On Thursday, the 7th/20th of November 2014, a twenty-member group of Cyprus Police Officers, led by Nicosia District Commissioner Demetrios Demetriou, visited the Patriarchate.

The delegation was received by H.B. Theophilos, Patriarch of Jerusalem, in the presence of Hagiotaphite Fathers. During the meeting, His Beatitude referred to the spiritual aid granted to pilgrims visiting the Holy Sites of Pilgrimage that are drenched with the blood of our Saviour, Jesus Christ. He also talked of the long links connecting the Church of Jerusalem to the Church of Cyprus since the years of the New Testament and along the course of the history of the Church, as attested by the pastoral diaconate of Cypriot Hagiotaphites, e.g. St George the Cypriot of Hozeva and the New-Martyr Hagiotaphite, St Philoumen the Cypriot.

The District Commissioner thanked His Beatitude for His fervent words and pledged to offer the help of the Cyprus Police to the Patriarchate as well as to the recently restored Exarchate of the Holy Sepulcher in Cyprus.

Having received His Beatitude’s blessing, the police officers carried on their pilgrimage on the way to the Holy Sepulcher and the other Shrines.

From the Secretariat-General



On Tuesday, the 19th of October/11th of November 2014, Mr Seraphim Tsokas, General Secretary of Civil Protection at the Hellenic Ministry of Public Order, visited the Patriarchate. Mr Tsokas was accompanied by his esteemed wife and Greece’s Consul-General to Jerusalem, Mr Georgios Zacharoudiakis.

Mr Tsokas and his attendants were received by H.B., Patriarch Theophilos of Jerusalem, and Hagiotaphite Fathers.

An interesting discussion took place during the meeting, on the historical and statutory responsibility of the Patriarchate to safeguard the Holy Sites of Pilgrimage, as well as the need to maintain the current status of veneration, as the only way to achieve a safe and peaceful coexistence between followers of different Christian denominations in the Holy Land and by extension, of the three monotheistic religions.

Indicative of the aforementioned stance of the Patriarchate was the visit, yesterday, of the Heads of Christian Churches in the Holy Land to the Mosque of Omar area. The visit was conducted in support of the prevalent status applied in the area, against extreme Jewish religious elements attempting to alter it.

On the conclusion of Mr Tsokas’ visit, His Beatitude offered him the book on the Church of Jerusalem by Chrysostomos Papadopoulos, as well as Jerusalemite blessings.

Mr Tsokas then left the Patriarchate in order to venerate at the Church of the Resurrection and the Holy Sepulcher.

From the Secretariat-General



On Sunday, the 20th of October/2nd of November 2014, the Mayor of the City Kiev, Mr Vitaliy Klychko, an internationally acclaimed boxing champion, visited the Patriarchate. He was accompanied by the Ambassador of Ukraine to Israel, Mr Hennadii Nadolenko, and by Avrum Silman.

They were received by H.B. Theophilos, Patriarch of Jerusalem, and Hagiotaphite Fathers.

An interesting discussion took place in the context of the meeting, on the current situation in Ukraine and how it could be cured in the Ecumenical spirit of Orthodoxy, which includes all nations and, while respecting their national singularity, keeps them joined to its core.

Reference was also made to the importance of the city of Jerusalem and to the Patriarchate’s religious and peacemaking work in the wider Middle East region. The pastoral activities of late Patriarchs of Jerusalem were also brought up, i.e. Patriarchs Theophanes and Paisios, protectors of the Orthodox flock from the Latin propaganda.

Mr Vitaliy Klychko expressed his conviction that sports contribute to man’s physical wellbeing, whereas His Beatitude recalled the ancient Greeks’ motto – ‘a healthy mind in a healthy body’, adding that extreme religious and political elements must be tackled through initiatives that could keep the youth on the way to healthy destinations.

Gifts were exchanged between Mr Klychko and His Beatitude, as the Patriarch wished that the Mayor play a conciliatory role in Ukraine’s political problem through the mediation of Theotokos.

