On Monday, 28th of June / 11th of July, the President of the Hellenic Republic His Excellency Mr. Karolos Papoulias, visited the Patriarchate of Jerusalem during his time in the Holy Land in the context of his official visit to the State of Israel and to the Palestinian Authority.

His Excellency the President was accompanied during this visit by his wife Mrs. Maria Papoulia and by political collaborators namely the Foreign Minister Stavros Lambrinidis, the Culture and Tourism Minister Pavlos Geroulanos, and the Deputy Environment, Energy and Climate Change Minister Yannis Maniatis. Escorts included the General Secretary of the Presidency of the Republic Ambassador Mr. Georgiou, Mr. Themistocleous Dimidou who has been General Consul of Greece in Jerusalem in the past, Mr. Dapharanou who has also been Consul of Greece in Jerusalem and the current General Consul of Greece in Jerusalem Mr. Sotirios Athanasiou. Upon his arrival, the President of the Hellenic Republic was received at the Patriarchate by His Beatitude Patriarch of Jerusalem Theophilos III along with Archbishops and other members of the Brotherhood of the Holy Sepulchre and members of the Greek Community where upon they headed to the Church of Resurrection by way of the Christian Road.

Within the Church of Resurrection, His Excellency the President along with his wife and escorts and guided by His Beatitude, venerated the Stone of Anointment, the Holy Sepulchre, the Catholicon of the Church of Resurrection and the Chapel of Adam located under the Holy Calvary.

 Then the President venerated part of the Honoured Cross kept adjacent to Adam’s Chapel at the Office of the Church Resurrection where they were received by the Sacristan Rev. Archimandrite Fr. Isidoros along with monks serving the Church of Resurrection.

 Exiting the Church of Resurrection, His Excellency the President ascended to the Patriarchate again via the Christian Road and was received therein by His Beatitude Patriarch of Jerusalem Theophilos III who addressed the honorable guest with the following:

“Your Excellency, President of the Hellenic Republic

Mr. Karolos Papoulias,

It is with joy and emotion that the venerable Brotherhood of the Holy Sepulchre welcomes Your Excellency and Your escort at the august Patriarchate of Jerusalem.

Your official visit to the State of Israel and the Palestinian Authority is very significant, not only for the political status and state of affairs of the land and the wider region of the Middle East, but also for the multi-dimensional mission of the Patriarchate of Jerusalem which incarnates the ecumenical character of the spiritual, religious and cultural heritage of Rum Hellenism.

The Hellenic nation, as an inextricable part of the pious and royal genus of the Rum Orthodox, rightfully boasts about its self–sown and inalienable privileges and sovereign titles and rights on the world-wide veneration sites such as those of the Church of the Resurrection and the Church of the Constantine Basilica in Bethlehem. This is because the moral and material contribution of the Patriarchate, through the centuries, towards and for the safeguard and preservation of the holy veneration sites, as well as towards and for of the intra–religious and the intra–Christian status quo of the Holy City of Jerusalem, happens to be absolute, undisputed and will remain undiminished.

It goes without saying that our pious Christian flock looks towards the national centre of Hellenism and its institutional representatives as the point of reference and as the point of its cultural identity respectively.

Mr. President,

The known and ‘demonstrated with deeds’ interest of the Hellenic state and of You personally, for the Patriarchate of Jerusalem and the Christian presence in the Holy Places, as well as for the peaceful coexistence and symbiosis of the people of the Middle East, has not escaped Our attention.

For this we kindly ask, on behalf of Our Brotherhood of the Holy Sepulchre and on behalf of Myself personally, that you accept the honorary distinction of the Order of the Knights of the Holy Sepulchre and along with this commemorative present.

We wish you success in Your peaceful mission.”

 During this address His Beatitude also conferred upon His Excellency the President of the Hellenic Republic the highest distinction of the Order of the Knights of the Holy Sepulchre.

 In addition to conferring the Order to the President, His Beatitude also presented His Excellency with a mother of pearl icon of the Last Supper and the book on the History of the Church of Jerusalem by the member of the Brotherhood of the Holy Sepulchre and latterly, Archbishop of Athens, Chrysostomos Papadopoulos, in its new Edition and benefaction of the Management of the official website of the Patriarchate of Jerusalem. To the President’s wife His Beatitude presented a golden cross and to the members of his escort, Jerusalemite blessings.

