The decades-long established meeting of the President of the State of Israel Mr Reuven Rivlin with the Heads of the Churches and Religious Institutions in the State of Israel, for the New Civil Year, 2021, took place on Wednesday, 17/30 December 2020.

This year, the meeting was held according to the covid-19 restrictive measures. His Beatitude our Father and Patriarch of Jerusalem Theophilos addressed the President Mr Rivlin on behalf of the Christians in the State of Israel as per below:

Jerusalem 30 December 2020


“Your Excellency, Mr President,

Respected Governmental Officials,

Your Beatitudes,

Your Eminences,

Your Graces,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

We wish to extend to you, Mr President, our greetings and best wishes for this holiday season, in which the Abrahamic faith traditions keep festivals of light and life. In this difficult time of the pandemic, during which so many are suffering both in the Holy Land and around the world, it remains incumbent upon us all to remain focused on the hope that this holiday season promises.

We would like to take this opportunity to express our gratitude to you, Mr President, for your steadfast support of the multi-ethnic, multi-cultural, multi-religious character of Jerusalem and the Holy Land. Your commitment to the well-being and integrity of the Christian presence is a real encouragement, especially as we face the ongoing challenges from those who do not understand the true nature of the Holy Land.

We have deeply appreciated the personal concern that you have shown us by speaking individually to each of the Heads of the Churches during this pandemic.

In this festive season of peace and goodwill, we remain convinced that the best possible roadmap for the future of the well-being of all our peoples here, is the way of dialogue and mutual respect. We share your concern, Mr President, about the increasing incidents of radical activity in the Holy Land, most recently at the Church of the Agony in Gethsemane. Yet, we are confident, that the challenges that we face can be resolved by proper dialogue, and we cannot relax our vigilance against those who wish to subvert the integrity of our common life, in which the three Abrahamic traditions may be allowed to co-exist and to flourish.

Our beloved Holy Land has suffered terribly during the pandemic. Many thousands of pilgrims cannot be with us, especially during this holiday season, and this is both a spiritual and economic hardship for us. And yet, we do not lose heart, and we trust in Almighty God to sustain us during this time. For it is written:

“God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore, we will not fear, though the earth should change, though the mountains shake in the heart of the sea; though its waters roar and foam, though the mountains tremble with its tumult.” (Psalm 45[46]: 1-3).

We are all looking forward in the New Year to a time of recovery and new life, in which our regular patterns of life will be restored, and our local communities, as well as those who come here on pilgrimage, may experience a more normal life once again. We welcome the encouraging news of new COVID vaccine.

We would like to make a special mention of the Office for Christian Communities and Mr Sezar Marjieh and his colleagues for their crucial efforts and co-ordination.

As we look to the future in the hope of this holy season, we take this opportunity, Mr President, to wish you and your family a Happy New Year. May God bless you in your work on behalf of all the peoples of our beloved Holy Land.

Thank you.”

His Beatitude Theophilos III

Patriarch of Jerusalem


His Beatitude Patriarch Theophilos III attended this morning, 9 December, the monthly meeting of Patriarchs and Heads of the Churches in Jerusalem via Zoom, to discuss various matters including the Christmas message for the year 2020.

Patriarch Theophilos was joined by His Beatitude Pierbattista Pizzaballa, the new Latin Patriarch in Jerusalem, His Paternity Francesco Patton, Custodian of the Holy Land, Their Grace Archbishop Suheil Dawani and Bishop Hosam Naoum from the Episcopal Church, and a representative from the Coptic Church.

His Beatitude started the meeting by congratulating the Latin Church in Jerusalem for their newly appointed Patriarch Pizzaballa, who has officially received the title last Friday, 4 December, after he had been the Apostolic Administrator of the Latin Patriarchate since 2016.

The Heads of the Churches went through the Christmas message for the upcoming holidays, and together they discussed and added some changes to the overall draft.

They also reviewed the latest updates from the World Council of Churches (WCC), which concern the organisation’s related offices in Jerusalem and the type of work and services they provide. This comes after almost two months from WCC’s last meeting with the Heads of the Churches last October, when they asked to receive support and combine efforts together with the Churches of the Holy Land to further facilitate their services.