From the Secretariat-General


On Thursday, the 17th/30th of October 2014, the Director of the Tantur Institute, Rev. Fr. Russell K. McDougal, accompanied by his assistant, Mr Daniel Koski, visited the Patriarchate.

The Institute, which stands to the right of the central Jerusalem street to Bethlehem, at a short distance from the Monastery of the Prophet Elias, was founded in 1970 as a center for studies on the promotion of Christian unity and support of Christians in the Holy Land.

Fr. Russell K. McDougal was received by H.B. Theophilos, Patriarch of Jerusalem.

A discussion took place during the meeting on the incessant history of the Orthodox Patriarchate in the Holy Land and on its willingness and readiness to either participate in or undertake initiatives towards the education and financial support of Christians in the Holy Land, so that they may overcome the adversities of the political situation and remain in their ancestral homes.

His Beatitude went on to offer the Director of Tantur a copy of the “History of the Church of Jerusalem” by Chrysostomos Papadopoulos and wished him a fruitful diaconate in promoting the science of Theology and the benefit of the Holy Land’s Church members.

From the Secretariat-General




On Wednesday, the 9th/22nd of October 2014, the Ukrainian Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Honourable Pavlo Klikmkin, accompanied by the Ukrainian ambassador to Tel Aviv and a group of his associates, visited the Patriarchate.

His Excellency the Minister and his retinue were warmly received by H.B. Patriarch Theophilos of Jerusalem, and Hagiotaphite Fathers. An interesting discussion took place during the meeting, on the principles and values of Orthodoxy and how difficult it is today to safeguard them in the face of globalization and the European Union’s terms and conditions. Reference was also made to the fact that the Church does not interfere in political affairs.

On the occasion of the meeting, His Beatitude conferred on Mr Klimkin the medal of the Great Crusader of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulcher, in recognition of his contribution to the “synallelia”, namely symphony, between the Church and the State.

Touched, the Honourable Mr Klimkin thanked His Beatitude and pledged to dedicate all his powers towards serving his country and the Orthodox Church in the struggle for man’s salvation. He then went on to venerate at the Holy Sepulcher, Calvary and the Church of the Resurrection.

From the Secretariat-General



On Tuesday, the 8th/21st of October 2014, representatives of the Van Leer Jerusalem Institute, amongst whom Mrs Chrysi Kotsyfou of Greece, and Mr Samuel Rubenson, alongside their associates in organizing a Conference on Early Palestinian Monasticism , visited Patriarch Theophilos of Jerusalem.

The representatives were warmly received by His Beatitude, who went on to talk to them on the beginning and continuation of Orthodox monasticism in the Holy Land, as well as its contribution to Church life and civilization. Patriarch Theophilos has responded positively to the Institute’s invitation to open the Conference’s deliberations, on the following day. Further details will be posted on the Website in due time.

From the Secretariat-General


On Monday, the 30th of September/13th of October 2014, “Nea Dimokratia” MP, the Rt. Hon. Mrs Maria Antoniou, visited the Patriarchate accompanied by Archimandrite Galaktion, in the presence of the Greek Consul-General to Jerusalem, Mr Georgios Zacharoudiakis.

Mrs Antoniou was courteously received by H.B., Patriarch Theophilos of Jerusalem, the Patriarchal Commissioner, the Most Reverend Metropolitan Isychios of Kapitolias, and the Secretary of the Holy and Sacred Synod, His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios of Lydda.

An interesting discussion took place during the meeting, on the centuries-long presence of Greek Orthodox Christians in the regions falling within the Patriarchate’s jurisdiction, their current situation in the Middle East, the Patriarchate’s peacemaking role and its harmonious collaboration with the governments of Israel and the Palestinian Autonomy. His Beatitude also referred to the archeological and architectural interest pertaining to the Church of the Resurrection, the Holy Sepulcher and all holy shrines within Jerusalem.