 The President Mr. Papoulias presented His Beatitude with a laureate garland made of gold and expressed his gratitude for the decoration he received stating that this personal honour transcends to the whole of the Hellenic nation, which intends to overcome the economic crisis that has befallen upon it.

 His Beatitude added that the nation with the power of the Honoured Cross of our Saviour Jesus Christ will look forward to the Resurrection.

 Chief Secretary’s Office.



Amman, Jordan, 2 July 2011

Your Eminences,

Your Graces,

Reverend Fathers,

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

Christ is in our midst!

 We greet you in love in the Name of Our Lord Jesus Christ, and we bring to you the spiritual blessings of the Holy Places.

The opportunity of this meeting in preparation for the General Assembly enables us to emphasize the crucial importance of the renewal of the Middle East Council of Churches. We are keen to encourage this work and to state clearly our commitment to the mission of the Council, which is to make possible the united voice of the Christian communities in the Middle East.

This mission is as urgent now as it has ever been, and we believe that this mission is paramount. The message of the Council of peace and unity is a life-giving witness, especially in this critical time for our region.

We as the Orthodox Church have a leading role to play in ensuring that the Council remains focused and clear in this mission. It is essential that we do not become distracted by loyalties of prejudices that compromise our collective witness to Our Lord Jesus Christ and the sacrificial work of the Church and all her members.

In preparation for the General Assembly, it is our hope and expectation that we shall pay particular attention to the points that have been raised for us in the documents for this meeting. Among them we should like to underscore especially these matters:

1)    We must clarify the issue of the Secretary General , and establish terms of office.

2)    We must call upon all leaders to attend the upcoming General Assembly as a priority.

3)    We must pay close attention to the report of the delegation from the Patriarchate of Alexandria on the latest developments on the work of the Council in Syria.

4)    We must give our best efforts to the examination of the record of our recent past meetings with respect to the work of the Task Force.

As we do this work to strengthen the effectiveness of the Council, we cannot overstate the weight that we assign to the significance of the renewal of the Council. We live in stern times, and we must be resolute in ensuring that we offer to the world a clear and united Christian voice. This is the greatest gift that the Council can give to our region and the world, and it is our dearest hope that this will be the focus of all our endeavors.

As we gather, we give special thanks to His Majesty King Abdullah of Jordan for his encouragement and support of the work of this Council. The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan remains a shining example in our region of democracy, progress and peaceful co- existence, where Christians enjoy real freedom of worship. May God richly bless the Kingdom and all its peoples.

My sisters and brothers, we assure you of our deep gratitude for your hard work and your commitment to the Council and its mission. These are not easy times for our region or for the world. Each of our local Orthodox Churches faces both challenges and opportunities and our role in the Middle East Council of Churches is of the utmost significance.

We have a God-given responsibility to be a living witness of the “grace of Our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God the Father, and the communion of the Holy Spirit”, so that the world may know the saving Gospel in our own day.

We ask for God’s mercy and help and we assure you all f our Patriarchal blessing and our Love in the Lord.

Thank you.

His Beatitude


Patriarch of Jerusalem


An Address to His Beatitude Tarkom Manoogian the Armenian Patriarch in Jerusalem and the Members of the Brotherhood of Saint James on the Occasion of the Easter Visit of the Delegation of the Patriarchate of Jerusalem.

Your Beatitude,

Your Eminences,

Your Graces,

Reverend Fathers,

Christ is risen! He is risen indeed!

While the Tomb was sealed,

You, O Life, did shine were shut,

You came to your disciples, O Resurrection of all,

renewing through them an upright Spirit in us

according to your great mercy.

(Apolytikion for the Sunday of Saint Thomas)

Today We greet you, Your Beatitude, in the words of this great hymn for the Sunday of Saint Thomas, and we extend to you and to the Brotherhood of Saint James our Easter Greetings and thank you for your reception. We also wish to express our best wishes and prayers to you for health and strength in your ministry.

The upright Spirit of God is the gift to us of the risen Christ. This Spirit has renewed our hearts in the light of the Resurrection, and this same Spirit will support us all and help us to continue our mission as guardians and servants of the Holy Places. The Spirit has renewal that shines from the Tomb of Our Lord Jesus Christ strengthens not only us, but the whole world.

