On the afternoon of the 14th/27th of November 2016, a music event performed by the Choir of St James the Brother of God Cathedral and “Branko” Choir of the Patriarchate of Serbia took place in the auditorium of Notre Dame Hotel, near the New Gate. The event was hosted by the Patriarchate of Jerusalem.

The music performance was held on the approval of His Beatitude Theophilos, who attended the event accompanied by Hagiotaphite Fathers, Archbishop Aristarchos of Constantina, Metropolitan Joachim of Zambia, Hagiotaphite Hieromonks, the Assistant Dragoman, Archimandrite Mathew, the Master of Ceremonies, f. Bartholomew, former Principal, f. Nikolaos Zervis, Ambassador Heraklis Asteriades and other.

Troparia and songs were performed in the traditional Serbian style. For details, see link:

From the Secretariat-General




On the afternoon of Sunday, the 14th/27th of November 2017, a forty-member group of the Hellenic Air Force, particularly of the 383 Special Operations and Air Fire Fighting Squadron, accompanied by the representative of the Greek Embassy to Israel, Mr Broumas, visited the Patriarchate. Over recent days, the group had provided active and effective support to the extinguishment of the extensive wildfire that broke out in the city of Haifa.

The group was warmly welcomed by H.B. Theophilos, Patriarch of Jerusalem, in the presence of Hagiotaphite Fathers, including the Assistant Sacristan of the Holy Sepulchre, Archimandrite Polycarpos, who had served in the Hellenic Air Force before joining the Hagiotaphite Brotherhood. Patriarch Theophilos praised officers for their decision to participate, at the risk of their own lives, in the extinguishment of the wildfires that had destroyed a large area of natural environment and the residences of approximately 70.000 people, now homeless.

This act, His Beatitude said, demonstrates the conviction on our shared human nature and love for our fellow human beings, independent of race, colour and religion, whilst contributing to the consolidation of the relations between Greece and Israel.

Extending thanks for the blessing of having visited the Holy Sepulchre and received its moral enhancement, the Hellenic Air Force group offered His Beatitude a medal with its emblem. Patriarch Theophilos offered an icon of Panaghia Jerusalemite and of the Aedicula of the Holy Sepulchre.

From the Secretariat-General



Jerusalem, 14/27 of November 2016



  1. Troparion of the Holy CrossTone I
    O Lord, save Thy people.

And bless Thane inheritance

Grant victory to the Orthodox Christians

Over their adversaries,

and by virtue of Thy cross.

Preserve Thy habitation.

  1. Who have received Baptism

       As many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ Halleluiah

  1. Sunday of the Pentecost (Dismissal Hymn Tone 4)
    Blessed art Thou, Christ our God Who hadst

made the fishermen most wise by sending down

upon the Holy Spirit, and by them didst, draw the world

into Thy net, Ο Merciful Lord, Gloiy to Thee..

  1. Kontakion of the Akathist

Unto you, Ο Theotokos, invincible Champion, your City, in thanksgiving ascribes           the victory for the deliverance from sufferings. And having your might                   unassailable, free us from all dangers. So that we may try unto you:

Rejoice, Ο Bride Ever-Virgin.

  1. Troparion of The Birth of Jesus Christ (Tone 4)
    Your Nativity, Ο Christ our God, Has shone to the
    World the Light of Wisdom. For by it , those who worshipped the stars worshipped the stars, were taught by a Star lo adore You,
    The Sun of Righteousness, And to know You,the Orient from on High. Ο Lord, groly to You.
  1. Exapostelarion

Thy bridal Chamber, Ο my Saviour, do I behold all adorned, and a garment I have            not that I may enter therein. Illumine the garment of my soul, Ο Giver of light,      and save me.

  1. “O Pure Virgin”

2 Verses (Agni Parthene )

in Arabic hymn composed by Si. Nectarios of Aegina,

drawn from the Theotokarion ( Book of hymns to the Mother of God).



