The Conference on “Places of worship and Holy Sites in Europe and the Middle East: Status and Protection under National and International Law” was held in Nicosia of Cyprus from Wednesday 26th October/8th November to Friday 28th October/10th November. The Conference was organized by the Conference of European Churches in partnership with the Presentation Office of the Church of Cyprus and the European Institutes.

In order to attend this Conference, H.H.B. our Father and Patriarch of Jerusalem Theophilos arrived at Larnaka airport from Tel Aviv, escorted by Geronda Secretary-General Most Reverend Archbishop Aristarchos of Constantina, the Most Reverend Archbishop Methodios of Tabor, and Archdeacon Mark. His Beatitude and entourage were welcomed at the airport by the representative of Cyprus Most Reverend Archbishop Gregory of Masaoria, and the Exarch of the Holy Sepulchre in Nicosia Most Reverend Metropolitan Timotheos of Bostra.  

Upon His arrival at the place of His stay, the newly founded Exarchy of the Holy Sepulchre in Nicosia, He was welcomed by the Most Reverend Exarch and Metropolitan Timotheos of Bostra, who has been the major contributor in the reorganization of the Exarchy, and the Acre choir under the Patriarchal Commissioner in Acre, Archimandrite Philotheos, sang at the special Service in the Church.

The opening of the Conference was on Thursday morning, 9th November 2017. In the first session addresses were greeted by the following; His Beatitude Archbishop Chrysostom of Cyprus, underlining the importance of the cooperation between the political and religious parties for the protection of the religious shrines in the Middle East in general and in Cyprus in particular which is the cradle of World Culture; the Minister of Foreign affairs of Cyprus Mr. Kasoulides, underlining the importance of the places of worship of the religious Communities for the preservation of their identity and the potential damage and loss of the identity of the religious Communities should they be forced to abandon their ancestral homes, as was the case with Iraq, Cyprus and other countries. Mr Kasoulides also referred to the importance of the restoration of the shrines and the return of the merchandised stolen artifacts of worship, as they are monuments and treasures of the universal cultural heritage. The Conference was also greeted by the co-organizer of the Conference, Mrs. Elizabeta Kitanovic, Executive Secretary of Human Rights of C.E.C. (Conference of European Churches).

His Beatitude our Father and Patriarch of Jerusalem Theophilos addressed the Conference with the statement in the following link:


During His stay in Cyprus for the demands of this Conference, His Beatitude was hosted for a meal at the Archdiocese of Cyprus by His Beatitude Archbishop Chrysostom of Cyprus.

In this meal His Beatitude the Patriarch of Jerusalem discussed with His Beatitude the Archbishop of Cyprus the recent disturbing issue for the Jerusalem Patriarchate and all the Christian Churches of the Holy Land with the proposed bill by the 40 members of the Knesset, which if passed into law, will deny the right of the Churches to freely deal with their land properties, as well as the recent decision of the District Israeli Court, which gives effect to the illegal contracts of the Jaffa Gate hotels that belong to the Patriarchate to the Settlor group “Ateret Kohanim”.  

His Beatitude raised the same issue in the meeting He had with the President of Democracy of Cyprus Mr. Nikolaos Anastasiades. Both the Archbishop of Cyprus and the President of the Democracy of Cyprus listened attentively to the problems His Beatitude explained, and promised to support with all the means in their power His Beatitude in His efforts to resolve these problems according to the Status Quo.