Jerusalem 5-12-2020


His Beatitude Theophilos III, Patriarch of Jerusalem, condemned today the attempt to burn the Church of Gethsemane in Jerusalem by an Israeli radical. His Beatitude described this attempt as a racist crime that exposes Israeli radical mentality in targeting churches and their properties.

His Beatitude said “this radical act is a crime inspired by an extreme ideology that seeks to drive Christians from the Holy Land.” He added, “I call on the international community to take its role in protecting Christian shrines, and preserving the indigenous Christian presence in the Holy Land.” H.B. also praised efforts of His Majesty King Abdullah II, the Hashemite Custodian of Islamic and Christian Holy Sites in the Holy Land, on local and international levels. H.B pointed out that the crime of attempting to burn the Church of Gethsemane is no less appalling and horrible than the radical organizations’ attempts to control churches properties, especially in Jerusalem’s Jafa Gate.

His Beatitude Patriarch Theophilos III stressed that racism is a horrible enemy of all nations, and that peace, tolerance and coexistence are the ideal gateway for a bright future in the city of Jerusalem, which suffers from hatred, racism and the resulting crimes.


His Beatitude Patriarch Theophilos III virtually joined yesterday, 30 November, members of the British Parliament and officers of the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) which plan to create a new initiative dedicated for Christianity in the Holy Land.

The inaugural meeting, which was held via Zoom, as the world is still severely suffering from restrictions connected with the novel disease of COVID-19, was the fruit of combined efforts from different Members forming an ‘All-Party Parliamentary Group’ or ‘APPG’, which is composed of members of parliament in the United Kingdom from all political parties who explore and discuss particular issues and concerns on various relevant topics. This APPG will be for the topic of “Christianity in the Holy Land”.

Joined by Archbishop Suheil Dawani from the Episcopal Church, His Beatitude thanked the MPs for their thoughtful initiative and genuine interest in helping Christians in the Holy Land, especially that it is coming during these unpredictable and difficult times, which also comes when we are  a few weeks from the greatest gift of all, the birth of our Jesus Christ, the symbol of sympathy and kindness.

“Your support will help the Christian community to flourish and thrive in the future. On behalf of the Council of Patriarchs and Heads of Churches in the Holy Land, I thank you for your support,” His Beatitude Patriarch Theophilos addressed the attendees.

“Your support has already had a positive impact at critical times. When the Churches faced unjustified taxation, you spoke up for us. When some politicians proposed legislation to confiscate church lands, you were advocates on our behalf. On both occasions, your interventions were crucial and helped to inspire a just and peaceful resolution.”

The meeting was chaired by MP Steve Double with collaboration of the International Community of the Holy Sepulchre (ICoHS). The initiative comes under the name of ‘Christianity in the Holy Land’ and is expected to shed some light to the international community of the different plights and challenges local Christians face, ways to help maintain that Christian characteristic in the alleys of the Holy Land, and find common ground to empower and strengthen them.



Foiling a new scheme of the radicals: Patriarch Theophilos pays two million shekels owed by the tenants of the Petra Hotel

His Beatitude Patriarch Theophilos III announced today, 14 November, the success of the Patriarchate of Jerusalem in foiling a new scheme of the radicals to take over the Petra Hotel in Jaffa Gate, Jerusalem.

The Patriarchate is following a strict plan for defending its properties in Jaffa Gate against the radical group ‘Ateret Cohanim’, which falsely claims ownership of the Orthodox properties.

The plan works in two parallel defence paths. The first, is fighting through, till the very end, in the legal battle of the current case, which has reached the Supreme Court. And the second, providing all types of help to enable the tenants to remain standing firmly in these properties, because in the unfortunate scenario where the Patriarchate fails in the first line of defence, the properties will still remain occupied and under the control for the current tenants.

The Patriarch of Jerusalem explained that following the latter path of defence the Patriarchate, last Thursday, paid two million shekels to the Jerusalem District Court, on behalf of the tenants of Petra Hotel, to stop the court from ruling in favour of the radicals, a situation which would have enabled them to take over the hotel.

