal a new future for reconciliation. Furthermore, such events at this time in the current difficulties of the persecution of Christians and others in the Middle East sends a particular message of resolve and hope.

Your pilgrimage is living witness of the mission of the church in the Middle East and in the world of our common martyria of the crucified love of our Lord Jesus Christ. It is this message of reconciliation, so eloquently lived out in your pilgrimage that is the only way for the future of our unity in Christ and the only way for the unity of the human family in our common human destiny.

May God richly bless your pilgrimage to the Holy Land, and in your journey to the common witness of the Gospel of love of Our Lord Jesus Christ.


Thank You.



On the evening of Friday, the 8th/21st of October 2016, one of the meetings of the joint visit of Roman Catholic and Evangelist church officials to the Holy Land took place on the site of the historical hospital of the Lutheran Church in Jerusalem, on the Mount of Olives, on the occasion of the 500th anniversary of Lutheran Reformation.

Invited to attend the meeting were the leaders and representatives of Churches in the Holy Land. The invitations were sent by Propst Wolfgang Schmidt of the Lutheran Church in Jerusalem.

At the meeting, His Beatitude Theophilos, Patriarch of Jerusalem, addressed attendants in English, see link: http://www/jp-newsgate/en/2016/10/21/27030

From the Secretariat-General



On Monday, the 4th/17th of October 2016, the Heads of the three major Christian Communities, namely Patriarch Theophilos of Jerusalem, f. Francesco, Custos in the Holy Land, and the Armenian Patriarch in Jerusalem, H.B. Nourhan Manougian, and their entourages, met with the President of the Palestinian State, His Excellency Mr Mahmoud Abbas Abu-Mazen. During the meeting, Patriarch Theophilos addressed the President on behalf of the Patriarchate and the other two Communities. In Arabic, the address may be reached here: http://www.jo-newsgate.net/ar/2016/10/17/24794  

In his reply speech, the President expressed his joy over the meeting and for the peaceful coexistence between Christians and Muslims within the Palestinian State. He also posited that Christians are not considered a majority in this State, but its integral part, that they in fact preceded Muslims in the Holy Land, and that Christian Churches are considered by Muslims as holy sites, just like their mosques. Therefore, Mr Abbas added, the Palestinian Authority offers 150.000 euro as contribution to the restoration project on the Aedicula of the Holy Sepulchre.

The Heads of the three Communities thanked the President for his donation and wished him every success in his efforts to complete the recognition process of the State of Palestine.

From the Secretariat-General


On the morning of the 23rd of September/6th of October 2016, on the conclusion of the divine Liturgy at the monastic church of Sts Constantine and Helen, His Beatitude Theophilos, Patriarch of Jerusalem, accompanied by Hagiotaphite Fathers, read the prayer on the disturbance of the Holy Altar at the adjacent chapel of St Thekla the Great Martyr and Equal to the Apostles. The Altar had been moved because of restoration works by the subvention of Archimandrite Alexios. Vespers and the divine Liturgy commemorating St Thekla are scheduled to take place on the 23rd of September.

On the occasion of this event, His Beatitude addressed attendants in Greek, referring to the completion of restoration works on the church within the most ancient Monastery that makes part of the Patriarchal Monastery of Sts Constantine and Helen, founders of the Church of the Resurrection of Christ our Saviour.

“The Holy Shrines”, added the Patriarch, “as well as the Monasteries and Churches adorning the Holy Lands, especially the Holy City of Jerusalem, have been preserved as sites of veneration, sanctification and blessing, owing to the sacrificial care of Hagiotaphite Fathers”.