From Secretariat-General

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  1. On Monday 10/23 October 2017, His All-holiness the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew participated in the Divine Liturgy on the occasion of the feast of St. James the Brother of God and first Hierarch of Jerusalem at the Holy Church of St. George in Neochorion of Bosporus, where the Metochion of the All-holy Sepulchre lies. The Divine Liturgy was officiated by the Most Reverend Metropolitan Paul of Drama, with co-celebrants the Most Reverend Archbishop Nectarios of Anthedona and Patriarchal Commissioner of the All-holy Sepulchre in Constantinople and the Most Reverend Metropolitan Amphilochios of Adrianopolis.
  2. On Monday 24th October/6th Nobember 2017, one day after the Feast of St. James the Brother of God, there was an Episcopal Divine Liturgy at the Holy 40 Martyrs’s chapel, near St. James the Brother of God Cathedral in Jerusalem and a memorial service for the founders of the Church was held, led by the Most Reverend Archbishop Theophanes of Gerassa.
  3. On Wednesday 26th October/8th November 2017, there was a festal Divine Liturgy in honour of the Holy and Glorious Demetrios the Great Martyr at his Holy chapel within the Patriarchate premises, next to the Patriarchate’s Arab-speaking School of St. Demetrios. After the Service the Episcopal Entourage and the Hagiotaphite Brotherhood attended a festal ceremony prepared by the teachers and the students of the School.

From Secretariat-General

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On Saturday 22nd October/4th November 2017, the Most Reverend Cardinal Kurt Koch, President of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity visited the Patriarchate.

The Most Reverend Cardinal with his escort Rev. Norbert Hofmann and the Apostolic Delegate, Emissary of the Holy See in Jerusalem Fr. Mark, were received by H.H.B. our Father and Patriarch of Jerusalem Theophilos.

In this visit there was a discussion on the His Beatitude’s recent visit to the Vatican and Pope Francis, where He also met Cardinal Koch and His visit in England, where He met with the Most Reverend Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby and with members of the British Houses of Parliament, regarding the quite serious matter of the Patriarchate and all the Christian Churches of the Holy Land.

His Eminence the Cardinal listened attentively to His Beatitude’s briefing and informed Him on the forthcoming relevant honourable distinction of His by the University Ben Gurion of Negev for the prize Ladislaus Laszt on Religious and Social tolerance and Understanding on Monday 6th November 2047.

His Beatitude congratulated the Cardinal on this occasion and thanked him for the understanding that He received in His recent visit to the Vatican.

From Secretariat-General



 On Wednesday 19th October/1st November 2017, H.H.B. our Father and Patriarch of Jerusalem Theophilos held a meeting with the Most Reverend Archbishop Justin Welby of Canterbury. In this meeting His Beatitude was escorted by Geronda Secretary-General Most Reverend Archbishop Aristarchos of Constantina and Archdeacon Mark.

His Beatitude informed the Archbishop of Canterbury Mr. Welby about the quite serious situation which concerns the Jerusalem Patriarchate and the other Christian Churches in the Holy Land with the proposed bill by 40 members of the Knesset, which if passed into law, will deny the Christian Churches in the Holy Land their right to freely deal with their land properties.

 His Beatitude also raised the issue of the recent decision of the Israeli District Court in Jerusalem, which gave effect to the unauthorised and illegitimate long-term contracts to the settlers of the Settlor group “Ateret Kohanim”, relating to the Jaffa Gate properties that belong to the Patriarchate of Jerusalem.

In the same spirit, His Beatitude further met with His Eminence Cardinal, Archbishop of Westminster Vincent Nichols on the 2nd of November; where the issues at hand were discussed.

During His three-day stay in London, His Beatitude held meetings with members of the Houses of Parliament of the United Kingdom, seeking their support regarding the aforementioned problems.

 His Beatitude also held meetings with various other faith leaders including His Eminence the Coptic Orthodox Bishop Angelos and Pastor Agu of the Redeemed Christian Church of God.

 His Beatitude asked for the support of the Archbishop of Canterbury regarding the efforts of the Christian Churches for the preservation of the Status Quo in the Holy Land and especially in the Old City of Jerusalem.

 All parties listened attentively to the presentation by His Beatitude and expressed their intention to support the efforts of the Churches of the Holy Land, for the preservation of the Status Quo in Jerusalem and the protection of the followers of the three monotheistic religions.