  1. Holy is the Lord our God (from the All Night Vigil).

Pyotr Ilych Tchaikovsky (1840-1893)

  1. Our Father.

Nikolaj Kedrov, senior (1871-1910)

  1. The Royal Litany.

Unknown Serbian Composer

  1. Praise the name of the Lord.

Stevan St. Mokranjac (1856-1914

  1. No one is as Holy as Thee {from the Serbian Requiem)

Stevan St. Mokranjac (1856-1914)

  1. God is with us (A Christmas Hymn) Pavel Chesnokov (1877-1944)
  2. Easter Antiphon

Vastljev and Grebeshnikov

  1. Serbian woman (a Serbian Folk song)

Isidor Bajic (1878-1975)

  1. The Swallows Flew Above

Jovica Gavrilovie

  1. 2 Songs from Kosovo

arrangement Bojan Stankovic

12.  Far away.

A Serbian Song from World War I


Marijana Radosavijevic, soprano

Danica Gostovie, contralto

Mario Petrovic, tenor

Andrej Cincarevic, baritone.





On the morning of Wednesday, the 10th/23rd of November 2016, His Beatitude the Patriarch of Jerusalem bestowed the medal of Small Crusader of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre to Cypriot pilgrim Stavros Ktorides for his contribution, alongside Christos Panteli, also present, to the Holy Icons and other ecclesiastical items in the Holy Shrines.

Moved, Mr Ktorides warmly thanked His Beatitude and pledged to carry on offering his help to the Holy Sepulchre.

From the Secretariat-General



On the morning of Wednesday, the 10th/23rd of November 2016, His Excellency Mihalui Geza, the Hungarian ambassador to Ramallah, offered the amount of 100.000 to His Beatitude Theophilos, Patriarch of Jerusalem, as contribution from his country to the ongoing restoration project on the Aedicula of the Holy Sepulchre.

Extending warm thanks, His Beatitude offered the Ambassador wishes for prosperity in his country and the blessing of the All-holy and Life-giving Sepulchre.

From the Secretariat-General



A.The meeting of H.B. the Patriarch of Jerusalem with H.H. the Patriarch of Moscow

Before moon on Saturday, the 6th/19th of November 2016, His Beatitude the Patriarch of Moscow and His Entourage met with His Holiness Patriarch Kyrill of Moscow who was accompanied by Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, Metropolitan Sergei, Protopresbyter Nikolai Balasov and other clerics. Patriarch Kyrill expressed joy over the meeting, the first after the 2013 Joint Liturgy on the anniversary of the Russian’s baptismal. “Such meetings” He said, “solidify our unity, in spite of occasional differences. We welcome you with great joy as the Patriarch of the Holy City and the Holy Land, sanctified by the footsteps of Christ our Saviour. We welcome you from the land from where the Apostles left to proclaim the teachings of Christ across the earth”.

His Beatitude Theophilos replied that the meeting is indeed a special joy and honour bestowed by the Patriarchate of Moscow on the occasion of Patriarch Kyrill’s birthday. “This is particularly important”, His Beatitude added, “not only for strengthening the ties between the Patriarchate of Jerusalem and the Church of Russia, but also for expressing the unity of the Church as a whole”.

The Russian people and the Russian Church have greatly benefitted the Holy Shrines, e.g. the Russian Church’s contribution, of 3.000.000 USD, to the restoration of the Basilica of the Nativity in Bethlehem. “The renovation”, said Patriarch Theophilos, “was effected through the Palestinian Autonomy, because of disagreement between the three Communities” and He added: “We, on our behalf, will restore the Cavern with the Franciscans, aspiring to Your interest in the subvention of the project”.

We thank our Triadic God for this project and for the fact that pilgrims from Russia and Ukraine keep supporting the Holy Lands, said Patriarch Theophilos. “These pilgrims reinforce the Christian regime and the Christian character of Jerusalem”, He said.

Patriarch Theophilos went on to invite Patriarch Kyrill to visit the Holy Land on the completion of works on the Basilica of the Nativity and of the restoration project of the Aedicula of the Holy Sepulchre. He expressed joy over the recent visit of Prime Minister Medvedev and his interest in the restoration of the Holy Sepulchre.

On this subject, Patriarch Kyrill said He was recently informed by PM Medvedev that Russia will sponsor the renovation of the street that leads to the Basilica and of the forecourt of the Church.

Patriarch Kyrill also referred to a war of misinformation against the Church of Russia, that blames it for the absence of a total of four Churches from the Great Synod of Orthodoxy. Our absence, He said, was also due to strong critique against the text on the relation of the Orthodox Church with Christian Communities. “However”, Patriarch Kyrill said, “we are not negative against the Synod. Its approval by the consciousness of the Church will be proven in the future”, and He added: “We are looking forward to a future Pan-Orthodox Synod”.

