On Sunday, the 13th/26th of October 2014, H.B. Patriarch Theophilos of Jerusalem led the divine Liturgy at the church of St George the New, which was consecrated on the 29th of June 1707 by the late Patriarch Chrysanthos of Jerusalem. Concelebrating with His Beatitude was the Very Reverend Bishop Siluan, representative of the Patriarchate of Romania to Hungary, priests of the Romanian Church and deacons.

After having partaken of the Sacrament of Communion, on the conclusion of the service, His Beatitude Theophilos addressed the flock in English, see link: https://en.jerusalem-patriarchate.info/2014/10/26/9647

offering, as a token of His visit, a mother-of-pearl cross made in Bethlehem and an icon of Theotokos Jerusalemite.

The head of the church, protopresbyter f. Emil Kremizaro, delivered a reply speech, offering His Beatitude a stole and a pallium. Of note is the fact that His Beatitude exited the overcrowded Church with difficulty and at great risk, as a crowd of faithful had rushed to receive His blessing.

From there, His Beatitude left for the inauguration of a Rest Home, funded by the parish of the magnificent 18th church of St Silvester. At the opening ceremony, His Beatitude offered a mother-of-pearl blessing cross and an icon of Theotokos.

At noon, His Beatitude the Patriarch of Romania hosted Patriarch Theophilos and His retinue to lunch at the Romanian Patriarchate.

In the afternoon, Patriarch Theophilos gave an interview at the radio station of the Patriarchate of Romania.

In the evening, the Greek ambassador to Romania, Mr Vasilocostantakis, hosted the Patriarch and His retinue to dinner.

From the Secretariat-General


On Saturday, the 12th/25th of October 2014, His Beatitude, Patriarch Theophilos of Jerusalem, attended a meeting with postgraduate students of Religious Studies at the University of Bucharest. The students are conducting research into such fields as Byzantine Hagiography, Philosophy, Neo-Platonism, Philology, Coptic and Ethiopian Studies etc.

Mrs Madea Axinciuc, who initiated the granting of the dignity of Doctor Honoris Causa, thanked His Beatitude by saying that: “for where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them” (Matthew 18,20) and Behold, how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity! (Psalm 132).

In His reply speech, His Beatitude said that the Patriarchate of Jerusalem lies at the center of the world, because of the sacrament of salvation, which began from Mount Sinai and was fulfilled through the Lord’s crucifixion and resurrection in Jerusalem. Because of the fact that many people do not acknowledge this fact, the world suffers from political and religious disputes, especially so in the Middle East – where the Patriarchate of Jerusalem has a conciliatory role in the theocratic, religious and political milieu, He went on to add.

Following the speeches, Mrs Axinciuc was invited to confer the distinction of doctor honoris causa, in the presence of His Beatitude the Patriarch of the Church of Romania, prelates, diplomats, the Greek ambassador to Romania, Mr Vasiloconstantakis, Consul Mr Karalekas, the Jordan ambassador, Mr Saker Malkawi, the Palestinian Autonomy, and representatives of the University. Mrs Axinciuc first read out His Beatitude’s curriculum vitae, and then the Laudatio, namely the Commendation, relating His arrival to Jerusalem, his inclusion in the Hagiotaphite Brotherhood, and His multifarious pastoral activities since His election in 2005. Professor Vlad Nistor went on to confer the honorary doctorate.

His Beatitude proceeded to give a lecture, see link: https://en.jerusalem-patriarchate.info/2014/10/25/9547

After a performance by the Patriarchate’s choir, all those in attendance congratulated His Beatitude for this well-deserved distinction.

At noon, His Beatitude and retinue attended lunch hosted by Patriarch Daniel of Romania.

On the afternoon of the same day, His Beatitude visited His Excellency, the President of Romania, Mr Traian Băsescu.

During their meeting at the Presidential Palace, the President said it was with great joy that he welcomed the Patriarch of Jerusalem and His retinue and that He would always remember his visit to Jerusalem, and how helpful His Beatitude had been towards the resolution of the problem which had occurred at the time between the two Churches. He undertook, said the President, a peacemaker’s role.

Patriarch Theophilos replied in English, see link:  https://en.jerusalem-patriarchate.info/2014/10/25/9545

and offered the President an icon of Jesus Christ.

His Excellency Mr Băsescu went on to add that the Romanian Church is a pillar of protection and strength for the Romanian Nation, and that he had personally brought before the EU the need to protect Christians in the Middle East. “11.000 Romanians” he said, “dwell today in Jordan, along with a total of 500.000 in Israel. Churches are called upon to offer their support where politicians fail. The Church has a great mission towards reconciliation and peace against religious extremists”. “It is an issue”, he concluded, “that I have often raised in the European Union in the course of my ten-year presidential tenure”.