From Secretariat-General

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Remarks at the 2nd Athens International Conference on Religious and Cultural Pluralism and Peaceful Coexistence in the Middle East

His Beatitude Theophilos III
Patriarch of Jerusalem

30 October 201 7

Your All-Holiness,

Your Excellency, Mr Kotzias,

Your Eminences,

Respected Members of the Government and the Diplomatic Service,

Fellow Participants in this conference,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

We are honoured to be present at this important conference, and we bring you greetings from the Holy Land and from the many peoples who make up the rich tapestry of our common life in the Middle East.

The subject before us is a complex one, and within the scope of this conference we would like to focus on the subject of peaceful coexistence. For millennia the Middle East has been thoroughly pluralistic, both religiously and culturally. Of this there is no doubt, and the historical evidence is clear. The principal question before us, therefore, is not whether the Middle East is a pluralistic society. The principal question before us is precisely how we shall live with the reality of this pluralism in a way that respects the dignity of every human being and ensures the well-being of the different communities that make up our society. Our pluralism is a great gift, and it is urgent that we come to a place where we honour this pluralism, and no longer regard it as a problem.

The Middle East is a multi-cultural, multi-ethnic, multi-religious mosaic. But the design of this – or any – mosaic is not random. Mosaics are delicate, often intricate compositions, with each tiny piece contributing to a magnificent, and much larger, picture.

The synthesis that makes up the mosaic of the Middle East is the synthesis of overlapping and inter-related histories, cultures, and religions. This synthesis has created the milieu for our co-existence for generations, and we have learnt that where there is peaceful coexistence, this is so because true co-existence is dynamic, and not static. This dynamic, this energy, of true co-existence occurs when there is a genuine mutual respect and honour of the one for the other, and where there is a deep appreciation of our common humanity and our common destiny. Where this dynamic exists, there are strong, enduring human communities where the rights and uniqueness of all are allowed to flourish.

We have known this dynamic of co-existence in the Middle East. Yet in our day, instead of building on a long history of this way of living, there are powerful forces at work in our region to destroy this fundamental basis of our life, and to bring any concept of co-existence and pluralism into disrepute. We are the witnesses of this undermining and destruction, for it is happening in our region even as we meet here in Athens, and it is a very serious matter indeed.

Jerusalem has been, and remains, the great symbol and embodiment of this co-existence. This is the beauty of Jerusalem, and the evidence of her nobility. This is also her divine vocation. And yet instead of supporting Jerusalem in this light, instead of enabling Jerusalem to be revealed as the Holy City that it genuinely is, there are those who are determined to undermine her. We forget that we do not possess Jerusalem; Jerusalem possesses us.

In order to illustrate our point, let us imagine for a moment Jerusalem without this religious and cultural pluralism. There would, in fact, be little or nothing there. Without the richness of our several human communities and our histories; without the evidence all round of the divine-human encounter in the sites that are holy to Jews, Christians, and Muslims; without the variety of daily experience of worship in every quarter, there would be no Jerusalem as we have come to know the Holy City. We are witnesses to the fact that Jerusalem is big enough for all who call her their spiritual home.

On the one hand we know all this to be true. On the other hand we seem unable to live and work except in ways that militate against this truth. This is more than a tragedy; it is an offense against both humanity and Cod.

So what are we to do now?

Discussions about the life of the Middle East are endless. The pressing question before us today is this: when shall we commit ourselves to a new kind of action, to a new way of doing business? When shall we give ourselves to the genuine and life-giving dynamic that is the real basis for our peaceful co-existence? We must face our fears, our hurts, our prejudices, and deal with them, openly and honestly, and most of all with a real commitment to the re-establishment of that societal synthesis that is the great strength of co-existence.

These actions are the beginning of the restoration of the true multicultural, multi-ethnic, multi-religious mosaic that is Jerusalem, the Holy Land, and the Middle East. We know what we must do, but have we the courage? And are we able to insist that it is time to cease speaking about the complexity of the Middle East in the negative? We would be much better speaking the truth that the Middle East is the birthplace for human civilisation of all that it means to value other cultures and religious expressions.

