On Tuesday, November 2nd/15th 2022, the Director General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Greece, Mr Thrasyvoulos Lalakos, visited the Patriarchate, accompanied by the Ambassador of Greece to Israel, Mr Kyriakos Loukakis, his partner, Mr Konstandaras, with the Consul General of Greece to Jerusalem Mr Evangelos Vlioras, the Consul Mrs Christina Zacharioudaki and the former Consul Mrs Aikaterini Tsima.

Mr Lalakos, after his escort, was received by His Beatitude, our Father and Patriarch of Jerusalem, Theophilos, the Geronda Secretary-General, His Eminence Archbishop Aristarchos of Constantina the Elder Draguman Archimandrite Matthaios and other Hagiotaphite Fathers.

In the context of this visit, His Beatitude informed Mr Lalakos about the difficulties the Patriarchate is facing from the projects promoted by the Municipality of Jerusalem in the Garden of Gethsemane, on the Mount of Olives and in the Holy Zion, which recognizes the property of the Patriarchate, however, they do not allow the reconstruction or other utilization of this property.

His Beatitude also spoke about the educational work of the School of Holy Zion, the efforts of the School Managing Director Archimandrite Matthaios and the work of creating a Centre for Theological Studies in the Monastery of the Holy Cross and the preservation of the books of the Library of its famous Theological School.

After being informed about this, Mr Lalakos visited the Holy Sepulchre for veneration.

 From Secretariat-General


 At noon on Sunday, October 31/ November 13, 2022, His Beatitude our Father and Patriarch of Jerusalem Theophilos made a pastoral visit to our Arabic-speaking Greek Orthodox Community in the city of Beit Jala.

First of all, His Beatitude visited the building belonging to the Hegoumen of the Monastery, which in the past was used as an Elementary School and now has been renovated with the sponsorship of the Palestinian Authority, to function as a kindergarten and as a space for the catechetical school.

Subsequently, His Beatitude visited the very important housing project of the Patriarchate, which was started and continues on land owned by the Patriarchate in Beit Jala, which will house 450 families in cooperation with the Jamaiye / Community Council of Beit Jala and which offers the possibility of housing relief to the flock of Beit Jala and laid the foundation stone in the presence of the President of the Supreme Palestinian Ecclesiastical Committee Mr Ramzi Khouri and other representatives of the Palestinian Authority, the Hegoumen of Beit Jala Archimandrite Ignatios and the Priests Yusef, Pavlos and Elias.

His Beatitude underlined the offering of the Patriarchate to the flock through this work in His following address: (to be posted soon).

The importance of this project was also underlined by Mr Ramzi Khouri, greeting on behalf of the President of the Palestinian Authority, Mr Abu Mazen, for the creation of the housing project in the Shepherds’ Village / Beit-Sahour, for the present project and for a similar housing project to be developed in Bethlehem.

Honourable distinctions – plaques were awarded to His Beatitude, Mr Ramzi Khouri and all those who contributed to the success of this project.

From Secretariat-General


On Friday, October 15 / 28, 2022, the Governor of Mount Athos Mr Athanasios Martinos, having arrived in the Holy Land, visited the Patriarchate.

His first visit took place on the afternoon of October 15/28, 2022, at the ceremony of the Patriarchal School, on Zion hill, on the national holiday of October 28, 1940.

In this context, H.H.B. our Father and Patriarch of Jerusalem Theophilos once again thanked Mr Martinoσ for his contributions to the Patriarchate.

On the morning of the following day, October 16/24, 2022, Mr Martinos, accompanied by the Managing Director of the Patriarchal School and Hegoumen of the Monastery of the Holy Cross, Archimandrite Matthaios and the conservator of icons and books from Cyprus, Mr Stavros Andreou, visited the Holy Monastery of the Holy Cross, where there is a workshop for the conservation of old and other books and for the program of the Postgraduate Centre, for the revival of the operation of the famous School of the Holy Cross (1845 -1909).