Patriarch Kyrill also spoke of the crisis in Ukraine, a country “ruled by dictatorship that aims at destroying the Orthodox Church”, in His words.

In His response, Patriarch Theophilos said that the absence of the four Churches from the Great Synod had not damaged the unity of Orthodoxy, as the conference paved the way for a Pan-Orthodox Synod. With regards to the crisis in Ukraine, Patriarch Theophilos said that He recently met with the Ukrainian President at the Patriarchate where He stressed the need to restore church unity in the country before anything else.

On the occasion of the meeting, the two Patriarchs exchanged gifts.

On the evening of the same day, Patriarch Kyrill hosted all the Heads of the Orthodox Churches and their attendants to dinner.

There, Patriarch Theophilos delivered an address in English, see:

B. Joint Patriarchal Liturgy on the 70th birthday of His Holiness Kyrill, Patriarch of Moscow

On the morning of Sunday, the 7th/20th of November 2016, a Joint Primatial Liturgy was held on the occasion of the 70th birthday of Patriarch Kyrill of Moscow.

All Churches participated in the Joint Liturgy, namely: the Ecumenical Patriarchate, represented by Metropolitan Emmanuel of France; the Patriarchate of Alexandria, with Patriarch Theodoros; the Patriarchate of Antioch, with Metropolitan Nephon; the Patriarchate of Serbia, with Patriarch Irinej; the Patriarchate of Bulgaria in Western Europe, the Patriarchate of Georgia, represented by Patriarch Elias of Georgia; the Church of Cyprus with Archbishop Chrysostomos; the Church of Poland, the Church of Romania, the Church of Greece, the Church of Albania, and the Church of the Czech Republic.

The Joint Liturgy was headed by Patriarch Theodoros of Alexandria and it expressed the Orthodox faith of all Orthodox Churches, in accordance with the Nicene Creed.

On the apolysis, Metropolitan Onouphrios of Ukraine read the message of Patriarch Kyrill of Moscow. Addresses then followed by other Churches, i.e. Metropolitan Emmanuel of France and representatives of the state of Russia.

During the lunch that followed, His Beatitude Theophilos addressed Patriarch Kyrill in English, see link:

On Sunday evening, His Beatitude left the Radisson hotel for Moscow airport, accompanied by Metropolitan Barsanuphius of Petersburg, Archbishop Tikhon of Austria-Hungary and Archimandrite Theophanes.

At the airport, the Patriarch and His attendants boarded a plane of Aeroflot airlines to land safely at Ben Gurion Airport around midnight.

From the Secretariat-General



On Friday the 18th of November 2016, a Christmas Bazaar, supplemented by a performance featuring various local traditions, took place in the area between the Bishopric and the Cathedral of the Archbishopric of Qatar.

The event included Christmas songs by the Youth Choir of the Ukrainian Music School in Doha, the Mixed Choir of the Roman Catholic Church, children from Catechism School and the Mixed Choir of Romanians and Serbs.

Handmade Christmas ornaments, presents and objects of piety were made through the contribution of the Association of the Myrrh-Bearing Women [Myrophorae], the Youth Club and members of the flock. Also on offer was a large variety of eatables from the Arabic, Greek, Serbian, Romanian, Moldavian and Ukrainian cuisine, courtesy of various companies and ladies from the flock.

The event was honoured by the presence of the Ambassadors of Cyprus, Romania, Poland, Ukraine, Moldavia, and representatives of the Embassies of Greece, Georgia and Serbia in Qatar, as well as of other denominations in Doha.

The great crowd of Qatar Orthodox and members of other Christian Communities sealed the success of the event.

From the Holy Archbishopric of Qatar


On the night of Wednesday, the 27th of October/9th of November 3026, His Excellency the Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev visited the Church of the Resurrection.

Mr Medvedev was welcomed in the Court of the Church by Patriarch Theophilos of Jerusalem and Hagiotaphite Fathers, e.g. Metropolitan Isychios, Archbishop Aristarchos of Constantina, Archimandrite Mathew and others.

