At noon of Tuesday, the 20th of July/2nd of August 2016, the Greek Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr Demetrios Mardas, accompanied by the new Consul-General to Jerusalem, Mr Christos Sofianopoulos, Consul Vasileios Koinis, and associates of his, visited the Patriarchate.

Deputy Minister Mardas and his entourage were welcomed by H.B. Theophilos, Patriarch of Jerusalem, the Patriarchal Commissioner, Metropolitan Isychios of Kapitolias, the Elder Secretary-General, the Assistant Dragoman and other Hagiotaphite Fathers.

In the context of the visit, an interesting discussion took place on the Monastery of the Prophet Elias and the significance of the region where the Prophet’s memory was recently observed. Reference was also made to the importance of the Holy Sites of Veneration and the protection of Christians in the Holy Land.

The Patriarchate’s mediation for the resolution of veneration and intercommunal problems in Jerusalem was also pointed out.

On this occasion, Patriarch Theophilos informed the Deputy Minister of restoration works on the Aedicula of the Holy Sepulchre, now underway according to the study conducted by the Nationtal Technical University of Athens and coordinated by Professor A. Moropoulou.

As a token of remembrance, His Beatitude offered Mr Mardas an icon of the Nativity of Christ, and received a medal shaped after an “olkas” sail ship.

From the Secretariat-General



On Thursday, the 15th/28th of July 2016, His Beatitude Theophilos, Patriarch of Jerusalem, visited the Acropolis of Lindos in Rhodes. Toured on the site, the Patriarch admired the ancient Temple dated to the Classical Period, and the Byzantine Church, both restored from the ruins, as well as the entire citadel, surrounded by a wall dated to the Venetian period. From the top of the site, His Beatitude enjoyed the serene, wonderful view to the South and the small port where Paul, the Apostle of the Nations, had anchored.

The site abounded with numerous visitors, either on foot or riding donkeys. At the foothills of the Acropolis, His Beatitude was keen to observe handiwork made by the residents of the local settlement. At the settlement, accompanied by Metropolitan Kyrillos of Rhodes, Patriarch Theophilos visited the small underground chapel of St George “Chostos” and the beautiful Church of the Dormition of Theotokos, dated to the 17th c. The entire church is covered by wall-paintings. Adjacent to it is a museum of ecclesiastical items.

At noon of the same day, His Beatitude, accompanied by Metropolitan Kyrillos, left Rhodes for Athens by airplane. From Athens he boarded a flight of Aegean Airlines and arrived safely in Tel Aviv and from there to Jerusalem, praising God for His visit to Rhodes, which is expected to contribute to the promotion and success of the restoration of the Aedicula of the Holy Sepulchre, already underway.

From the Secretariat-General



On Wednesday, the 14th/27th of July 2016, H.B. Theophilos, Patriarch of Jerusalem, accompanied by the Elder Secretary-General, Archbishop Aristarchos of Constantina, Hierodeacon Markos, Professor A. Moropoulou of the NTUA, the former Ambassador of Greece to Jordan, and then to Lithuania, M. H. Asteriades, visited the island of Simi by ship.

There, the Patriarch visited the holy site of the Archangel-Panormites, where He was warmly welcomed by the clerics of the Bishopric of Simi and a crowd of pilgrims praying for the Archangel’s help and protection. After venerating, His Beatitude and Entourage prayed to the Archangel for the success of restoration works on the Holy Aedicula, now underway.

They then admired the wall-painting in 17th c. Cretan style and the tokens of gratitude brought by those helped by the Archangel. They went on to visit the Ecclesiastical Museum, rich in ecclesiastical exhibits.

Around noon, the Patriarch visited the “Aigialos” beach, where he was courteously hosted to lunch by Professor Moropoulou, the Mayor and the hospitable inhabitants of Simi.

On the evening of the same day, His Beatitude sat at dinner hosted in His honour by the Rhodes Association of Hoteliers and their President, Mr Antonios Kambourakis.