His Beatitude thanked the President for pointing out how distinct the roles of the State and the Church are.

“For this purpose”, His Beatitude went on, “we have been recently invited thrice by the King of Jordan, to work together for peace. Our political visit to Israel was of great ecclesiastical importance. I wish for you God’s blessing in order to sustain your contribution to peace, for the benefit of your people, Orthodox or otherwise”.

The Patriarch of Romania too thanked the President for contributing towards the resolution of the conflict between the two Churches, pointing out the importance of the sites of pilgrimage in the lives of the Churches. Patriarch Daniel also expressed His intention to receive in Romania students from the Greek Orthodox flock of the Patriarchate of Jerusalem.

President Băsescu then conferred on His Beatitude the supreme honorary distinction of Romania, in recognition of His work. Touched, Patriarch Theophilos said that the honour is reflected on the Patriarchate and the Hagiotaphite Brotherhood and that it shall be a visible link between the State of Romania and the Patriarchate of Jerusalem.

The ceremony was followed by veneration at the Chapel of the Dormition of Theotokos, near the Presidential Palace, from where frescoes have been salvaged and restored.

On the evening of the same day, Patriarch Daniel of Romania hosted the Jerusalemite Patriarchal Retinue to dinner.

From the Secretariat-General


Between the 11th/24th to the 13th/27th of October 2014, His Beatitude Patriarch Theophilos of Jerusalem shall be on a visit to the country of Romania. The visit takes place on an invitation by the Patriarchate of Romania and the University of Bucharest to Patriarch Theophilos.

The purpose of the visit is the Patriarch’s participation in the celebrations hosted by the Church of Romania in honour of the glorious Great-Martyr, St Demetrius the Myrrh-Bearer of Thessaloniki, and St Demetrius the New, Bucharest’s patron-saint. Also, Patriarch Theophilos is scheduled to give a lecture at the Patriarchate of Bucharest, where he will be awarded an honourary doctorate.

His Beatitude left Tel Aviv airport on Friday morning, boarding a flight of Tarom Romanian Airlines. He was accompanied by the Elder Secretary-General, Archbishop Aristarchos of Constantina, Archdeacon Evlogios, and monk Antiochos. They arrived in Bucharest at 12:00 noon. They were later joined by the Very Reverend Nektarios, Metropolitan of Anthedon, of the Patriarchate of Constantinople.

At Bucharest airport, Patriarch Theophilos was welcomed with honours by Metropolitan Andreas of Cluj Maramoureş and Sӑlaj, representing Patriarch Daniel of Romania, as well as by tenths of Prelates and Priests. To complete the official welcoming, the “Polychronism” and “Lord, save your people” were performed in the Byzantine style at a specially arranged hall in the airport, followed by a supplication for life, health and salvation. Metropolitan Andreas then welcomed the Patriarch, extending thanks for His visit and the blessing of the Holy Cross.

In His reply speech, His Beatitude thanked the Triadic God for this visit, and the Patriarch of Romania for welcoming Him, adding that the Orthodox Churches do not maintain mere relations; they are indeed linked by communion in Christ, stemming from His sacrifice on the Cross, “a fragment of which we bring today from Jerusalem for the blessing of the Romanian people”. His Beatitude also thanked His Excellency the President of Romania, Mr Traian Basesco, whom he had received at the Patriarchate.

After the veneration of the Holy Cross, the retinue was driven to the Patriarchate of Romania, in the forecourt of the Cathedral of Sts Constantine and Helen and St Demetrius the New. There, a crowd of priests and pious faithful were waiting for the blessing of the Holy Cross and of the Patriarchate of Jerusalem. On an outdoors holy bema, His Beatitude Patriarch Daniel of Romania welcomed Patriarch Theophilos of Jerusalem, addressing Him in English. Patriarch’s Theophilos reply speech may be reached here: https://en.jerusalem-patriarchate.info/2014/10/24/9541

The speeches were followed by veneration at the holy relics of St Constantine Brӑncoveann, of St Demetrius, and the Holy Cross. Guests were then showed to the Patriarchate’s interior, which features remarkable 19th c. architecture and decoration, before being hosted to an Abrahamic Lunch. After resting at the Marriot hotel, they dined at Doina restaurant, which concluded the first day of Patriarch Theophilos’ visit to Romania.