His Beatitude noted that the Patriarchate, and during his time, had previously paid 400,000 shekels to the tenants of the Petra Hotel, to allow them to pay their debts to the relevant Israeli local authorities, but they unfortunately didn’t; which led the debt to accumulate to enormous amounts as time passed.

With the tenants not paying their dues, the Jerusalem District Court appointed a Liquidator to collect the debt, and that Liquidator was non-other than Advocate Avi Moshe Segal, one of Ateret Cohanim’s attorneys.

The Patriarchate of Jerusalem tried to pay the tenants’ debt to the Israeli local authorities directly, but the Liquidator, Mr. Segal, obtained a decision from the court preventing the relevant authorities from negotiating with the Patriarchate. It was obvious that the Liquidator’s strategy would eventually lead Ateret Cohanim to cover the tenants’ debt in exchange for acquiring their rights in the Petra Hotel, which would mean that the radicals would take over the Petra Hotel and use it as they please, and that is the disastrous scenario the Patriarchate is trying to avoid; for this reason. The Patriarchate paid this huge sum of money despite the financial hardships that it is going through, especially in light of the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic and the exemption granted to the tenants of the Patriarchate’s properties throughout the Old City of Jerusalem for this year.

His Beatitude affirmed that the Patriarchate of Jerusalem is fully prepared to do anything and everything to save and defend its properties in Jaffa Gate, and the Church properties in general. He also stressed that protecting the Christian presence in Jerusalem is not achieved through slogans but by real actions.



His Beatitude delivers a speech at ICoHS’ global live event

His Beatitude Patriarch Theophilos III attended on Friday, 23 October, an online welcoming event to mark the second year of the foundation of the International Community of the Holy Sepulchre (ICoHS).

ICoHS, which was created as a result of an initiative supported by the Patriarchs and Heads of Churches in Jerusalem in 2018, is a London based charity responsible for supporting and advocating on behalf of the Christian community in the Holy Land, launching fundraisers on their behalf and ensuring their voices are heard, while at the same time working closely with local Churches and ministries to help in the implementation of those endeavours for the general good of the whole community.

The gathering gave answers on how Christians of the Holy Land have been dealing with the ongoing social and financial crisis of COVID-19, and how the local Churches stood by them playing an important role in supporting their substantial existence.

“The Churches of the Holy Land have long been calling Christians and people of all faiths around the world to lend their support and stand together in solidarity with their brothers and sisters here where the Christian mission began,” His Beatitude said during his speech.

“We share a determination to keep our doors open to all without distinction and to serve our local communities. In this mission, we have been joined and strengthened by friends around the world. This growing global support has led to the formation of the International Community of the Holy Sepulchre, or ICoHS. We welcome and celebrate the founding of ICoHS and thank all those who are joining in this ecumenical effort to strengthen and support our Christian community in the Holy Land.”

The virtual gathering also featured Father Ramzi Sidawi OFM from the Custody of the Holy Land, and a Q&A session led by Coadjutor Bishop Hosam Naoum from the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem, and Rev. Carrie Ballenger from the Redeemer Lutheran Church in Jerusalem.


To watch ICoHS’ full live event, please click the link below:


On Thursday, September 4/17, 2020, the Holy and Sacred Synod of the Patriarchate of Jerusalem, met in its canonical Meeting, 115/4th /17th September 2020, chaired by H.H.B. our Father and Patriarch of Jerusalem Theophilos III, discussed various matters and decided the following;
Appointed Geronda Sacristan of the Holy Sepulchre, His Eminence Archbishop Isidoros of Hierapolis, as member of the Holy and Sacred Synod.
Appointed Archimandrite Raphael as Exarch of the Holy Sepulchre in Greece and as member of the Holy and Sacred Synod.
Brought back Archimandrite Damianos to the Hagiotaphite Headquarters in Jerusalem from the Exarchy of Greece.
Gave the title of Elder Dragoman to Archimandrite Mattheos who had already been ministering in this position as Vice Dragoman.

From Secretariat-General


On Wednesday afternoon, September 3/16, 2020, the new Consul General of Greece in Jerusalem Mr. Evaggelos Vlioras with his wife and son visited formally the Patriarchate as he has undertaken his duties in the Consulate.

