On the morning of Monday, the 29th/15th of June 2015, the Hieratic School of the Archbishopric of Cyprus, led by the Principal, the Most Reverend Archimandrite Benedictus Ioannou, visited the Patriarchate. Guests included fifteen students, priests and laymen from various Orthodox Churches.

The pilgrims of the sister Orthodox and Autocephalous Church of Cyprus were cordially welcomed by Patriarch Theophilos of Jerusalem and Hagiotaphite Fathers.

At the meeting, Archimandrite Benedictus addressed His Beatitude, pointing out how touched they all were with this visit to the Holy Land where the Incarnate, Crucified and Resurrected Lord had walked. He added that the example of Hagiotaphite Fathers, guardians of the Lord’s traces, would further enhance their faith and strengthen their links with the Mother of Churches. These links were first formed upon the foundation of the Church, as referenced in the Acts of the Apostles, through the founder of the Church of Cyprus, Apostle Barnabas, the Apostle Paul and his associates, St Neophytos the Recluse et al.

In His reply speech, the Patriarch underlined the harmonious relations between the Patriarchate of Jerusalem and the Archbishopric of Cyprus since ancient times, demonstrated in the context of the Middle East Council of Churches, the accommodation of youth from old Patriarchates in the camping sites of St Nikolas, Kakopetria, the enrolment of Arab-speaking children of the Patriarchate in the Cyprus Hieratic School, and the establishment of the Exarchate of the Holy Sepulcher in Nicosia.

On the conclusion of speeches, gifts were exchanged between f. Benedict and the Patriarch, whereupon the latter wished all students a constructive and soul-healing pilgrimage across the Holy Shrines.

From the Secretariat-General



On Sunday, the 1st/14th of June 2015, His Excellency the President of the Republic of Cyprus, Mr Nikos Anastasiades, visited the Patriarchate. He was accompanied by his esteemed wife and associates of his. Ms Andri Anastasiadou had participated in the Divine Liturgy at the All-holy Church of the Resurrection, led by His Eminence Methodios, Archbishop of Tabor.

His Excellency the President was welcomed by His Beatitude Theophilos, Patriarch of Jerusalem, in the presence of Hagiotaphite Fathers and Patriarchal School students.

In His address, the Patriarch talked of the contribution of the Patriarchate of Jerusalem towards the preservation of the existing multinational, multi-religious and inter-communal political status quo of the Holy City of Jerusalem, recognized by all interested parties. He also pointed out that the historic course of the troubled island of Cyprus is interwoven with the course of the Middle East in general and the Holy Land in particular, adding “We say this because your visit to the state of Israel takes place at a time when in our neighbouring countries, Christians are being displaced from their homelands and persecuted mercilessly, but also at a time of inhuman killing and fratricide”. His Beatitude assured the Cypriot President of the Patriarchate’s prayers for the prevalence of peace and the harmonious coexistence of peoples in our region and the world in general, especially for the liberation and unification of Cyprus.

President Anastasiades was decorated with the Peace Medal, bestowed on distinguished personalities, in recognition of his support of the Holy Sepulcher and the Patriarchate.

Mr Anastasiades thanked the Patriarch for this honour and pledged, from a position requiring first and foremost the promotion and resolution of the Cyprus question, to always support the interests of the Patriarchate, especially within the Cyprus Exarchate and other property owned by the Holy Sepulcher in Cyprus.

From the Secretariat-General



On the evening of Saturday, the 31st of May/13th of June 2015, Patriarch Theophilos of Jerusalem visited the town of Remli, the ancient Arimathea. He was accompanied by Metropolitan Isychios of Kapitolias, Archbishop Aristarchos of Constantina, and Protopresbyter Issa Mousleh, the Patriarchate’s liaison with Arabic-speaking Mass Media.

There, the Patriarch visited the Monastery of St Joseph of Arimathea and of St George, where the assiduous and learned Hegoumen, f. Nephon, demonstrated works of maintenance and renovation having taken place at the Monastery.

His Beatitude then proceeded to the adjacent School, founded by the Community by the subvention of the Patriarchate and other donors, which numbers today 650 students of Nursery, Elementary, High School and Lyceum, as well as thirty teachers. There, the Patriarch blessed the graduation ceremony for fifty four graduates.

Ms Frieda Manashe, the President of the Community, addressed guests at this well-organized ceremony. The School Principal, Ms Ilham Mahoul, and representatives of the graduates also spoke. The Patriarch’s address was read in Arabic by f. Issa Mousleh.

