On Wednesday the 17th/30th of April 2014, Princess Margareta of Romania, Custodian of the Romanian Crown, and HRH Prince Radu, visited the Patriarchate.

These highly esteemed visitors were warmly received by His Beatitude Theophilos, our Father and Patriarch of Jerusalem, and Hagiotaphite Fathers.

The prince couple reported how happy and touched they were for being received by the Patriarch of the Mother of Churches during the period of the resurrection, and that they had already been received by the Ecumenical Patriarchate, the Patriarchate of Alexandria, the Patriarchate of Serbia and the Patriarchate of Georgia.

The prince and princess were accompanied by the Romanian Ambassador to Israel, Mrs Andrea Păstârnac, in the framework of their visit to the state of Israel, between 30 April and 1 May, in their official capacity as prince and princess, recognized by the state of Romania.

In the context of this visit, His Beatitude talked about the Patriarchate’s pastoral and peace-making work, from its beginning to this day, in the multi-religious, multinational and inflammable political setting of the Middle East.

During the visit, His Beatitude offered the prince couple pectoral crosses and the book on the History of the Church of Jerusalem by Chrysostomos Papadopoulos.

Extending thanks for the gifts, the prince and princess went on to venerate at the Holy Sepulcher, where they were received by the Elder Sacristan, His Eminence Isidoros, Archbishop of Hierapolis.

From the Secretariat-General 



On Tuesday the 16th/29th of April 2014, His Eminence, Archbishop Leo of Karelia and All Finland visited the Patriarchate of Jerusalem, accompanied by three clerics, a nun and a subdeacon.

Earlier on the same day, the Archbishop of Finland was welcomed at Ben Gurion Airport by the Most Reverend Isychios, Metropolitan of Kapitolias; His Eminence Theophylaktos, Archbishop of Jordan, and the Director of the Christian Affairs Department at the Israeli Ministry of Religious Affairs, Mr Cesar Margie.

At 6:00 pm of the same day, the Archbishop of Finland was officially welcomed at David’s Gate by the representative of the Patriarch of Jerusalem, Patriarchal Commissioner Isychios, Metropolitan of Kapitolias, and Hagiotaphite Fathers. Also present were representatives of the Christian Churches in Jerusalem, Mr Cesar Margie, the Finnish Ambassador to Israel, Mrs Leena-Kaisa Mikkola, and a crowd of Orthodox people.

From there, they walked to the Patriarchate to meet His Beatitude Theophilos and, amidst bells ringing, they proceeded to the All-holy Church of the Resurrection.

There, the two Prelates venerated at the Holy Apokathelosis whereas the Archbishop of Finland blessed the burned incense.

They went on to venerate at the Holy Sepulcher, where the Gospel of the Resurrection was read out in Finnish by the Archbishop of Finland.

From there they entered the Katholikon, where Doxology was performed.

After Doxology, His Beatitude made an address in Greek, reached here in English:

The addresses were followed by veneration at the Holy Golgotha and return to the Patriarchates.

At the Patriarchates, His Beatitude the Patriarch of Jerusalem addressed the Archbishop of Finland in Greek, reached here in English:

His Beatitude went on to decorate the Archbishop of Finland with the Grand Cross of the Knights Order of the Holy Sepulcher for His contribution to ecclesiastical life and the prevalence of justice and peace. He also offered Him a set of prelatic engolpiya, an icon of Theotokos and the book of Chrysostomos Papadopoulos on the Church of Jerusalem. Also offered were Jerusalemite icons to the members of His retinue.

Extending thanks for the decoration and reception, His Eminence the Archbishop of Finland offered His Beatitude a miraculous icon of Theotokos from the Monastery of Valamo of the Orthodox Church of Finland, bearing the name “Jerusalemite”.

From the Secretariat-General



On the afternoon of Monday the 15th/28th of April 2014, His Beatitude Theophilos, our Father and Patriarch of Jerusalem, accompanied by His Eminence Aristarchos, Archbishop of Constantina, and the Very Reverend Archimandrite Hieronymos, Hegoumen at Fhes, paid a visit to the Qatari Ambassador to Jordan, Mr Zaed Al-Hajri.

An interesting discussion took place in the context of this meeting, regarding the economic strengthening of the state of Qatar, provided after examination, revision and transparency so that it may be used in an uncorrupted manner by struggling peoples for their development.

Similarly, reference was made to the presence of the Patriarchate of Jerusalem in Qatar through its church and its representative there, His Eminence Makarios, Archbishop of Qatar. The said presence was initiated when the current Patriarch of Jerusalem, at the time an Archimandrite, visited Qatar upon the approval of the late Patriarch Diodoros of Jerusalem.

Fervent wishes were expressed for the continuation of this collaboration, for the benefit of Qatari citizens and inhabitants, Muslims and Christians alike.

From the Secretariat-General


Since Bright Wednesday, the 10th/23rd of April 2014 onwards, Pascal visits were made to the Patriarchate by members of Greek Orthodox (Rum Orthodox) Communities hailing from Jerusalem and other cities and towns within the Patriarchate’s jurisdiction, namely Bethlehem, Beit-Jala, Shepherds Village, Jifna, Birzet, Ramla and Aboud. Visits were also made by pilgrims from Russia, Romania and Serbia.

These visitors, clerics and laymen alike, were received with Pascal wishes by His Beatitude Theophilos, our Father and Patriarch of Jerusalem. The visitors chanted “Christ Has Risen” and “The Day of Resurrection” in Greek and in their own language. His Beatitude extended His wishes for the feast of Easter and offered them Paschal eggs and Jerusalemite eulogias.