The restoration and beautification of St Thekla church, Patriarch Theophilos said, is essentially a continuation of the earlier restoration of Sts Constantine and Helen Church, on the initiative and subvention of Archimandrite Alexios, Typikaris and Cantor at the aforementioned church, whom His Beatitude warmly thanked.
From the Secretariat-General



A. In the afternoon during Vespers

On Tuesday, the 14th/27th of September 2016, the Patriarchate celebrated the Elevation of the Holy Cross in commemoration of the fact that, on the completion of the opening of the Church of the Resurrection in 336 AD, St Helen and Archbishop Makarios of Jerusalem raised the Cross in this Church, on the site where it was discovered, within a cavity carved behind the rock of Calvary. Upon looking at the Cross, the crowd cried “Kyrie eleison”, Lord have mercy, which is sang to this day during the ceremony of the Elevation of the Cross to the four cardinal directions. The feast began on the afternoon of Monday by reading the Ninth Hour at the Monastic Church of Sts Constantine and Helen.

Immediately afterwards, the Patriarchal Entourage, led by Patriarch Theophilos, walked to the Church of the Resurrection.

There, at the Holy Apokathelosis, they were welcomed by the priests, holding the Gospel and an icon of the Holy Cross. The Patriarch censed and venerated, followed by the Prelates.

Vespers was then led by His Beatitude as Prelates and members of the Synod walked to Golgotha to venerate, whilst censing was performed along the Holy Shrines of the Church of the Resurrection. Archimandrite Aristovoulos sang with visiting Prelates and Priests of the Church of Greece.

B. On feast-day

On the morning of Tuesday, the 14th/27th of September, the main feast took place.

At first, the Hagiotaphite Entourage walked to the Church of the Resurrection, where His Beatitude Theophilos, head of the celebration, venerated at the Holy Apokathelosis and the Holy Sepulchre before entering the katholikon.

The Patriarch led the divine Liturgy, having as concelebrants Metropolitan Isychios of Kapitolias, Archbishops Theophanes of Gerassa, Aristarchos of Constantina, Methodios of Tabor, Theodosios of Sebaste, Demetrios of Lydda, Makarios of Qatar and Joachim of Zambia, as well as visiting Prelates: Metropolitan Panteleimon of Xanthi, Justinos of New Krini and Kalamaria, Timotheos of Thessaliotida and Fanariofersalla, and Chrysostomos of Eleftheroupolis; also, Hagiotaphite Hieromonks, led by Archimandrite Nektarios, visiting Hieromonks from Greece and other Churches, Hierodeacons Markos, Anastasios and Demetrios. In attendance was the Greek Consul-General, the Ambassador of Romania to Israel, Ms Andrea Pastarnac, and the Romanian Minister of Education. Archimandrite Aristovoulos sang for a great crowd of pilgrims from Greece, Russia and Romania.

On the conclusion of the divine Liturgy, a procession began, followed by the Elevation Ceremony.

The procession moved to the Holy Aedicula and terminated at the cave of the Discovery of the Cross, where the Cross was elevated to the four cardinal points whilst the Patriarch made supplications and the Hieropsalts sang “Kyrie eleison”.

After walking thrice around the Holy Aedicula, the procession rose to the Golgotha, where the Patriarch elevated the Cross again and Prelates venerated.

On the conclusion of the feast, the Entourage returned to the Patriarchate, where His Beatitude addressed attendants in Greek.

The Church of Jerusalem, said the Patriarch, honours the elevation of the Cross on the site where it was discovered, namely the Church of the Resurrection, where the holy sacrament of the Eucharist was panegyrically performed. “The Cross of Christ”, said Patriarch Theophilos, “is the visible and tangible emblem of God’s infinite love and philanthropy. At the same time, the Holy Cross proclaims the victory of the light of Christ’s truth against the devil’s lying, of divine justice against the workers of injustice”.

From the Secretariat-General




On Sunday, the 12th/25th of September 2016, the church dedicated to St John Vladimir, who suffered a martyr’s death in 1017, was officially inaugurated. The ceremony coincided with the 1000th anniversary of the death of St John. The church was constructed upon the inspiration, supervision and care of Metropolitan Amfilohije Radovic of Montenegro.