There is no more data that we need to know in order to be able to act. Let us not allow a desire for more information cripple us from action that we can take now to re-establish peace and mutual respect.

As we meet in this conference, therefore, let us be resolved not just to our important discussion, but also to a new commitment to a right understanding of the history and integrity of the nature of our multi-ethnic, multi-cultural, multi-religious Middle East. And let us be further resolved to support this and allow this fundamental quality of our society to flourish for the well-being of all.

Thank you.


On Saturday evening, 15th/28th October 2017, the national anniversary of 28th October 1940 was celebrated at the Patriarchal School of Zion.

This modest ceremony was honoured by the presence of H.H.B. our Father and Patriarch of Jerusalem Theophilos, the Consul General of Greece in Jerusalem Mr. Christos Sophianopoulos, the Chairman of the School Board Most Reverend Archbishop Isidoros of Hierapolis, the Patriarchal Commissioner Most Reverend Metropolitan Isychios of Kapitolias, Geronda Secretary-General Archbishop Aristarchos of Constantina, Hagiotaphite Fathers, Greeks of the Jerusalem Community, pilgrims and others.

The ceremony included an introductory address by the School Director Reverend Archimandrite Mattheos, a festal speech by the Greek literature teacher Mr. Spyridon Fragopoulos, narratives, poems, a short play, on screen videos of the dramatic historic events in our Nation and patriotic songs by the School students.
The ceremony ended with the National Anthem and His Beatitude’s polychronion.

With all the above and especially through the acts of the students there was a clearly conveyed message on the reality of that time, namely that Italy and Germany, who were the super powers then, received the brave NO from the Prime Minister of Greece Ioannis Metaxas, on behalf of all the Greek Nation. The Greeks liberated Greece gradually, and after many sacrifices, finally achieved the expulsion of the conquerors from the Greek territory and the freedom of the Greek nation.

At the end of the ceremony His Beatitude and the Consul General praised the School Director, the teachers and the students for the good presentation of the ceremony and wished them all the success in their studies.

From Secretariat-General

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On Monday 10th/23rd October 2017, His Beatitude our Father and Patriarch of Jerusalem Theophilos III visited His Holiness Pope Francis of Rome at the Vatican.

His Beatitude’s entourage on this visit were Geronda Secretary-General Most Reverend Archbishop Aristarchos of Constantina and Archdeacon Mark.

Upon His arrival at the airport of Rome on Sunday evening, 9th/22nd October 2017, His Beatitude was welcomed by the Most Reverend Bishop Farrell and Reverend Fr. Andrea Palmieri.

In the meeting, His Beatitude the Patriarch of Jerusalem raised with His Holiness the Pope the recent problem of all the Christian Churches of the Holy Land, caused by the two recent issues; namely: the proposed bill by 40 Members of the Knesset which, if passed into law, would deny the rights of the Churches to freely deal with their land properties; and the recent decision of the Israeli District Court in Jerusalem, which gave effect to the unauthorised and illegitimate contracts relating to the Jaffa Gate properties that belong to the Patriarchate of Jerusalem.

His Beatitude asked for the support of His Holiness the Pope regarding the efforts to solve the aforementioned problems and for the preservation of the Status Quo especially in the Old City of Jerusalem, which has always guaranteed the rights and customs of Jewish, Christian and Muslim quarters in the Old City. This issue is more accurately explained in His Beatitude’s address in the link below:




His Holiness Pope Francis listened attentively to the presentation of His Beatitude and stated that the Status Quo in the Holy City must be defended and preserved. The points of His Holiness address are stated in the link below:




His Beatitude our Father and Patriarch of Jerusalem Theophilos III thanked His Holiness Pope Francis and wished Him the grace of the Holy Sepulchre in the performance of His pastoral work as the head of the Roman Catholic Church; and He offered Him the icon of the Nativity of Christ.