Subsequently, Mr Martinos, accompanied by Mr Vlioras, visited the Polyclinic of the Patriarchate, to which he offered an x-ray machine worth $35,000.

After that, Mr Martinos and his entourage visited H.H.B. our Father and the Patriarch of Jerusalem, who spoke to them about the existing situation in the Catholicon of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre and the immediate need for its renovation due to the spiritual importance of the Holy Sepulchre for all humanity.

With the blessing of His Beatitude, Mr Martinos accompanied by an escort visited the Church of the Resurrection, where, under the guidance of the Geronda Sacristan, His Eminence Archbishop Isidoros of Hierapolis, he saw the works on site, the financial coverage of which he will undertake.

After this visit, at noon, His Beatitude hosted a meal in appreciation of Mr Martinos’ practical interest in the Patriarchate.

From Secretariat-General


The website of the Patriarchate of Jerusalem conveys the thanks of the Hagiotaphite Brotherhood to the Greek Consulate General of Greece in Jerusalem for its assistance in the arduous task of harvesting the olives in the Holy Monastery of Martha and Mary, the sisters of Lazarus, in Bethany and presents the following statement by the Consul General of Greece Mr Evangelos Vlioras:

“The Consulate General of Greece voluntarily participated again this year in the centuries-old tradition of collecting olives at the Holy Monastery of Martha and Mary of our Patriarchate in Bethany, where the first tomb of Lazarus is located.

 We thank H.H.B. our Father and Patriarch of JerusalemTheophilos for His blessing, the Reverend Archimandrite Epiphanius,  the Abbess Gerontissa Eupraxia and the Nuns who minister this Pilgrimage, for their incomparable hospitality and the opportunity they gave us to support their work.

 Thanks are also addressed to the Head of the Representation Office of Argentina in Ramallah and his family, to the staff of our Government and the members of their families and to the Greeks who live here or serve in International Organizations, who voluntarily participated in the event.

 From Secretariat-General


On the evening of Wednesday, October 6/19, 2022, the emeritus professor of the National Technical University of Athens Mrs Antonia Moropoulou gave a lecture in the context of the Conference “New Studies in the Archeology of Jerusalem and its region” in the Auditorium / ceremonial hall of the Friends of Israel Museum, in the centre of the New City of Jerusalem. The lecture was about the restoration of the Sacred Edicule, a historical and symbolic work, according to the study of the Interdisciplinary Team of the National Technical University of Athens, of which Mrs Moropoulou is the architect. and in accordance with the agreement of the three Major Pilgrim Communities, the Patriarchate of Jerusalem, the Custody of the Holy Land and the Patriarchate of the Armenians, the guardians of the Status Quo.

Mrs Moropoulou presented this work through her clarifications and relevant images on a screen to a group of experts in Archeology and other experts, in the presence of the representatives of the Patriarchate of Jerusalem, Geronda Secretary-General, His Eminence Archbishop Aristarchos of Constantina and Hierodeacon Dositheos.

This in-depth lecture is published for those interested on the website of the Patriarchate of Jerusalem, see link:

On the eve of the lecture on Tuesday, October 5/18, 2022, Mrs Moropoulou was accepted into the Secretariat office by the Geronda Secretary-General His Eminence Archbishop Aristarchos of Constantina and the Patriarchal Commissioner, His Eminence Metropolitan Isychios of Capitolias, and the day following the lecture, by H.H.B. our Father and Patriarch of Jerusalem Theophilos.

In both visits, the decisive role of the Patriarchate of Jerusalem for the preservation of the Status Quo and the Status of the city of Jerusalem and peace in the Holy Land was underlined, as well as that of Mrs Moropoulou for the accomplishment of this historic work.

From Secretariat-General



On the morning of Wednesday, September 29 / October 12, 2022, the former Ambassador of Moldova to Qatar Mr Victor Țvircun visited the Patriarchate.