This God-given mission has always been important. But its importance has only increased in our own time as the world experiences terrible hardship, despair, and hopelessness. The eyes of the world turn to Jerusalem in hope, and especially to the Jerusalem of the passion, the cross, the tomb and the Resurrection. Everyone looks to Jerusalem for spiritual refreshment. Just as “a dear longs for flowing streams,” so do the souls of all long for God on this City, the City that has been entrusted to our care and witness. (cf. Psalm 42 .)

People from every land have great spiritual and moral expectations of Jerusalem and the Holy Places. We know that the Holy Places are not just stones. They are living realities of the presence of God and God’s activity in sacred history. The life giving Spirit of Our Risen Lord Jesus Christ reveals this reality in and through our ministry in the Holy Places, and we are summoned to unity in our common mission so that the world may always look to the Holy Places in hope, certainty, and liberation of fear.

Throughout history humanity has suffered many atrocities, and many nations including our own, have known the experience of genocide. Genocide is nothing less than a participation in the passion and death of Our Lord Jesus Christ. And yet we declare that the end of the cross is the Resurrection, for Christ our God shines forth from the Tomb.

In this bright season of Easter, let us continue to live and serve in this renewing Spirit of Our Lord Jesus Christ. May the Light that shrines from the Tomb gladden our hearts and enlighten our minds, and renew in us faith, hope, and love, so that our mission here in the Holy Land, and in the Holy City of Jerusalem in particular, may be a beacon of the hope of resurrection, not only to ourselves, but to believers of other faiths as well.

Christ is risen! The Lord is risen indeed!

3 May 2011, His Beatitude Theophilos III,

Patriarch of Jerusalem.


Now Has dawned that day most renowned and most holy, The first of Sabbaths, Hailed as queen and sovereign. Fairest Feast feasts And most joyous celebration of all celebrations, When we tell how blessed is Christ unto all ages. (katavasia of Pascha Ode 8).

Your Beatitudes,

Your Eminences,

Your Graces,

Reverend Fathers,

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Christ is Risen! He Is risen Indeed!

We greet you in the joy of Easter, this day most renowned and holy! Indeed this day is most renowned and holy, for on this Feast of feasts God has brought us over from slavery to freedom, from darkness to light, from despair to hope, from death to life. For Christ is risen from the dead, trampling down death by death, and giving life to those in the tomb.

This is the day most renowned and holy for us, for this day shines as beacon of hope.

We know that the experience of the cross is common to all humanity. Everyone carries crosses of many kinds, and these crosses are the manifestations of difficulty, uncertainty, and fear.

But we proclaim the life-giving cross of Christ, the cross of the risen Christ, which brings life to the world. For this reason Good Friday and Holy Saturday are Inseparable for us: In the cross of the risen Christ we see the deeper meaning of the resurrection.

In speaking of Good Friday and Holy Saturday, the Church Fathers speak of harmolypy, which encompasses both “sadness and “joy” in equal measure. It signifies sadness, because for a moment on Good Friday we see our human life in the face of abandonment by God. We have a fleeting sense of the absence of God. But our joy is the realization that we are not, in fact, abandoned, and we cannot live without God’s presence.

Our mission as the Church of Christ is to be a living witness to the redemptive work of Our Lord Jesus Christ and the saving power of resurrection, by and through which Christ has made us members of his Kingdom.

Our mission is to spread the message of this day most renowned and holy to the whole world to those who do not yet know Christ and who have not yet heard the Good News.

The world continues to experience darkness, despair, uncertainty and difficulty. This is no more evident than In our own region. But we must not fear. On the contrary this Feast of feasts gives us the confidence to bear witness to the universal significance of Christ for us and for the whole world.

Our chief duty is to keep the Holy Place of this Holy Land to be what they have always been – sources of strength and encouragement to all, both members of the local Christian community and the many thousands of pilgrims from other lands who come to them, so that they may continue their lives in hope and strength, and help In building a new future for the human family of peace, justice, mutual respect, and true co-existence.

For we are not the masters of history. We serve the Master of history, who in truth is the eschaton, the fulfillment and completion of all things. May this Easter Feast enlighten our minds and warm our hearts in strengthening our commitment to our mission and moral obligation.