His Excellency the new Consul General Mr. Vlioras was received by H.H.B. our Father and Patriarch of Jerusalem Theophilos and by His Eminence Metropolitan Isychios of Kapitolias, along with Geronda Secretary-General Most Reverend Archbishop Aristarchos of Constantina, Dragouman Archimandrite Mattheos, the Secretary of the Holy and Sacred Synod Hierodeacon Simeon and Hierodeacon Eulogios.

In this meeting, His Beatitude underlined the stature and the mission of the Patriarchate in the Holy Land; a mission with ecclesiastical, educational, cultural, peace-making character, especially in these turbulent with no peace times in the Holy Land.

The Consul General stated that both Greece and himself personally are predisposed to contribute to this mission of the Patriarchate.

In recognition of the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Greece and of himself toward the Patriarchate, His Beatitude awarded Mr. Vlioras with the medal of the Grand Commander of the Order of Knights of the Holy Sepulchre, so that by the Grace of the Holy Sepulchre he may continue his cooperation with the Patriarchate, for the tightening of the bonds between the nation and the Patriarchate, for the support of the rights of our nation in the Holy Land, as Greece is the protector of these rights, which are internationally recognized. The Greek Consul General has a primary position among the Consuls of the other countries.

Emotional, the Consul General thanked His Beatitude and said he will always be a helper at the mission of the Patriarchate, in humility and willingness to offer.

Sealing this meeting, His Beatitude offered the Consul General’s wife and son a cross as a blessing of the Holy Sepulchre.

From Secretariat-General


On Tuesday evening, June 3-16, 2020, His Excellency the Prime Minister of Greece Mr. Kyriakos Mitsotakis, visited the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, while being on Israel on a business trip, escorted by his wife Mrs. Mareva Mitsotaki, and their son, by a group of his associates among whom the Minister of Energy Mr. Kostas Chatzidakis, the Ambassador of Greece in Israel Mr. Sarris, the former Consul General in Jerusalem Mrs. Eleni Sourani and the current Consul General of Greece in Jerusalem Mr. Christos Sophianopoulos and Mrs. Tzima.

The Prime Minister was welcomed at the Gate of the Patriarchate by His Beatitude our Father and Patriarch of Jerusalem Theophilos along with Hagiotaphite Fathers and guided him at the Holy Sepulchre, the Horrendous Golgotha and finally at the Office of the Church of the Resurrection, where He addressed him as follows;

“Your Excellency, Prime Minister of Greece Mr. Kyriakos Mitsotakis,

The Venerable Hagiotaphite Brotherhood and We personally rejoice especially on the presence of Your Excellency amongst us during this veneration at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, where the Horrendous Golgotha and the All-holy Tomb of our God and Saviour Jesus Christ lie.

The deep bond between our nation and the Holy Sepulchre is proven by the inscription therein, which writes “those who resurrected the noble and royal Nation of the Rum Orthodox”.

Mr. Prime Minister, your visit at the State of Israel and in the Holy City of Jerusalem has a special meaning for the Christians who live herein, and of course for those who live within the territory of the Palestinian Authority and in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.

And we say this, because  as it is known, the Patriarchate of Jerusalem, also know as Rum Orthodox,  is the guarantee on the one hand of the Christians’ identity, and on the other, of the threatened Christian character of the Old City of Jerusalem.

In its spiritual and ecclesiastical mission, the Patriarchate continues tirelessly its pastoral care throughout the centuries, a care that is not restricted only to the preservation and safekeeping of the holy shrines, monuments, monasteries and Churches, but also to the field of education with especial emphasis in the operation of Schools and other social or charitable foundations.

The consequences of the universal crisis of the coronavirus plague are already visible and quite serious. However, the interest of the Greek government and of you personally, Mr. Prime Minister, in practice and in various ways, is doubtless and for granted, therefore we also hope in the consideration of our Patriarchate by you and your Government.

Expressing the warm thanks of the Hagiotaphite Brotherhood and Us personally, we wish success in your mission here, and a good outcome of your hard efforts for the prevailing of peace and the progress and the prosperity of the peoples of the Mediterranean and of the tested Middle East.