From the Secretariat-General



On Bright Tuesday, the 9th/22nd of April 2014, the long since established Paschal visits of Christian Churches to the Patriarchate took place.

In the context of this institution, Franciscan monks visited our Patriarchate under their Abbot and Custodian of the Holy Land, f. Pierrebatista Pizzaballa.

The monks were received by Hagiotaphite Fathers, under Patriarch Theophilos of Jerusalem.

Through the address of the Franciscan custodian and the reply speech of His Beatitude, this year’s common celebration of Easter was underlined, together with the current collaboration between Christian Churches in the Holy Sepulcher. A wish was made that this collaboration shall continue for the benefit of Christians in the Holy Land.

The Franciscans were followed by other Churches, the Latin Patriarchate, the Lutherans, the Copts, the Syrians, the Anglicans and persons linked to them.

The Latin Patriarch in Jerusalem made an address on behalf of all, whereas His Beatitude replied in English, see:

Subsequently, the Patriarchate was visited by Mr Azam Hadib, President of the Waqf of Solomon’s Temple. Mr Hadib is in charge of the area of the Temple of Solomon – Haram-al-Sharif as well as shrines connected to it, in the name of Jordan and the Palestinian Autonomy.

In his address, Mr Hadib talked of respect for the rights of every Community in Jerusalem, and the significance of a peaceful religious coexistence.

Around noon, the Patriarchate was visited by the Armenians, under His Eminence Archbishop Ari Savrenian. During the meeting, wishes were exchanged for a harmonious Christian coexistence in the Holy Land, devoid of altercations.

His Beatitude Theophilos replied in English, see link:

From the Secretariat-General




On Saturday, the 23rd of March/5th of April 2014, thirty representatives including the Captain and crew members of the Hellenic Navy “Salamis” frigate, accompanied by Mr Panayiotou, Military Attaché of the Greek Embassy to Tel Aviv, visited the Patriarchate in the context of a naval exercise involving the vessel in collaboration with the Israeli Navy.

His Beatitude Theophilos, Patriarch of Jerusalem, warmly received the delegation and went on to explain how the Hellenic tradition has been maintained in the Holy Land through the centuries. Before leaving the Patriarchate, guests were offered Jerusalemite eulogias.

From the Secretariat-General



On the morning of Friday the 22nd of March/4th of April 2014, the choir of Alimos Music School, headed by Principal Mr Constantinos Pouis and under the musical guidance of Music Teacher Mrs Ioanna Angelou, visited the Patriarchate.

The delegation from Alimos School was received by His Beatitude Theophilos, our Father and Patriarch of Jerusalem, in the presence of Hagiotaphite Fathers. His Beatitude welcomed students to the Holy Land as angels of peace, since through music man is reconciled with God and his fellow men. He went on to explain the religious, peacemaking and cultural work of the Patriarchate in the Holy Land, before praising their initiative for veneration and music performance. His Beatitude also expressed interest in carrying on this initiative, by means of a collaboration between the choir and Patriarchal choirs, and also through students at the Alimos School wishing to study at the Patriarchate’s Hieratical School. Following His Beatitude’s address, the choir chanted the hymns “Christ Has Risen”, “Hail, Holy Sion” and the Patriarchal Polychronism.

His Beatitude offered teachers and students alike Hagiotaphite Jerusalemite eulogias and wished that they enjoy their pilgrimage tour and succeed in their school courses.

From the Secretariat-General



On Thursday the 21st of March/3rd of April 2014, 100 members of the Patriarchate’s Community in Abu-Snan, in the region of Accra, Northern Israel, visited His Beatitude Theophilos, Patriarch of Jerusalem, to thank Him for His visit to their Community and parish and for the nocturnal Divine Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts in the Church of St George, at which His Beatitude officiated on Wednesday the 13th/26th of March.

From the Secretariat-General



On Thursday the 21st of March/3rd of April 2014, Mr Ramzi Carborani, Director of the Office of Palestinian Prime Minister Mr Rami Hamdallah, accompanied by Archimandrite Galaktion, Hegoumen at the Church of the Transfiguration in Ramallah, visited the Patriarchate.

Mr Carborani was received by His Beatitude Theophilos, our Father and Patriarch of Jerusalem. The meeting included a constructive discussion on the position of the Christians in the Holy Land as well as on protection and facilitation measures secured on their behalf by the Patriarchate.

From the Secretariat-General



In the morning of Saturday the 16th/29th of March 2014, a delegation of thirty representatives of Sweden’s Christian Churches visited the Patriarchate.

The delegation, numbering approximately thirty pilgrims, represents Christian Churches in Sweden, namely Orthodox, Roman-Catholics, Lutherans, Ante-Chalcidonians etc.

The group, which is representative of the Christian entity in Sweden, living in liberty, was received by H.B. Theophilos, our Father and Patriarch of Jerusalem, and Hagiotaphite Fathers.

To the members of this group, clerics and laymen alike, His Beatitude spoke about the Patriarchate as the Church of the Holy Land, assigned since the early days of Christianity with the spiritual guidance of Christians in the Holy Land, the safekeeping of the Holy Pilgrimage Sites, and management of the property which allows the preservation of Christians in the Holy Land.

The work of the Patriarchate also extends to philanthropy, as demonstrated in the case of the displaced from Syria, and to education, by maintaining its Schools.

At the end of the discussion, His Beatitude offered all members of the group Jerusalemite Hagiotaphite eulogias, after which they went on to visit the Christian Communities in Jerusalem and the occupied areas.

From the Secretariat-General