Christ is risen! He Is risen indeed! Thank you.

His Beatitude Theophilos III

Patriarch of Jerusalem


On Friday, March 26th / 8th April and on Saturday, March 27th / April 9th 2011, officers and crew members of the Hellenic Navy serving on the frigate «Psara» ( visited the Patriarchate.  The fleet anchored at the Haifa harbour within the framework of an international naval training and exercise mission between crews from the United States of America, Hellas (Greece) and Israel. 

On the occasion of their stay in Israel, they came to Jerusalem in order to visit His Beatitude Patriarch of Jerusalem Theophilos III and receive His fatherly/patriarchal blessings.

During both days His Beatitude welcomed  the officers and the crew in the Holy Land, and spoke to them about the spiritual work of the Patriarchate of Jerusalem and answered their questions.

Afterwards, the Head of the group thanked His Beatitude and presented Him with the coat of arms of the frigate. His Beatitude gave the officers medals celebrating the 2000 years of Christianity, the book by Mr. Votokopoulos on the illustrated manuscripts of the Patriarchate’s Central Library, and the book by Mr. Demitrakopoulos on the place of Baptism of the Lord whilst bestowing Jerusalemite blessings upon the crew.

Following that, the delegation had the opportunity to visit the Church of the Resurrection venerating the Holy Sepulchre, the Calvary and the Most Sacred Veneration sites within the Church.

Chief Secretary’s Office.



On Friday, March 26th / April 8th of 2011, His Beatitude Patriarch of Jerusalem Theophilos III received at the Patriarchate His Eminence Željko Puljić Archbishop of Zadar (Croatia – Hrvatska) of the Roman Catholic Church, together with the Chief Secretary of his Metropolis Prof. Dr. Adelbert Rebic and a group of 35 pilgrims. Within the framework of this visit His Beatitude in the name of the Patriarchate thanked the Archbishop of Zadar since his predecessor late Archbishop of Zadar Mons. Ivan Prendja, responded positively to the request made by the Patriarchate of Jerusalem to provide a piece of the sacred relic of Saint Symeon the ‘Theothohos’ – God Receiver kept at Zadar, and moreover, in honouring the initial request, the Archbishop of Zadar His Eminence Željko Puljić completed the process for the granting of this piece of the relic.

The delivery of the piece of the honourable relic took place at the Cathedral Church of Saint Symeon at Zadar on the 7th of September 2010 when it was presented to the delegation of the Patriarchate of Jerusalem namely His Eminence Theophylaktos Archbishop of Jordan and Patriarchal Representative in Bethlehem, and Reverend Archimandrite Fr. Makarios the Patriarchal Representative in Qatar.  The delegation returned to Jerusalem with the piece of the sacred Relic, whereupon it was deposited with solemnity at the Church of Saint Symeon ‘Kata Monas’, on Sunday the 4th / 17th of October 2010, via a panegyric Holy Liturgy presided by His Beatitude Patriarch of Jerusalem Theophilos III concelebrating with His Eminence Aristarchos Archbishop of Constantina and Elder Chief Secretary, His Eminence Methodios Archbishop of Mt. Tabor and  President of the Patriarchate’s Economic Committee along with His Eminence Theodosios Archbishop of Sevasteia.

His Beatitude addressed the Archbishop of Zadar saying that «in demonstration of the gratitude of the Patriarchate for this event, We have decided to decorate You with the medal of the Bearer of the Cross of the Holy Sepulchre».

The Archbishop Mons. Željko Puljić thanked His Beatitude for the honour bestowed upon him and his Archiodesce and presented to His Beatitude an album containing the documents pertaining to the delivery of the piece of the sacred relic and invited Him to visit the Metropolis of Zadar.  The pilgrims who escorted the Archbishop of Zadar chanted, for the benefit of His Beatitude, the Dismissal Hymn of Saint Symeon in Croatian.

His Beatitude presented to the Archbishop of Zadar the book by Professor Votokopoulos on the illustrated manuscripts of the Patriarchal Library whilst to the priests accompanying him presented them celebratory medals of the 1500 year history of the Patriarchate, and to the group members He gave icons and Jerusalemite benedictions.