Please accept this commemorative medal, which was created on the restoration of the Edicule of the Holy Sepulchre by the National Technical University of Athens in 2017.”

Emotional, the Prime Minister thanked His Beatitude for His kind words and for the honour during his visit at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre and added: “a visit in Jerusalem without visiting the Holy Sepulchre is without substance” and offered His Beatitude a silver platter in remembrance of his visit.

His Beatitude offered the Prime Minister a symbolic commemorative medal which was made on the restoration of the Edicule of the Holy Sepulchre and symbolic souvenirs from Jerusalem for his companions.

Concluding, the Prime Minister thanked His Beatitude for His address, the presents, and asked His blessing for the success of the mission of the Government with the reassurance that the Greek Government will always be a supporter of the mission of the Patriarchate of Jerusalem.

From Secretariat-General


On Sunday evening, June 1/14, 2020, the current Secretary of the Meetings of the Heads of the Christian Churches in Jerusalem, Hosam Elias Naoum was ordained a Bishop, in order to succeed the current Archbishop Suheil Dawani as Archbishop of the Anglican Church in Jerusalem.

H.H.B. our Father and Patriarch of Jerusalem Theophilos was the first among the distinguished guests, Anglican Bishops, and representatives of the Christian Churches in Jerusalem, in this ordination, and He delivered the following address:

“Your Grace, dear Bishop Hosam,

Your Grace, dear Archbishop Suheil,

Mr. Consul General

Your Eminences,

Your Graces,

Respected Members of the Clergy,

Beloved Faithful,

We are deeply honoured, dear Bishop Hosam, to be present on this blessed day of your ordination and consecration as a bishop. This celebration is the culmination of years of dedication to education, pastoral service, and leadership in your diocese and in the wider Church. You have proved yourself worthy of many responsibilities and today the greatest responsibility that the Church can bestow is now laid on your shoulders.

A Bishop is first and foremost a pastor after the example of our Lord Jesus Christ, who is the Good Shepherd of his people. For the Lord says:

“I am the good shepherd I know my own and my own know me”.

You are called to the diakonia of the Church, of the sacraments, and of the clergy and the laity of your community without distinction, and you are called further to the diakonia even of those outside your flock, who may at any time turn to you for help.

Dear Bishop Hosam, you are known for your strong commitments. For you have been serving as the Secretary to the Council of the Jerusalem Church Committees, where you have demonstrated devotion to our ecumenical and interfaith work on behalf of all the communities of our beloved Holy Land. Your ability to work with in our multi-ethnic, multi-cultural, and multi-religious society is a crucial skill that you bring, and you remind us of the role of the bishop as “bridge-builder”, for many are the bridges for peace, justice, and reconciliation that you have already built. We have every confidence that your experience and gifts will be of genuine usefulness as you take your place among us as a bishop.

Allow us to honour His Grace, Archbishop Suheil, who has exercised oversight over the diocese for so many years in difficult circumstances with clarity, devotion, energy, and faithfulness, and who has exercised respected leadership in our region. Furthermore, we recognise the presence with us of the distinguished Consul General of Great Britain.

We are also pleased to welcome to the Holy City His Grace Archbishop Michael and His Grace Bishop Peter, who are well known to us and committed advocates of the Christian presence in the Holy Land and in the Middle East, and who have both travelled here during this pandemic that has brought confusion around the world in order to ensure that his crucial ordination could take place. We wish to express our collective gratitude to you both, dear Bishops, for the sacrifice that you have made to be here.

Just as no one could have foreseen the pandemic, nobody knows what the future will bring yet. By God’s grace, we look to the future in hope, for as Saint Paul says, “Rejoice in hope, be patient in suffering, persevere in prayer”(Romans 12:12).

In affirmatio of our joint commitment to the Church of Christ, and most specifically to the Jerusalem Church, allow to present to you this engolpion of the Theotokos, that you MAY be under her protection and that you MAY be a martyria of Christ’s love and of our Christian ministry here in the Holy Land.

Congratulations, and MAY the Paraclete, the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of our Lord Jesus Christ guide your steps in the work of His commandments.

Thank you.”

From Secretariat-General