From the Secretariat-General


On Wednesday, the 9th/22nd of October 2014, His Beatitude Theophilos, Patriarch of Jerusalem, addressed the Conference organized by the Van Leer Jerusalem Institute, entitled “Education and Literary Activity in Early Palestinian Monasticism”. The Patriarch spoke in English, and His speech may be reached here: https://en.jerusalem-patriarchate.info/2014/10/22/9534

This distinguished Israeli Jerusalemite Foundation undertakes promotional events centered around the science of Music and other sciences.

The current Conference is organized on the initiative of the Foundation’s Director, Mr Gabriel Motzkin and of Post-Doctoral Fellow, Mrs Chrysi Kotsifou. It is a two-day event featuring lectures by various researchers. For further information please visit: Education and Literary Activity in Early Palestinian Monasticism

From the Secretariat-General


On Thursday, the 19th of September/2nd of October 2014, H.B. Theophilos, Patriarch of Jerusalem, blessed the monastic habit of Panayiotis Bouzas and Stavros Doukas, novices at the Patriarchal School of Sion, pointing out that as men of the cloth and students at the Patriarchal School they must obey their presbyters and spiritual fathers, attend mass more often than the other students, set a spiritual example for them and prepare to join the Hagiotaphite Brotherhood, if indeed they decide to do so. They should also enjoy, the Patriarch added, the spiritual and material blessings offered to them as residents of the Holy Land, within their capabilities and according to their age, in line with the resurrectional ethos of the Orthodox Church.
From the Secretariat-General


On Saturday, the 14th/27th of September 2014, on the feast-day of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, after the divine Liturgy at the All-holy Church of the Resurrection, His Beatitude Patriarch Theophilos of Jerusalem conferred the medal of the Supreme Taxiarch of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulcher on Metropolitan Theologos of Serres, Greece. This honour was bestowed in appreciation and recognition of his love of and support to the Patriarchate of Jerusalem, especially through hosting youth from the Patriarchate’s flock in camps within his Bishopric, and through the organization of pilgrimage tours to the Holy Land and the Patriarchate, i.e. the current visit of members of his flock on the feast-day of the Exaltation of the Cross.

Deeply moved, the Metropolitan of Serres warmly thanked His Beatitude for this distinction which reflects on his Bishopric, and promised to carry on offering his devoted help and support in any way he can to the Patriarchate of Jerusalem, the Holy Sepulcher and the rest of the Holy Shrines.

From the Secretariat-General



On Wednesday, the 11th/24th of September 2014, H.B. Patriarch Theophilos of Jerusalem received the Most Reverend Chrysostomos, Metropolitan of Kition, of the Church of Cyprus. Metropolitan Chrysostomos had participated in the 6th Meeting of the Joint Commission for Anglican-Orthodox Dialogue in Jerusalem and stayed at the Patriarchate after the conclusion of the Commission’s deliberations, in order to celebrate the feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross.

Taking this opportunity, His Beatitude went on to confer on the Metropolitan of Kition the title of the Great Crusader of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulcher, for the incessant manifestation of his love and support of the Orthodox flock, and also for generously hosting Him during His visits in Cyprus and ministering to the Exarchy of the Holy Sepulcher in Cyprus and the Most Reverend Timotheos, Metropolitan of Bostra.

Deeply moved, Metropolitan Chrysostomos thanked His Beatitude for the honour conferred upon him, and pledged to carry on upholding the martyrical presence of the Patriarchate of Jerusalem, in its struggle to safeguard its worshipping and pastoral work.

From the Secretariat-General



On the afternoon of Monday, the 9th/22nd of September 2014, the Joint Commission for Theological Dialogue between the Orthodox and Roman Catholic Churches marked the conclusion of its deliberations at the Landmark hotel in Amman, where the Patriarchate of Jerusalem had hosted seventy participants representing both Churches.

In officially closing the meeting, His Beatitude Theophilos, Patriarch of Jerusalem, praised all delegates, the esteemed clerics and the two professors, for their copious work, and expressed the wish that the dialogue continue towards the rapprochement of the two Churches and unity in faith.

Before the closing ceremony, the Co-Presidents of the Dialogue, the Most Reverend Metropolitan John of Pergamos and the Commission’s Secretary-General, Metropolitan Gennadios of Sassima, on behalf of the Orthodox – and Cardinal Kurt Kock met in private with His Beatitude, before welcoming His Royal Highness, Prince Ghazi.