The Church stands magnificently in the centre of Bar as a testimony to Orthodoxy which has survived in Montenegro in spite of past and present adversities. On the inside, the decoration of the church as well as the building materials are indeed remarkable, as the praying faithful exclaim “akin to a brightly-lit sky, the Church illuminates all the pious as we cry to the Lord, make this house solid”.

In attendance at the ceremony were representatives of all Orthodox Churches. The Churches of Jerusalem, Serbia and Albania participated with their Heads, Patriarch Theophilos, Patriarch Irinej and Archbishop Anastasios.

The divine Liturgy was led by Patriarch Theophilos of Jerusalem, having as concelebrants Patriarch Irinej and Archbishop Anastasios, as well as representatives of other Churches. Representatives of the State of Montenegro and of other Christian doctrines also attended the ceremony, together with a crowd of faithful. A Byzantine and European choir accompanied the sacrament of the Holy Eucharist, after the Lord’s Last Supper, Crucifixion and Resurrection for our salvation and for the glory of the Triadic God.

The panegyric speech was delivered by Patriarch Theophilos of Jerusalem.

The martyr St John Vladimir, said His Beatitude, “has led us all here in this Pan-Orthodox Gathering in order to celebrate the 1000th anniversary of his martyrdom for the love of Christ. Let us now all confess the testimony God has given about his Son. And this is the testimony: God has given us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. Whoever has the Son has life; whoever does not have the Son of God does not have life” (1 John 5, 10-15).

It is this precise testimony “whoever has the Son has life” that was preached by John the Forerunner in the spiritual deserts of Montenegro, Dyrrachium and Albania during his earthly life, but also during his transition to the eternal residence in heaven, as taught by Paul: “For we know that if the earthly tent we live in is destroyed, we have a building from God, an eternal house in heaven, not”. (2 Corinthians 5, 1).

“The holy martyric and royal/hegemonic personality of the holy martyr Jon Vladimir stands out today, 1000 years after his death, as a living example to be emulated”, added Patriarch Theophilos.

After His address, the Patriarch offered an icon of Theotokos Jerusalemite to H.B. Patriarch Irinej of Serbia and the Most Reverend Metropolitan Amfilohije of Montenegro.

On the conclusion of mass, Patriarchs, Prelates and Priests exited the Church amidst joyful cheers by the crowd of the faithful.

Lunch, hosted by Metropolitan Amfilohije, was served in an open-air space.

There Patriarch Theophilos addressed guests in English the following link https://en.jerusalem-patriarchate.info/?p=26914.

On the conclusion of this both tangible and spiritual banquet, His Beatitude and Entourage, accompanied by the Assistant Bishop of the Metropolitan of Montenegro, the Most Reverend Bishop Ioannikios, left for Tivat, Montenegro, by car.

From there, Patriarch Theophilos left for Belgrade, where He was welcomed by Patriarch Irinej of Serbia, in the presence of Prelates, Priests and several faithful. Doxology followed, led by Patriarch Theophilos, in the newly-built magnificent church of St Savva the Serbian.

After meal, the Patriarch left for Belgrade Airport. From there, boarding a Serbian Airlines flight, He flew to Tel Aviv on Monday. From the airport, He arrived in Jerusalem by car, in order to participate in the feast of the Elevation of the Holy Cross.

From the Secretariat-General


On Friday, the 10th/23rd of September 2016, His Beatitude the Patriarch of Jerusalem began His visit to Serbia-Montenegro, accompanied by the Elder Secretary-General, Archbishop Aristarchos of Constantina, Archbishop Makarios of Qatar and Archdeacon Markos, departing from Ben Gurion airport via El Al airlines.

The Patriarch responded to the invitation of H.B. Patriarch Irinej of Serbia and Metropolitan Amfilohije Radovic of Montenegro to participate in the Inter-Orthodox celebrations on the 1000th anniversary from the martyr’s death by decapitation, in 1016, of St John Vladimir, ruler of Zeta and Duklja, honoured by the Orthodox for his many miracles. Dedicated to his memory, a church has recently been inaugurated in the city of Bar, Montenegro.