Mr Țvircun was warmly welcomed by H.H.B. our Father and Patriarch of Jerusalem Theophilos and Hagiotaphite Fathers.

In the context of this previous meeting, there was an interesting discussion about the relations of the Patriarchate after the Country of Moldavia, the property of the Patriarchate in Moldavia and the beginning of the Greek Revolution of 1821 in Moldavia. Mr Țvircun was well qualified in all of these, due to his profession.

For the appreciation and contribution of Mr Țvircun to the work of the Patriarchate, His Beatitude awarded him with the medal of the Cross of the Order of the Knights of the Holy Sepulchre and wished him success in his work with the grace of the Holy Sepulchre.

From Secretariat-General


On Tuesday, September 28/October 11, 2022, the Most Reverend Metropolitan of Vishkorod & Chernobyl and Professor of the Kyiv Lavra, Paul, accompanied by representatives of the Russian Mission to Jerusalem (MISSIA), visited the Patriarchate. This was accepted by H.H.B. our Father and Patriarch of Jerusalem Theophilos.

On this visit, His Eminence offered His Beatitude a set of Priestly gloves. His Beatitude honoured His Eminence with the medal of the Superior Grand Master of the Order of the Knights of the Holy Sepulchre for his love for the Holy Places and for his offering of gold for the gilding of the icon of the Basilica of the Nativity in Bethlehem. He wished for the cessation of all hostilities and the reign of peace and recalled His visit to the Lavra of Kyiv and to the relics of its Saints and spoke about the position of the holy relics in the Orthodox Church as well as in drawing strength from the Life-giving Tomb of Christ and the Liturgy in it every day and especially from the period of the restoration of the Sacred Edicule, in 2017.

The Most Reverend Metropolitan Paul of Vishkorod & Chernobyl, thanked His Beatitude for the honour bestowed upon him and for His practical interest in the Church and the people of Ukraine.

From Secretariat-General


On the evening of Wednesday, September 15 / 29, 2022, the President of the Democratic Alert of the Republic of Cyprus, Mr Averof Neophytou, visited the Patriarchate.

Mr Neophytou was warmly welcomed by H.H.B. our Father and Patriarch of Jerusalem Theophilos and Hagiotaphite Fathers.

In the context of this visit, there was an interesting discussion about the ancient ties of the Church of Cyprus after the Church of Jerusalem from the days of the Apostles and about the Cypriot pilgrims, who also arrived the previous day for the day of the feast of the Holy Cross, about Saint Philomenos and of the Cypriot Hagiotaphite Fathers, who have greatly contributed to the Patriarchate, regarding the property of the Patriarchate in Cyprus and regarding the Exarchate of the Holy Sepulchre in Cyprus.

His Beatitude underlined the role of the Church, as a connecting link of the unity of the Cypriot people, suffering year after year from the harsh conditions of invasions.

In particular, there was talk about the display and maintenance of the Library of the Monastery of the Holy Cross of the Patriarchate under Mr Stavros Andreou and about the friendly relations of the Patriarchate after His Beatitude Archbishop Chrysostomos of Cyprus.

His Beatitude presented Mr Neophytos with a silver painting of the city of Jerusalem and an icon of the Theotokos of Jerusalem.

After giving thanks, Mr Neophytou departed to venerate the Church of the Holy Sepulchre.

From SecretariatGeneral


On the evening of Sunday, August 29/September 11, 2022, the Minister of Health of the Republic of Cyprus, Mr Michalis Hatzipandelas, visited the Patriarchate, accompanied by a group of his colleagues, Dr Christina Vassiliou Giannaki, Director General of the Ministry of Health, Mrs Theodora Konstantinidou, Ambassador of Cyprus to Israel, and Mr Konstantinos Athanasiou, Dr Konstantinos Fellas, Mrs Irene Trigidou, Mr Nikolaos Charalambous and Mrs Martha Charalambous.