This problem which concerns not only the Patriarchate of Jerusalem but also all the Christian Churches of the Holy Land were raised in detail by His Beatitude in other meetings that He had during His stay in Rome; namely: with His Eminence Archbishop Gallagher, Secretary for Relations with States; with His Eminence Cardinal Koch, President of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity; with His Eminence Cardinal Tauran, President of the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue and with His Eminence Cardinal Parolin, Secretary of State.

His Beatitude Patriarch Theophilos III expressed His thanks to His Holiness Pope Francis for these meetings, for His hospitality in the Vatican hotel “Domus Sanctae Marthae”; as well as for the meal which he enjoyed with His Holiness.

His Beatitude departed for Jerusalem on Wednesday morning 12th/25th October 2017.

From Secretariat-General

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23 October 2017

Your Holiness,

Your Eminences,

Your Graces,

We greet you, Your Holiness, with the blessings of the Holy City of Jerusalem, and we bring with us the hopes and aspirations of the many peoples of our region who long for peaceful co-existence and the restoration of the true integrity of our multi-cultural, multi-ethnic, multi-religious society.

We recall with great joy your pilgrimage to the Holy Land in 2014 with His All-Holiness the Ecumenical Patriarch, which marked the 50th anniversary of the joint pilgrimage of the late Pope Paul VI and the late Patriarch Athenagoras.   We remember especially our joint witness before the All-Holy and Life-Giving Tomb of our Lord Jesus Christ.   We also have in mind today the gathering here a month later with President Shimon Perez and President Mahmoud Abbas, in which the multi-religious nature of our region was highlighted.

We are here today for this fraternal visit on a pastoral mission.   We have come to Rome to express our concern to you, Your Holiness, about the profound threat that has been developing in recent years to the integrity of the Holy Land and the Middle East.   As Your Holiness is aware, the Middle East is, by its very nature, evidenced by our history and the presence of the holy sites of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, a pluralistic society.   For millennia we have lived a common life in which our many cultures, ethnicities, and religions have flourished in mutual respect and co-operation.

In recent years we have seen fresh attacks on the very nature of our society and the well-being of various religious and ethnic groups.   We have seen the rise of new persecutions, and an increase in displaced populations.   All this is well-known and well-documented.

We come now to share with you the new and deeply disturbing situation in the Holy Land, in which the historic rights of the Christian community are being undermined.   Recently there has been introduced into the Knesset a proposed bill which, if passed into law, would change fundamentally the rights of the Churches over their land and property.   This would encroach on historic and legal protections that have supported our multi-cultural, multi-ethnic, and multi-religious society for centuries and that have been upheld without challenge by successive governmental authorities in our region.

Furthermore, we now face a direct affront to the integrity of the Holy City in a wrongful and, we believe, unjust judgement against the Patriarchate, and in favour of right-wing settlor groups, with respect to some of our historic properties in the Christian Quarter of the Old City.   We hold that the judgement in favour of the sale of these properties is incorrect, and we are engaged in an appeal through the proper channels.   However, we are deeply concerned about the path of both these actions, and the threat that they represent to the well-being of the Christian presence in the Holy City in particular, and the Holy Land in general.

In this regard we have come to Rome not in our capacity as the Patriarch of one Church only, but in the name of all the Heads of the Churches and Christian communities of the Holy Land.   We to whom the pastoral oversight of the Christian communities of the Holy Land have been entrusted have met and are fully united in opposition to what we see as an attempt to change the provisions and the spirit of the historic Status Quo and the delicate balance that must exist if the Holy Land is to be sustained in its integrity as a region where many peoples can live and flourish and be witnesses to the divine-human encounter of which the holy sites are a tangible sign.