In the evening of the same day the Archbishop of Zadar, together with his escort and the pilgrims, visited the Monastery of Saint Symeon in the neighborhood ‘Kata Monas’, where the received piece of His sacred relic is now kept by the grave of the Saint.  There, they were received courteously by the Superior Reverend Archimandrite Fr. Theodoritos who had also endeavoured much for the obtainment of this sacred treasure of the Monastery.

Chief Secretary’s Office.



On the Day of Veneration of the Cross, Sunday the 14th / 27th of March 2011, after the Holy Liturgy at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, His Beatitude Patriarch of Jerusalem Theophilos III, accompanied by Archdeacon Fr. Athanasios, departed for a two day private visit to Ukraine.  His Beatitude was invited by the Institute of Human Rights and Prevention of Extremism and Xenophobia in order to deliver a lecture as the main speaker at the international conference “World religions and civil societies united against hatred and extremism” convened in Kiev on the 28th and  29th of March 2011. The invitation extended to His Beatitude by the founder of the aforementioned Institute, Mr. Oleksandr Feldman MP, is as follows (please access the Universal Remote Locator [URL]: ).

The lecture delivered by His Beatitude is as follows (please access the Universal Remote Locator [URL]: ).

Any interested party may find details regarding this particular Conference in the article by Mr. Jonah Mandel published in the newspaper “The Jerusalem Post” on Wednesday, March 30th 2011 (please access the Universal Remote Locators [URLs]: ).

Chief Secretary’s Office.



28 March 2011,

“World religions and civil societies united against hatred and extremism”

Keynote speech

Your Beatitude,

Metropolitan of Ukraine, Mr. Vladimir,

Distinguished Participants,

Dear Mr Feldmann,

There is no doubt that we must face the issue of violence and intolerance squarely in any discussion about the fights against hatred and extremism.

We have continuously and consistently heard that either religion is the problem at the root of violence, or that it is part of the problem. We cannot escape the fact that some adherents of all three major monotheistic faiths have cloaked their acts of violence with the mantle of religious principle. This must be a cause for honesty and repentance.

We have gathered at this Conference to listen to one another. Throughout our journey in this Conference and others, we have been hearing speakers remind us, quite rightly, that it is a perversion of the fundamental tenets of Judaism, Christianity and Islam to use these traditions to justify acts of violence and terrorism, and that it is the duty of those who do understand religion as a tool for peace to condemn violence quickly and without equivocation. We are called so to teach and preach that the faithful of our traditions understand clearly the role of religion for the building of just and lasting peace in our world.

In the cause of resisting violence and promoting non-violence and coexistence, the role of religious leaders, especially the clergy, is crucial. We do not believe that the clergy should behave like politicians; clergy have different, but equally serious ethical, theological and pastoral responsibilities.

But we do consider that, just as political leaders must be shaped by the moral principles of their religious traditions, in the same way religious leaders have a role in forming congregations and communities of faithful people to exercise responsible citizenship. This role manifests itself at the grass-roots level through educating our congregations and the general public on the importance of peaceful co-existence; in providing social services that focus on the equality of all people regardless of religious or ethnic differences; in taking strong positions in denouncing violence; in leading and participating in public and private dialogue between different religions and ethnicities; and in supporting initiatives, institutions and leaders who are committed to the same social and civic good.

You will forgive us if, as an Orthodox clergyman, we use an important Greek word in this context- the word “symbiosis”. With respect to peace-building the Patriarchate of Jerusalem understands the essential role of symbiosis -of living together in society in a way that is based on genuine mutual respect, support and forbearance. We think, for example, of the history of Christian-Muslim relations in the Holy Land over the last 1400 years, and we recall the foundation that was laid between our predecessor, Patriarch Sofronios and the Caliph Omar –Al ‘Udha Al – ‘Umariyya – was issued, and it remains the basis for all subsequent law and regulation of relations between the religious communities of the Holy Land. In this part of what contributes to genuine symbiosis and to communities that understand each other’s customs, traditions and beliefs.

As we reflect on issues of violence and peace-building, we must always begin and end with our understanding of God, and of our relationship with God. The Scriptures ad the theological traditions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam give us ample help.

Let us remember together this afternoon just a handful of texts that we all know so well, but with which it is important always to be in close relationship:

Of Jerusalem the prophet Isaiah says: “Violence shall no more be heard in your land, devastation or destruction within your borders”. (Isaiah 60: 18).