The Minister and his associates were warmly welcomed by H.H.B. our Father and Patriarch of Jerusalem Theophilos and Hagiotaphite Fathers.

In the context of this meeting, there was a discussion about the cooperation between the Republic of Cyprus and Israel in matters of health, visits of patients from the Republic of Cyprus to Israel, one of which was the recent visit of the Archbishop of Cyprus His Beatitude Chrysostomos to the Hadassa Hospital of Ein Karem.

There were also discussions about the cooperation between the Patriarchate of Jerusalem and the Church of Cyprus, as evidenced by the existence of the Exarchate of the Holy Sepulchre in Nicosia, continuing its work even after the Turkish illegal occupation.

On this visit, His Beatitude offered the Minister a silver painting of Jerusalem, an icon of the Mother of God of Jerusalem and the book of the blessed Archbishop Chrysostomos Papadopoulos on the History of the Church of Jerusalem and blessings from Jerusalem for his associates, while the Minister brought a symbolic ship model from his birthplace Salamis.

Grateful for the visit, the Minister asked for His Beatitude’s blessing for success in his mission.

From Secretariat-General


With the blessing of His Beatitude Father and Patriarch of Jerusalem, Theophilos III, the Most Reverend Archbishop Christophoros of Kyriakoupolis, inaugurated on Wednesday, August 18/31, 2022 the new Kindergarten and Primary School of the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Jerusalem in Karak, Jordan, in the presence of the Minister of Culture, Mr Haifa Al-Najjar, the Regional of Karak Mr Muhammad Al-Fayez, the regional deputies Mr Ayman Madanat and Mr Salem Al-Damour, the Hegoumen Archimandrite Saba Hourani, and some important officials of the city and priests.

After the recitation of the Royal Anthem, the ceremony began with a prayer by Father Youhanna Hamati and was followed by a video about the achievements of the Patriarchate’s schools in Jordan, and a group of students sang the school anthem.

The Most Reverend Archbishop Christoforos of Kyriakoupolis, welcomed those present, saying: “Today, a dream has come true for the residents of the region, to establish a model school, in which they will incorporate virtue together with learning and science, and to work for to create a competent and effective educational team, which will reflect the integrated vision of the Patriarchate of Jerusalem for the rebirth of our schools”.

The Most Reverend Archbishop of Kyriakoupolis also thanked the contributors for all the efforts that made this work possible and which are many, noting the collaboration with the Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Foundation, and in particular, he thanked the former Minister Mr Samikos Halasa and his family for their generous donation to the project of establishing the new school and the supervision of the project.

At the end of the speech, a 50% discount was announced on the tuition fees of the registered students of the new school for the current year, with the cooperation of the Church, under the conditions of the difficult financial situation.

Mrs Lynn Madanat, General Director of the Patriarchate Schools in Jordan, said that: “you are in the place, which has its roots in the land which is ancient in its originality and special in its mission; and why not; it is the very land which parents have given to their children for education”, emphasizing how right thinking, right planning and hard work have led you to the present and blessed day.

And she added: All of us, the school administrators, together with the parents, are partners in this great trust and responsibility towards the children of our homeland, Jordan.

Mr Sami Halasa said in his address:

“I am in a happy position to be among you today and in this place, in the Al-Rawda area, from which I have fond childhood memories with my grandfather, Salama Al-Halasa, who created the first agricultural project in his northern district in Karak province in 1957, and he was one of the first to plant the blessed olive tree here. Twenty years ago, my blessed Father together with my uncle, to whom I wish many years, donated a five-acre plot of land, the plot containing the graves of my grandfather and great-grandmother, to the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Jerusalem for educational purposes, believing in the importance of education for society and future generations, in order to create a competent society, which will be based on respect and education”.

It should be noted that in the new school, the first three classes of the primary school were opened, apart from the kindergarten, and the project continues to implement the remaining classes up to secondary education.

From Secretariat-General