We are asking all those who love Jerusalem and the Holy Land, and all people of good will, around the world to join us in opposing these incursions on the life of the Christian community, and we wish to inform Your Holiness in person of these matters.   We are encouraging all to assist us in opposing the draft bill and to rectifying a wrongfully concluded judgement, thus giving a clear message of international support to the Christian presence in the Holy Land and the wider Middle East.   In this way we shall help in the best way we can to ensure that our region remains what it has always been, a place where peoples of many cultures and religions may live in peaceful co-existence and mutual regard.

Thank you.


Your Beatitude, Dear Brothers,

         With great joy I welcome all of you to Rome.  I reciprocate with gratitude and fraternal affection the warm welcome Your Beatitude offered me during my visit to Jerusalem.  Still fresh in my mind is the attentiveness with which you accompanied Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew and myself in the Basilica that preserves the places of the Lord’s crucifixion, burial and Resurrection.  I am still moved when I think of our moment of prayer in the aedicule of the empty Tomb, and I again express my pleasure at the restoration of that most holy place.  It has not simply secured the integrity of a historical monument, but also enabled the empty tomb to continue to testify that: “He has risen, he is not here; see the place where they laid him” (Mk 16:6).  I rejoice that the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Jerusalem, the Armenian Patriarchate of Jerusalem and the Franciscan Custody of the Holy Land have worked together in such harmony on this project, as they also did for the Basilica of the Nativity in Bethlehem.  I thank Your Beatitude very much for your own efforts in this regard.

         Our meeting allows me to renew my closeness to all those suffering from the conflicts that for decades have beset the Holy Land.  The uncertainty of the situation and the lack of understanding between the parties continue to create insecurity, the restriction of fundamental rights, and the flight of many people from their land.  I invoke God’s help in this, and I ask all those involved to intensify their efforts to achieve a stable peace based on justice and recognition of the rights of all.  To this end, any kind of violence, discrimination or displays of intolerance against Jewish, Christian and Muslim worshipers, or places of worship, must be firmly rejected.  The Holy City, whose Status Quo must be defended and preserved, ought to be a place where all can live together peaceably; otherwise, the endless spiral of suffering will continue for all.

         I would offer a particular greeting to the members of the various Christian communities in the Holy Land.  It is my hope that they will continue to be recognized as an integral part of society and that, as citizens and believers in their own right, they can continue tirelessly to contribute to the common good and the growth of peace, striving to further reconciliation and concord.  This contribution will be the more effective to the extent that there is harmony between the region’s different Churches.  Particularly important in this regard would be increased cooperation in supporting Christian families and young people, so that they will not be forced to leave their land.  By working together in this delicate area, the faithful of different confessions will also be able to grow in mutual knowledge and fraternal relations.

         Here I would reaffirm my heartfelt desire and commitment to progress on our way to full unity, in obedience to Jesus’ fervent prayer in the Cenacle “that they may all be one… so that the world may believe” (Jn 17:21).  I know that past wounds continue to affect the memory of many people.  It is not possible to change the past, but, without forgetting grave failures of charity over the centuries, let us look to a future of full reconciliation and fraternal communion, and take up the work before us, as the Lord desires.  Not to do so today would be an even graver fault; it would be to disregard both the urgent call of Christ and the signs of the times sown by the Spirit along the Church’s path.  Inspired by the same Spirit, may we not let the memory of times marked by lack of communication or mutual accusations, or present difficulties and uncertainty about the future, prevent us from walking together towards visible unity, nor hinder us from praying and working together to proclaim the Gospel and to serve those in need.  In this regard, the ongoing theological dialogue between Catholics and Orthodox, in which the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Jerusalem participates actively and constructively, is a comforting sign of hope on our journey.  How good it would be to say of Catholics and Orthodox living in Jerusalem what the Evangelist Luke said of the first Christian community: “All who believed were together… one heart and soul” (Acts 2:44; 4:32).

         Your Beatitude, I thank you and the distinguished members of your entourage most cordially for your visit.  I reaffirm my closeness to our Christian brothers and sisters in the Holy Land, and my affection for our friends of the other great religions who live there.  I hope and pray that the day of a stable and lasting peace for all will soon come.  “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!  May they prosper who love you! […]  For my brethren and companions’ sake I will say, ‘peace be within you!’” (Ps 122: 6-8).