Each of the fifty four graduates received the Patriarch’s congratulations, along with wishes for success in their life and professional careers.

From the Secretariat-General


In the period between 26th-27th of May/8th-9th of June 2015, a Delegation of the Patriarchate of Jerusalem visited the Patriarchate of Moscow. The delegation was made up of Archbishop Aristarchos of Constantina and the Patriarchal Commissioner in Bethlehem, Archbishop Theophylaktos of Jordan.

The purpose of the visit was the discussion and resolution of issues of ecclesiastical nature. The delegates were warmly welcomed by Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokalamsk and Protopresbyter Nikolay Balashov, Head of the Department for External Church Relations.

On the second day of the visit, the delegation met with His Beatitude Kirill, Patriarch of Moscow.

On the conclusion of the meeting, the delegates extended the thanks of Patriarch Theophilos of Jerusalem for Patriarch Kyrill’s hospitality, sincere hearing and honest interest in the issues discussed.

On the occasion of the visit, the delegates visited the Dependency of the Holy Sepulcher in Moscow and received the fraternal hospitality of Archimandrite Stephanos.

From the Secretariat-General


On Friday, the 16th/29th of May 2015, H.B. Theophilos, Patriarch of Jerusalem, accompanied by Archbishop Aristarchos of Constantina, visited Jordan.

On the east side of the Jordan River Bridge, His Beatitude was welcomed by Archimandrite Ieronymos, hegoumen in Fhes.

From there, His Beatitude was driven to the Metropolis of Philadelphia, in Amman, for lunch hosted by Metropolitan Benedictus of Philadelphia.

On the afternoon of the same day, the Patriarch attended the graduation ceremony of the Patriarchate’s schools in Jordan, namely in Amman, Fhes, Zarqa and Madaba, in order to confer titles on 250 graduates.

The ceremony was organized by Archimandrites Innocentius and Artemios, and by the schools’ vice-principal, Mr Edward Smerat. It began with the welcoming of the Patriarch by the Boy Scouts, Archimandrite Innocentius, Mr Smerat, Archimandrite Artemios, priests in Jordan parishes and distinguished personalities.

After Jordan’s National Anthem was heard, the graduates paraded in the presence of His Beatitude, Mr Saleh Salayle, Jordan’s deputy Minister of Education and Culture, their teachers and parents.

Mr Smerat went on to congratulate the graduates and also thanked the Patriarchate for providing moral and material support to its schools in Jordan.

Representatives of the graduates spoke in French, English and Arabic. Highlights from student activities during the 2014-2015 school year were shown on screen.

The Patriarch’s speech was read in Arabic by f. Issa Mousleh.

After the speech, His Beatitude awarded diplomas on all graduates, wishing them success in their studies and professional careers.

From the Secretariat-General



On Monday, the 12th/24th of May 2015, Patriarch Theophilos of Jerusalem, accompanied by Archbishop Aristarchos of Constantina, and Archimandrite Ieronymus, Hegoumen at Fhes, paid a pastoral visit to Jordan, lying within the church jurisdiction of the Patriarchate.

His Beatitude was welcomed by priests of the Patriarchate’s parishes in Jordan and personalities of the Greek Orthodox flock there, i.e. former Minister, Mr Munder Hadadin, and former MP, Mr Ode Kawas. Upon the Patriarch’s arrival at the Metropolis of Amman, He was welcomed by the recently set up Advisory Committee. There, the Patriarch informed the Committee on the situation of the Church in Jerusalem and the recent intervention of the Israeli Police in the Aedicula of the Holy Sepulcher.

A meeting followed between Patriarch Theophilos and all the priests of parishes within the Patriarchate’s Metropolis in Jordan, in the presence of Metropolitan Benedictus of Philadelphia, Archbishop Philoumenos of Pella, Archimandrite Hilarion, Archimandrites Innocentius, Chrysanthos and Christophoros.

This hieratic gathering was addressed by His Beatitude in Greek.

After His address, the Patriarch expressed His joy on meeting His spiritual children, priests and laymen alike, and declared His will to pay more frequent visits. Archimandrite Hilarion, hegoumen at Mount Tabor, then talked on works sponsored by the Patriarchate and by Charity Associations, for instance the renovation and decoration of churches in various cities of Jordan, purchase of a plot of land in Antana, reparations on St George church in Karak, renovation of St Nikolas church in Marka etc. The sum spent for the total of these works rises to approximately half a million dinars.