The Russian Prime Minister venerated at the Holy Apokathelosis, the Holy Sepulchre and Golgotha, accompanied by His Beatitude. Special emphasis was placed on the restoration works on the Aedicula of the Holy Sepulchre, still underway.

Later, at the Office of the Sacristan of the Church of the Resurrection, His Beatitude conferred on Mr Medvedev the title of Supreme Taxiarch of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre in recognition of his Orthodox faith, help and support of the Sites of Veneration and the Patriarchate of Jerusalem.

On his part, Mr Medvedev thanked Patriarch Theophilos, and offered Him a fine enamelled reliquary, whilst His Beatitude reciprocated with an icon of the Holy Sepulchre. An icon was also offered by Archbishop Isidoros of Hierapolis.

From the Secretariat-General



On Thursday, the 21st of October/3rd of November 2016, the Central Meeting of the Democratic Group of Engineers (DIPAM) was held at the conference hall of the Technical Chamber of Greece in the presence of all representatives, headed by NTUA Professor, Ms Antonia Moropolou, coordinator of the restoration and conservation project now underway on the Aedicula of the Holy Sepulchre.

At the meeting, Ms Moropoulou referred to the meeting of the National Chamber in Athens and the two meetings held in Cyprus, in collaboration with the Technical Chambers of Greece and Cyprus, on the protection of cultural heritage; also, on the meeting held on 31 October 2016, on the protection of world cultural heritage. Professor Moropoulou spoke in favour of DIPAM’s position on the inclusion of religion within those factors and organizations assigned to preserve religious and non-religious cultural heritage and to protect religious monuments.

To demonstrate DIPAM’s position, Ms Moropoulou presented the current project of restoration and conservation of the Holy Sepulchre, the Holy Rock and the Aedicula built in 1810 by Kalfas Comnenus of Mytilene and all Rum Orthodox – in accordance with a study conducted by the NTUA Interdisciplinary Team and in agreement with the three Great Communities of Greek Orthodox, Franciscans and Armenians. The agreement does not only make the Aedicula a site of veneration and pilgrimage for Christians, but also a meeting point for adherents to other religions who will witness the spirit of peaceful religious coexistence and symbiosis.

The Patriarchate of Jerusalem is in favour of the aforementioned position of DIPAM, being the first receiver of the fruits of restoration works on the Holy Aedicula.

From the Secretariat-General


Between Sunday, the 17th/30th of October to Wednesday, the 20th of October/2nd of November 2016, the Heads of the Religious Communities in the state of Israel – Christian Churches, the Rabbinate of Israel, the Druze Religious Autonomy, Ahmadiyya Muslims and Baha’i – visited the Nazi concentration camps in Auschwitz and Birkenau, Poland, in collaboration with the Israeli Ministry of Religious Affairs, represented by Mr Yakub Solame and Mr Cesar Margiye.

The visit was organized in order to condemn the inhuman crimes of Nazi Germany during the years of World War II, 1940-1944, and as a token of support to millions of victims, mostly Jews, but also Polish, Russian, Slavs, Roma and others.

The heads of the religious communities and their attendants, toured by the Israeli Ministry’s guide, Ms Naame, and by the Auschwitz and Birkenau Museum guide, witnessed with their own eyes the macabre camps were innocent men, women and children were concentrated before being condemned either to forced labour, torture or death in the gas chambers and the crematoria. Horrible ways of dying demonstrated inhuman mechanisms of death, made by godless men, stripped of love and respect to their fellow beings.

On the end of a heartrending tour, participants laid a wreath in honour and commemoration of the victims, along with a dedicatory plaque that reads:

“Eternal be the memory of the victims of one and a half million of men, women, and children, mostly Jews and others, victims of the Nazi atrocities during World War II”.

The tour was followed by a meeting between participants in this initiative and political dignitaries of Poland, as well as religious dignitaries of the Roman Catholic Church of Poland.

At the meeting, His Beatitude Theophilos, accompanied by Archbishop Aristarchos of Constantina, addressed attendants in English, see link:

A declaration was then issued on behalf of the Council of Religious Community Leaders in Israel, condemning the crimes of Nazi atrocity and any violence persisting today in the Holy Land and across the earth, for the sake of a peaceful religious coexistence. The declaration can be read here:

On the conclusion of the visit, His Beatitude flew via Polish Airlines to Ben Gurion airport on the morning of Thursday.

From the Secretariat-General