After the discussion, His Beatitude offered Mrs Antoniou the “History of the Church of Jerusalem” edition by Chrysostomos Papadopoulos, a pectoral mother-of-pearl cross, and an icon of Theotokos and the Holy Sepulcher.

From the Secretariat-General




On Thursday, the 26th of September/9th of October 2014, a group of pilgrims consisting of approximately 50 young men and women, from the flock of the Mafraq Community in Northern Jordan, visited the Patriarchate. They were accompanied by the Patriarchal Commissioner, His Eminence Philoumenos, Archbishop of Pella.

The pilgrims were courteously received by H.B., Patriarch Theophilos of Jerusalem, in the presence of Hagiotaphite Fathers. During the meeting, the Patriarch listened to issues of concern to them, as well as to the Christian activities they pursue in their parish, that of the Dormition of Theotokos, led by f. Demetrios. This particular Christian youth group has founded an excellent church choir performing Byzantine music under the direction of Mr Rami Samawi.

On this occasion, the young men and women sang church hymns in Arabic, i.e. the kontakion for the Exaltation of the Cross, the Dormition of Theotokos, and of Resurrection Day, as well as His Beatitude’s Polychronism.

Patriarch Theophilos offered the youth Jerusalemite blessings, after which they left to venerate at the Holy Sepulcher and other shrines in the Old City of Jerusalem.

From the Secretariat-General



On Friday, the 6th/19th of September 2014, the 6th International Commission for Dialogue  between Orthodox and Anglicans visited the Patriarchate, after having venerated at the Holy Sepulcher and at the Church of the Resurrection of the Lord.

The Dialogue Commission was received by H.B., Patriarch Theophilos of Jerusalem, and Hagiotaphite Fathers.

His Beatitude praised the effort to carry on the Dialogue and wished that the All-Holy Spirit illuminate their work towards mutual understanding and rapprochement in the benefit of the faithful adhering to both Churches.

Patriarch Theophilos went on to underline the work undertaken by the Patriarchate as regards the safekeeping of the All-Holy Sites of Veneration, as well as the protection and pastoral custody of Christians in the Holy Land.

Partakers in the Dialogue, mainly Bishops and priests, thanked His Beatitude for receiving them and also for attending, the day before, the opening of their deliberations. They also asked for His blessing and prayers towards fruitful and advantageous decisions.

From the Secretariat-General



On Thursday, the 5th/18th of September 2014, the 6th Meeting of the International Commission for Theological Dialogue between Orthodox and Anglicans opened officially at the conference hall near St George’s Anglican Church.

Participating in the meeting were: the Patriarchate of Alexandria, represented by the Most Reverend Seraphim, Metropolitan of Zimbabwe; the Patriarchate of Jerusalem, represented by Archimandrite Aristovoulos, who has succeeded f. Georgios Dragas, Protopresbyter and professor at the Boston Theological School of the Holy Cross; the Church of Cyprus, represented by the Most Reverend Chrysostomos, Metropolitan of Kition. The Patriarchates of Antioch, Russia and Serbia were also represented at the meeting. Mr Christos Christakis, presbyter of the Archbishopric of America, served as Secretary-General of the Commission on behalf of the Orthodox.

The Anglican Bishop in Jerusalem, Mr Suheil Dawani, opened the dialogue with a brief report on Christians in the Holy Land, and the contribution of the Church to them through educational institutions and hospitals, citing as example the Gaza hospital which tended to the wounded in the midst of hostilities.

His Beatitude Theophilos, Patriarch of Jerusalem, welcomed participants with an address in English, see:

Welcoming speeches were also delivered by the well-known professor and Assistant to the Bishop of Diokleia, Kallistos (Timothy Ware) representing the Ecumenical Patriarchate, and the Archbishop of Perth, Australia, co-chairing the meeting on behalf of the Anglican Church.

The event was followed by a wider discussion among participants in the Church Forecourt.

 From the Secretariat-General