Patriarch Theophilos landed in Belgrade at 11.45 am of Friday the 10th/23rd of September 2016. From there He boarded an internal flight for the city of Tivat, where He was warmly welcomed by Metropolitan Amfilohije of Montenegro. From the airport, after one hour’s drive through picturesque verdant and seaside landscapes, they reached the Monastery of the Nativity of Theotokos in Cetinja, See of the Holy Metropolis of Montenegro.

There, His Beatitude was warmly welcomed in indescribable joy by priests in sacerdotal vestments, nuns and the faithful, mostly mothers with their children, eager to receive the Patriarch’s blessings.

Putting on a mantle, His Beatitude then entered the ancient chapel of the Nativity of Theotokos, venerated the relic of the hand of John the Baptist and the relic of the body of Hosios Peter of Serbia and was then hailed by Metropolitan Amfilohije as the first Patriarch, successor of St James the Brother of God, Who has brought the grace of the Holy Sepulchre to the Metropolis of Montenegro and the entire Church of Serbia.

In replying, His Beatitude said He is not the first Patriarch to visit Montenegro, the first being John the Forerunner, hailing from the desert of the river Jordan, still present amongst us by means of His holy relic.

After brief repose, His Beatitude was welcomed to the Church of the Resurrection, restored two years ago, a large construction with fine marble on the columns and floor, imitating the Church of the Resurrection in Jerusalem, and the Beautiful Gate of the Bema in the entrance to the Aedicula of the Holy Sepulchre, to remind the faithful of their ancient faith, as remarked by Metropolitan Amfilohije .

The Byzantine decoration of the Church depicts the triumphant Church, living on earth.

Addressing the Metropolitan and guests, Patriarch Theophilos said that His visit continues the very ancient tradition connecting the Mother of Churches, namely the Patriarchate of Jerusalem, to the Patriarchate of Serbia and the exchange of pilgrimages between the two.

“We carry with Us the grace of the Holy Lands”, said the Patriarch, “to comfort, strengthen and heal the country and Church of Serbia from the damages, attritions and destruction brought upon it by this century’s dark forces”.

On the conclusion of the Patriarch’s address, countless faithful rushed to receive His blessings with faith, respect, joy and exultation.

The Patriarch spent the night at the Holy Trinity Monastery in Ostrog.

In the morning, accompanied by Metropolitan Amfilohije, the Patriarch walked to the rock-strewn chapel of the Presentation of Theotokos to the Temple, wherein the relics of the Serbian Hosios Basil of Ostrog is kept. To this day, both Christians and heterodox ask for his wondrous mediation.

From there, His Beatitude walked to a recently-built chapel to venerate the relics of Neomartyr Stanko the Serbian and of the leaders of Montenegro, executed in 1945 by the Bolsheviks for protecting the holy relic of Hosios Basil.

During lunch, the Monks of St Basil Monastery offered His Beatitude an embroidered icon of Theotokos and St Basil, as well as 10.000 euro for the restoration works on the Aedicula of the Holy Sepulchre.

Then, Patriarch Theophilos visited the Zdrebaonic Monastery where the relic of Hosios Arsenius of Serbia, Second Archbishop of the Church of Serbia, are kept.

There, His Beatitude was warmly welcomed by nuns and the faithful before being courteously hosted to a reception.

The Patriarch went on to visit the Chapel of St Nikolas Vranjina, a dependency of the Holy Sepulchre.

From there, He boarded a boat and sailed to Vizpazar, a small port and seaside settlement.

There, His Beatitude and Entourage met with Patriarch Irinej of Serbia and Prelatic and Hieratic Representatives of the Orthodox Churches meant to attend the church inauguration the next day. After lunch, Patriarch Theophilos was driven to Bar, Montenegro, where, in the evening, He attended a traditional music event dedicated to the 1000th anniversary of the death of St John Vladimir.

The day closed with an official dinner hosted at the hotel by Metropolitan Amfilohije.

From the Secretariat-General