In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus is clear about the role of peace-making when he says “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God”. (Mt 5:9).

In one of his earliest letters, Saint Paul calls God, “the God of peace”, and in an early Christian document, the letter of Saint Ignatius of Antioch to the Ephesians, we read the clear words “Nothing is better than peace, by which every battle is abolished, whether waged by those in heaven or by those on earth”. (ad. Eph. 13:2).

Let these voices from Scripture and tradition and the call that is ours to be those who live in a true God-given symbiosis, be our encouragement and our guiding principles as we continue to strive to free ourselves from the destructive nature of violence, hatred and extremism; and build peace and mutual respect.

Thank you.

His Beatitude


Patriarch of Jerusalem


15 March 2011

“Your Excellency,

Respected Members of the Delegation from Ukraine,

Mr. Ambassador,

Your Eminences,

Ladies and Gentlemen

As we enter the second week of this season of Great Lent, we welcome you, Your Excellency, to the city of Jerusalem, to the Holy Land, and to the Patriarchate of Jerusalem. As we do so, we welcome you not simply in your capacity as the Prime Minister of the Ukraine, but as a pilgrim. We welcome also the members of your delegation who are accompanying you. In this respect, your visit here at this time is of crucial importance for both political and religious reasons. We emphasize this because religion lies at the heart of the basis for all that will determine a lasting reconciliation between the communities of this city and region. As you are aware, the Patriarchate, representing as we do the Christian world at large and the Orthodox Church in particular, plays a fundamental role.

We are pleased at your presence also because for centuries the Patriarchate of Jerusalem has been the historical, cultural and spiritual link between the Holy Land and the people of the Ukraine. In the first half of the 17th century our predecessors the great Patriarchs Theofanes III and Paisios contributed significantly to the cultural and religious identity of the people of Ukraine in a crucial era in the history and life of your country. This created a unique bond between us that flourishes to this day.

During more recent times of suffering, persecution, war and difficulty, the Patriarchate of Jerusalem has continued to be a spiritual consolation to the Ukrainian people. In our own day we are thankful to God for opening the doors to thousands of pilgrims from the Ukraine each year to the Holy Land, where we are pleased to accommodate them in the life of the Mother Church. The Patriarchate of Jerusalem is the spiritual source for all Ukrainians who come here as pilgrims or to live among us, and we rejoice in the diversity in unity that their presence among us signifies.

As we welcome you, Your Excellency, and encourage you on your journey, we are pleased to take this opportunity to invest you as a Knight of the Holy Sepulchre. May this be a sign to all of the historical and spiritual ties between the Patriarchate of Jerusalem and the people of the Ukraine, as well as of the unity of all our Orthodox faithful tat are dispersed in the countries of our Patriarchal jurisdiction,, that is Israel, Palestine, Jordan and even the Emirate of Qatar. This jurisdiction is recognized by the respective political authorities.

In acknowledging your efforts in establishing closer relations with the authorities of our region, we take this opportunity to bestow upon you, Your Excellency, and all the people of the Ukraine, whether dwelling in their homeland or scattered abroad, our Patriarchal blessing and our best wishes for your visit and pilgrimage to the Holy Land”.

His Beatitude Theophilos III

Patriarch of Jerusalem


On Clean/Ash Wednesday, 24th of February / 11th of March 2011, after the Holy Liturgy of the Pre–Sanctified Gifts [Offerings], His Beatitude, our Father and Patriarch of Jerusalem Theophilos III, received Mr. Manuel Quintero, representative in charge of the “Ecumenical Accompaniment Program” of the World Council of Churches (W.C.C.) in Israel and  the Palestinian Authority.  This Program aims at promoting the peace process between Israelis and Palestinians. Within the framework of the meeting His Beatitude spoke about the philanthropic role of the Patriarchate, underlining the benevolent work done by the Institute of the Orthodox Ladies at Bethany «Sik Sek» and the philanthropic and pastoral work effected by the Patriarchate at Burkin in the district of Samaria, in order that the Ecumenical Accompaniment Program can aid the aforementioned work.

The visitors expressed their willingness to collaborate with the Patriarchate and proffered their support and aid for the poor of our flock and the other Christian and non–Christian Communities.

Chief Secretary’s Office.