Notre Dame Hotel, 22/10/2017

“Your Eminence Metropolitan Juvenalii,

Your Eminences,

Your Graces,

Dear Archimandrite Alexander,

Respected Members of Governmental Agencies and the Diplomatic Service,

Reverend Fathers,

Beloved Monastics,

Sisters and Brothers in the Lord,

Ladies and Gentlemen

We wish to send our Patriarchal greetings to this festal gathering on the occasion of the 170th anniversary of the Russian Ecclesiastical Mission in Jerusalem. As we do so, we wish to extend a warm welcome to the Holy City especially to you, Your Eminence, our dear brother Metropolitan Juvenalii. You have been associated with the Mission, and so we consider you a Jerusalemite. We also welcome their Eminences and Graces who have served the Mission in the past, and who now have been called to other high office in the Church.

We acknowledge also the dedicated service of Archimandrite Alexander, the current Head of the Mission, and those who work with you, dear Father, in the important work of the Mission especially in these critical times in serving the many thousands of pilgrims of the Russian Orthodox Church to the Holy Land every year.

As we keep this blessed anniversary, we recall with thanksgiving all who have contributed to the life and work of the Mission down the decades. We remember the late Bishop Porphyrios of blessed memory, who was instrumental in the founding of the Mission, and the late Bishop Cyril of blessed memory, who re-established the Mission in 1858 after the Crimean War, and under whose leadership the Mission established its home in the Russian Compound. Over the years the Mission has been dedicated to encouraging pilgrimage and providing facilities for pilgrims, and furthermore it took over the care of several holy sites, especially Gorny in Ein Karem, both in Jerusalem and in the rest of the Holy Land.

More importantly, the Mission has placed itself in the service of the Church of Jerusalem, helping in every possible way the Local Church in our diakonia of service and witness to the Gospel of peace and reconciliation.

The many thousands of pilgrims who come here throughout the year are a living testimony that Jerusalem serves the great purpose of being the most important spiritual centre in the world. It is our mission, entrusted to us by Divine Providence, to give ourselves to ensure that Jerusalem sustains its unique multi-cultural, multi-ethnic, and multi-religious character, that embraces Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, and that the Christian presence here remains strong and vital. Without all this, Jerusalem and the Holy Land will lose their essential identity.

Needless to say, Jerusalem is the guarantee, by virtue of the holiness and her spiritual significance, of the Christian presence in the Holy Land and the Middle East. This is why this celebration is of paramount importance, for it shows your contribution, together with our Sister Orthodox Churches, in sustaining this Christian presence.

Whenever Hierarchs gather in Jerusalem with the Local Church, we show the unity and our oneness in the Spirit of Jesus Christ. This unity and presence of the ecumenical Orthodox Church is a great encouragement not only to the Patriarchate, but also to our indigenous Christian community, which does not feel abandoned or forgotten.

We cannot emphasise too strongly the need for our unity of purpose in this regard. Our faith in the hope of the resurrection of our Lord compels us to live out our mission always to declare Jerusalem to be the heavenly as well as the earthly symbol of peaceful co-existence and harmony. Time and again we can say that the Patriarchate of Jerusalem that represents Orthodox Churches and nations has remained firm in its mission, which is religious, spiritual and pastoral. This is why the Church enjoys the respect of all, including other Christian communities and the communities of other faiths, because we have held all others in respect.

We congratulate you on 170 years of faithful service and we pray to Almighty God that you will be given grace for your ongoing life and work in the Holy Land in the years to come under the pastoral care of the Mother Church of Jerusalem.

We now wish to raise our glass in a toast to His Holiness Patriarch Cyril, to His Excellency President Putin, who will always be remembered for his generous financial contribution to the restoration of the Church of the Nativity in and throughout our Patriarchate.

Thank you.”