Archimandrite Hilarion then spoke about works of conservation and reparation in Israel, decoration of churches, purchase of bells, purchase of a plot of land in Rene, Nazareth for half a million dollars etc. These works are carried out under the supervision of f. Hilarion and upon the subvention of the Patriarchate and donations by pious Christians.

Archbishop Philoumenos of Pella spoke on works performed by the Patriarchate within his prelacy in Northern Jordan and thanked the Patriarch and Archimandrite Hilarion for their dedication. Archimandrite Hilarion, in return, thanked His Beatitude and pointed out the need for cooperation between the Patriarchate and the flock.

Protopresbyter Constantinos Carmi, f. Jiriyes Ismerat, f. Antonios of Anter, and f. Symeon also spoke at the meeting.

Archimandrite Christophoros then pointed out that a new page is now turned as regards his relation with the Patriarch, and thanked Him for His love and trust.

Participants were then hosted to lunch offered by the Advisory Committee. There, His Beatitude’s address was read in Arabic by f. Petros Janho. The Chairman of the Advisory Committee, Mr Kamel Abu Jamber, underlined the importance of the Patriarch’s visits for the support of the flock in Jordan and of Christians in the Middle East.

A private meeting then followed, between the Patriarch and the Advisory Committee, during which His Beatitude stressed the importance of the Patriarchate for Jerusalem and the maintenance of its political status, and also underlined the need for collaboration between the faithful and their priests.

His Beatitude asked for the Committee’s collaboration in the execution of the Patriarchate’s work.

Responding in a relevant question, the Patriarch said that although schools are important for teaching the Orthodox faith, true teaching begins within the family.

On the afternoon of the same day, His Beatitude and Metropolitan Benedictus participated in a reception hosted by the King of Jordan in celebration of the Independence of Jordan.

On the following day, His Beatitude met with 20 members of the Executive Advisory Committee at the Metropolis, where issues pertaining to the enlightenment of the flock were discussed, for instance by way of explanatory books translated into Arabic.

On Tuesday, His Beatitude returned to the Patriarchate, thanking God for the success of this pastoral visit.

From the Secretariat-General


On Saturday, the 10th/23rd of May 2015, the 8th Orthodox Convention of the Local Councils of Greek Orthodox Arabic-Speaking Communities of the Patriarchate in Israel took place at the events hall of the Orthodox Arabic-speaking Community, in Nazareth.

Each Arabic-speaking Community within the area of Israel since 1948 is ruled by a Council elected by the Community and ratified by the Patriarch of Jerusalem. Each Council has a Chairman and members and deals with issues of concern to its pertinent Community, including religious, educational and property issues, in collaboration with the Patriarchate of Jerusalem. The Councils represent Nazareth, Remle, Lydda, Joppa, Haifa, Accra, and twelve villages that fall under their wider area.

The decisions of each Council are executed by an Executive Committee consisting of a member from each Community.

The current Chairman of the Executive Committee is Mr Raik Zarzoura, an Orthodox Arabic-speaker from Nazareth.

The 8th Convention had as participants Patriarch Theophilos of Jerusalem, the representative of the Community of the Druze, Mr Mowafet Tarif, Mr Ayman Odeh, member of the Jewish Parliament; the Chairwoman of the Nazareth Council, Ms Afaf Touma, the former Latin Patriarch, judge Mohammed Abu Abendi and other distinguished personalities.

The addresses of the Chairman of the Council and the President of the Executive Committee first emphasized the need to liberate the Syrian Bishops. The importance of the collaboration between the Communities and the Patriarchate towards protecting their identity as Christians, their residence in the state of Israel, and their property under the light of volatile political developments in the Middle East, were also pointed out, along with the need to set up physical education facilities for the youth. Also discussed during the meeting was the need to fight against social and ethnic discriminations and unite Christians, the Druze and Muslims in promoting the rights of their Communities within the state of Israel.

Mutual respect between the Communities, tolerance, collaboration and repentance are necessary, it was said, in order to achieve this. Palestinian songs were performed during the meeting under the direction of Mr Samir Mahoul from Kafr Yasif.

Patriarch Theophilos blessed the workings of the Convention. His speech was read in Arabic by f. Issa Mousleh, the Patriarchate’s Arabic-speaking media liaison.

On the conclusion of the first part of deliberations, the members of the Executive Committee asked His Beatitude several questions, which He answered patiently and in a paternal and pastoral manner.