Cardinal Kurt Koch and Metropolitan John of Pergamos proceeded to welcome all participants, whereas Prince Ghazi thanked the Patriarchate of Jerusalem for hosting the Dialogue. The Prince went on to add that adversities must not let us down. Though small in size, Jordan is big in its vision and conviction for peace and justice. The Dialogue does not promise to solve the great schism, but what is important is that it carries on, twenty years after it first began, on the Lord’s Baptismal Site, the dawn of Christianity.

In His turn, the Patriarch of Jerusalem extended thanks to the Jordan Government and the King of Jordan for hosting the beginning of the Theological Dialogue in Jordan, an indisputable part of the Holy Land. Thanks to Prince Ghazi were also extended by Metropolitan John of Pergamos.

After the pause, the representatives of the two Churches carried on their deliberations for the completion of the final text for this Meeting’s topic, namely “Synodality and Primacy”.

On the conclusion of the Meeting, all participants were hosted to dinner offered by the Patriarch of Jerusalem at a restaurant in Amman.

On the following day, Tuesday the 10th/23rd of September, His Beatitude met with His Royal Highness Prince Ghazi in the morning. In the afternoon he convened with the Advisory Committee at the Bishopric on matters of concern to the flock.

The final communiqué of the Commission may be read here:


From the Secretariat-General


On Friday, the 6th/19th of September 2014, H.B. Theophilos, Patriarch of Jerusalem, performed a holy water rite for the blessing of the new school year 2014-2015, on the Hieratical School on the Hill of Sion.

His Beatitude was accompanied by the President of the School Board and Elder Sacristan, His Eminence Isidoros, Archbishop of Hierapolis; the Elder Secretary-General, His Eminence Aristarchos of Constantina; Archdeacon Evlogios and other Hagiotaphites. Also in attendance was the Consul-General of Greece, Mr Georgios Zacharoudiakis; the School Principal, f. Nikolaos Zervis; the Head of the Boarding House, Hierodeacon Dionysios, teachers and novices at the School. The holy water rite was performed in the Church of the Holy Trinity.

After the blessing, His Beatitude thanked God for the gathering anew of teachers and students, and advised the latter to be diligent and respectful of their teachers, to chant at the Church of the Resurrection and the Church of Sts Constantine and Helen, and be ready to serve the Patriarchate, if God should call them to do so.

He went on to thank the Ministry of Education for appointing teachers at the School, and referred to the contribution of the late Principal, f. Photios. The contribution of Archbishop Isidoros of Hierapolis was also praised, as well as the presence of the Consul-General, who is always supportive of the School’s needs.

In closing, His Beatitude recommended that weaker students be helped by their teachers and that all students show devotion and obedience to the Patriarchate.

In his turn, the Consul-General pointed out the importance of the contribution of parents, students and teachers, adding that because of the small number of students, classes have the advantage of being taught as private lessons.

A brief reception followed at the School’s Hall of Events, during which Principal Nikolaos spoke of the principles by which the School is to abide for the next school year (see video).

 From the Secretariat-General




On Thursday, the 5th/18th of September 2014, the 6th Meeting of the International Commission for Theological Dialogue between Orthodox and Anglicans opened officially at the conference hall near St George’s Anglican Church.

Participating in the meeting were: the Patriarchate of Alexandria, represented by the Most Reverend Seraphim, Metropolitan of Zimbabwe; the Patriarchate of Jerusalem, represented by Archimandrite Aristovoulos, who has succeeded f. Georgios Dragas, Protopresbyter and professor at the Boston Theological School of the Holy Cross; the Church of Cyprus, represented by the Most Reverend Chrysostomos, Metropolitan of Kition. The Patriarchates of Antioch, Russia and Serbia were also represented at the meeting. Mr Christos Christakis, presbyter of the Archbishopric of America, served as Secretary-General of the Commission on behalf of the Orthodox.

The Anglican Bishop in Jerusalem, Mr Suheil Dawani, opened the dialogue with a brief report on Christians in the Holy Land, and the contribution of the Church to them through educational institutions and hospitals, citing as example the Gaza hospital which tended to the wounded in the midst of hostilities.

His Beatitude Theophilos, Patriarch of Jerusalem, welcomed participants with an address in English, see: https://en.jerusalem-patriarchate.info/2014/09/18/8992

Welcoming speeches were also delivered by the well-known professor and Assistant to the Bishop of Diokleia, Kallistos (Timothy Ware) representing the Ecumenical Patriarchate, and the Archbishop of Perth, Australia, co-chairing the meeting on behalf of the Anglican Church.

The event was followed by a wider discussion among participants in the Church Forecourt.

 From the Secretariat-General