From the Secretariat-General



On Tuesday, the 13th/26th of July 2016, His Beatitude Theophilos, Patriarch of Jerusalem, aiming to promote the restoration works underway on the Aedicula of the Holy Sepulchre, with the agreement of the Franciscan Order, visited Santa Maria-Dormition of Theotokos Church in Rhodes. There, the Patriarch and His Entourage were warmly welcomed by the Franciscan Order’s representative, f. Loukas and his associates.

During the meeting, the Patriarch and f. Loukas stressed the need for collaboration amongst Churches against incidents of violence throughout the Middle East region. The need to complete restoration works on the Aedicula of the Holy Sepulchre was also pointed out, for the peace, hope and joy of pilgrims across the world.

Subsequently, His Beatitude, accompanied by Ms Moropoulou, visited the Venetian and Byzantine “Palace of the Magister” and the Byzantine and Venetian Church of Panagia at the Castle, the Metropolitan Church of the Annunciation and the Town Hall.

There, Patriarch Theophilos was warmly welcomed by Mayor F. Hatzidiakos and the Municipal Council. During their addresses, both His Beatitude and the Mayor stressed the ties between the Rhodians and the Holy Sepulchre, evident on the banner of the Holy Sepulchre kept at the Cathedral of the Annunciation of Theotokos together with banners of other Churches since 1963. This particular banner was used by the inhabitants of Symi during the launch of the 1821 Greek Revolution.

On the afternoon of the same day, His Beatitude met with Metropolitan Kyrillos of Rhodes at the Bishopric Palace, as well as with the Mayor and other personalities of the island.

From the Secretariat-General


On Tuesday, the 6th/19th of July 2016, His Beatitude Theophilos, Patriarch of Jerusalem, received ten graduates of St Demetrios School who have excelled academically, from the towns of Taybeh, Remli and Ramallah.

The graduates were accompanied by the Principal, Mr Samir Zananiri, in the presence of Archimandrite Ieronymos, responsible for the Patriarchate’s Schools in Israel and Jordan, and teacher Fadi Abdelnour.

His Beatitude warmly congratulated the graduates and pledged that the Patriarchate will help them pursue further studies by means of scholarships.

From the Secretariat-General



On Sunday, the 20th of June/3rd of July 2016, a group of seventy pilgrims from the Holy Bishopric of Hierapytna and Sitia of the Church of Crete visited the Patriarchate. They were headed by the Most Reverend Metropolitan Evgenios. Clerics and pious pilgrims were warmly welcomed by Patriarch Theophilos of Jerusalem in the presence of Hagiotaphite Fathers. His Beatitude spoke of the Church as the Body of Christ where its members gather, and also of the Church of Jerusalem, the first “to receive atonement through the Resurrection”.

His Beatitude thanked the Most Reverend Evgenios, Metropolitan of Hierapytna, for leading the pilgrimage which benefits pilgrims and the Patriarchate alike.

Metropolitan Evgenios extended thanks for the divine Liturgy held the previous night at the Holy Sepulchre, a source of strength, light, bliss and salvation, and went on to underline His Beatitude’s contribution to the deliberations of the recently held Great Synod of Orthodoxy.

In the same context, the Patriarch referred to the Patriarchal School, preparing Hagiotaphite Fathers, and asked Metropolitan Evgenios to inform children of a higher calling from his Bishopric of the School’s mission.

Finally, the pilgrims asked for the Patriarch’s blessings and continued their pilgrimage.

From the Secretariat-General



On Saturday, the 12th/25th of June 2016, after the divine Liturgy held in Albanian by the Church of Albania at the Monastery of Gonia, the Holy and Great Synod, during a closed meeting, dealt with the completion of the text entitled “The relations of the Orthodox Church with the rest of the Christian world”, which it had also discussed on the previous day. After long deliberations, the Synod reached an agreement and submitted the text to the Secretariat for amendment and signing.