At noon, participants were hosted to lunch, after which the election of the new Chairman of the Executive Committee took place.

From the Secretariat-General


On the afternoon of Saturday, the 9th/23rd of May2015, the graduation ceremony of the Patriarchal School in Ramallah took place at the events hall of the Culture Peace Center.

The ceremony was honoured by the presence of Patriarch Theophilos of Jerusalem, the Patriarchal Commissioner, the Elder Secretary-General, the Chairman of the Board of Education for Patriarchal Schools in Israel, Archimandrite Ieronymus, the Hegoumen at the Monastery of the Transfiguration, Archimandrite Galaktion, priests from Ramallah and adjacent towns, the parents of the graduates, the Patriarchate’s liaison with Arab-speaking media, f. Issa Mousleh, Ms Nora Kourt, the school Principal, Mr Richard Zananiri, and teachers.

The well-organized graduation ceremony began with the Principal’s welcoming speech, the entrance of the graduates, the performance of the Palestinian National Anthem and a reading of the passage from the Gospel according to John, on Christ being “the Bread of Life”.

A screening followed of activities pursued by the graduates during 2015, introduced by a presentation in memory of martyr Nadim Nawara, the student who was murdered last year by Israeli soldiers at a protest. Two students went on to welcome guests, one in Arabic and the other in impeccable Greek. Principal Zananiri also made an address.

The student spoke of their gratitude to their parents and teachers, whilst the Principal expressed his gratitude to the Patriarchate for supporting the school.

The event was enriched by performances of Palestinian songs and dances. Honorary distinctions were then offered by the School to the father of Nadim Nawara, His Beatitude, the School principal, Metropolitan Isychios of Kapitolias, Archimandrites Ieronymus and Galaktion, f. Issa Mousleh and to three top-notch students.

The ceremony closed with the award of diplomas by the Patriarch to all graduates, along with wishes for social, spiritual and professional success.

From the Secretariat-General




On the afternoon of Tuesday, the 6th/19th of May 2015, the graduation ceremony of St Demetrius Patriarchal School took place at the Notre Dame Hotel near the New Gate.

His Beatitude Theophilos, Patriarch of Jerusalem, blessed the ceremony by His presence. He was accompanied by Archbishops Aristarchos of Constantina and Demetrios of Lydda, the Chairman of the Board of Education for Patriarchal Schools in Israel, Archimandrite Ieronymus; Protopresbyter f. Issa Mousleh, the Patriarchate’s liaison with Arab-speaking media; the Assistant Dragoman and Master of Ceremonies, Archimandrite Bartholomew.

The ceremony began with the “Christ has risen” prayer, one-minute silence for the Palestinian fallen, and a recitation of the Palestinian and Greek National Hymns. The School Principal, Mr Samir Zananiri, then addressed guests, thanking His Beatitude for the Patriarchate’s interest in the School.

Addresses were also made on behalf of the graduates in both English and Greek, extending thanks to the Patriarchate for providing them with the wealth of Greek education, the mother of civilization. Thanks were also extended to their parents and teachers. Performances of traditional Palestinian and Greek dances enriched the ceremony.

The event closed with the Patriarch’s speech, read in Arabic by f. Issa Mousleh, and the conferral of diplomas on 19 graduates. Upon conferring the titles, His Beatitude wished students success in their studies and professional career. In their turn, the School presented His Beatitude with an honorary plaque in expression of gratitude for His moral support.

From the Secretariat-General




At noon of Tuesday the 6th/19th of May 2015, the inauguration took place of a new Police Station within the building complex of David’s Tomb and of the Cenacle of Pentecost, on Mount Zion.

The new Police Station on Mount Zion was established in order to deal with phenomena of violence that have been caused by religious fanaticism over the past years, the last of which was arson within the Patriarchate’s School on Mount Zion.

The inauguration ceremony was attended mainly by high-ranking police officers, including Police Chief, Mr Danino, who addressed guests; the Chief of David’s Gate Police Station in the Old City of Jerusalem, Mr Avi Bitton; the Chief Rabbi, given that Rabbinical Schools operate in the area of David’s Tomb, and the Rabbi of the Wailing Wall, who also made an address.

The sanctity and significance of Mount Zion for the three monotheistic religions was stressed by all speakers.

On behalf of the Patriarchate and other Christians, Patriarch Theophilos of Jerusalem made an address in English, see link:

From the Secretariat-General