During the same meeting, the Synod ratified the text to serve as its “Circular” along with the “Brief Message”, after the contribution of His Beatitude Anastasios, Archbishop of Albania. The brief text will be read tomorrow during the Joint Patriarchal Liturgy at St Paul’s Church of the Bishopric of Kydonia and Apokoronos. On the evening of the same day, in the presence of King Simeon of Bulgaria and the Observers of the other Christian Churches and Organisations, the closing of the proceedings took place in the presence, of course, of Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, the Heads of the Autocephalous Orthodox Churches and their accompanying Hierarchs and advisors.

On the evening, a cultural event was performed by the Order of St Andrew, Archons of the Ecumenical Patriarchate in America, at the Nautical Museum of Chania.

 From the Secretariat-General



On the morning of Friday, the 11th/24th of June 2016, the Holy and Great Synod convened at a closed meeting to study, amend and finalize the Synod’s “Circular” and the text entitled “The relations of the Orthodox Church with the rest of the Christians”. The amendments of the two texts were then submitted to the Secretariat for recording and further discussion. On the conclusion of the proceedings of the Synod, the Orthodox Academy of Crete, founded by the late Metropolitan Irineos Galanakis of Kissamos and Selinos, presided over for several years by Mr Papaderos, and now headed by Metropolitan Amphilochios and presided over by Mr Zorbas, bestowed upon the Heads of Autocephalous Orthodox Churches the honorary titles of “partners”, with the exception of the Heads already honoured with the said distinction.

The distinction for His Beatitude Theophilos, Patriarch of Jerusalem, had been approved from as far back as 2006, but was held in abeyance. Based on the then decision of the Board of Directors, a diploma and a golden emblem were conferred on His Beatitude, Who went on to extend thanks, pointing out that the honour is reflected upon the entire Hagiotaphite Brotherhood, the spoken long ago Patriarchate of Jerusalem and the rest of the Holy Shrines.

On the conclusion of the event, the Orthodox Academy of Crete hosted to dinner the Heads of Churches and their Entourages as well as all participants in the proceedings of the Great Synod of Orthodoxy.

From the Secretariat-General


On Wednesday, the 22nd of June 2016, the Minister of Education of the Republic of Cyprus, Mr Constantinos Kadis, visited the Patriarchate. He was accompanied by the Ambassador of Cyprus to Israel, Ms Thessalia Shambou, and Secretary Louisa Varaklas.

The Minister was warmly welcomed by the Patriarchal Commissioner, the Most Reverend Icyshios, Metropolitan of Kapitolias, in the presence of Hagiotaphite Fathers. After extending condolences to the people of Cyprus for the recent fire destruction on the island, Metropolitan Isychios talked of the Patriarchate’s position and work in the Holy Land amongst the other Monotheistic religions.

The Most Reverend went on to offer the Minister an icon of Panagia Jerusalemite as well as blessings for the difficult mission he has undertook, before accompanying him to the Most holy and Life-giving Sepulchre of the Lord.

From the Secretariat-General



On Wednesday, the 22nd of June 2016, the Patriarchal Commissioner, Icyshios of Kapitolias, welcomed the Most Reverend Ioustinos, Metropolitan of Nea Krini and Kalamaria, at the Patriarchal hall.

Metropolitan Ioustinos, accompanied by a group of pilgrims, was warmly welcomed by the Most Reverend Isychios, who extended the Patriarch’s wishes – at the time in Crete for the Holy and Great Synod of Orthodoxy – before pointing out the importance of their Pilgrimage to the Holy Land.

The Most Reverend Ioustinos then spoke briefly, thanking Metropolitan Isychios for his love and declaring his own and the pilgrims’ love for the Holy Shrines and the Patriarchate of Jerusalem.

The Patriarchal Commissioner went on to offer Metropolitan Ioustinos a prelatic engolpion on the occasion of the anniversary of His enthronement. Jerusalemite eulogias were also offered to the pilgrims.

From the Secretariat-General
