The Patriarchate of Jerusalem sadly announces that Metropolitan Christodoulos of Eleftheroupolis slept in the Lord on Tuesday, 1st/14th December 2021, at 11 a.m.

The departed and dearly beloved brother of ours was born in Kamares of Heraklion Crete, studied at the Patriarchal School of Jerusalem and joined the Hagiotaphite Brotherhood at an early age. He studied Classical Literature at the University of Tel Aviv in Israel and Theology at the School of Theology of the University of Athens. He served at various positions at the Patriarchate; He was a teacher at the Seminary school of the Patriarchate, where he drew many students, a member of the Holy and Sacred Synod, Elder Dragoman, and defended the rights of the Rum Orthodox Patriarchate of Jerusalem for the All-holy Shrines.

Over the last few years, his health deteriorated and he was hospitalized at the Israeli hospital, at the foundation “Saint John the merciful” in Athens and finally at the old people’s home of the Archdiocese of Crete, where he left his last breath.

His funeral service was observed on Wednesday 2nd/ 15th December 2021 at 1:00 p.m. at the Holy Monastery of Panagia Kalyviani, after the permission of the local Metropolitan Makarios of Gortyna and Arkadia. His Holy Beatitude our Father and Patriarch of Jerusalem Theophilos was represented by His Eminence Metropolitan Isychios of Kapitolias and the Exarch of the Holy Sepulchre in Greece, Archimandrite Raphael, who held the service, along with His Eminence Metropolitan Makarios of Gortyna and Arkadia, His Eminence Metropolitan Eugenios of Rethymno and Aulopotamos, and Reverend Bishop Prodromos of Knossos, who represented the Holy Archdiocese of Crete.

The obituary was delivered by His Eminence Metropolitan Isychios of Kapitolias as follows:

“Your Eminence Metropolita Makarios of Gortyna and Arkadia,

Reverend Priests,

Reverend Abbess Timothei,

Pious people of God,

The departure to the Lord of our beloved brother in Christ, and co-celebrant, Metropolitan Christodoulos of Eleftheroupolis and Elder Dragoman of the Patriarchate, has gathered us in this modest congregation to see him off in his course to the eternal habitations of heaven.

In awe, we stand before his corpse and wonder how this mystery of death “has come to us”, how did we people assimilate the death and decay. We sorrow, not like those “who have no hope”, but in the sorrow that our Lord Jesus Christ had when His eyes were filled with tears before the tomb of His friend, the four-day dead Lazarous.  This sorrow is comforted by our faith in the Incarnate, Crucified and Resurrected Lord. “If God rose from the dead, we also shall be risen”. The tomb simply receives our body, its material is decomposed, while the soul is transferred to the Lord until the common resurrection.

In hope of the resurrection and eternal life, we see off our brother in Christ, and in respect of his memory we mention that he was born in the nearby town of Kamares, he was orphaned on the side of his father before his birth, as the German conquerors murdered him, and he was raised by his pious mother Chrysi, who guided him to the Holy Sepulchre and the Patriarchate.

After his education at the Patriarchal School of Jerusalem, he joined the Hagiotaphite Brotherhood and was ordained Deacon and Priest. He studied classical literature at the Hebrew University of Tel Aviv, and Theology at the University of Athens. He served at various ministries of the Patriarchate, as Hegoumen at the Holy Monastery of Saint Charalambos, Hegoumen of Ramle, always having the help of his blessed mother Chrysi and his aunt Agne, a Nun of Megali Panagia.

He was ordained a Bishop and received the title of Metropolitan and served as Dragoman of the Patriarchate for many years, bravely defending the confirmed rights of our nation at the Holy Shrines. He celebrated the Divine Liturgy in them, at the Holy Sepulchre and the Horrendous Golgotha, and attended the services at the Monastic Church of Saints Constantine and Helen. In great patience, he endured the illness of the muscles that made him bedridden in Jerusalem and at the old people’s home of the Archdiocese of Crete, where he left his last breath.

We entreat the Lord to count his aforementioned works and uncomplaining patience during his illness and forgive whatever he may have sinned as man, voluntary or involuntary and place him with the righteous and the saints in His Kingdom.

The Hagiotaphite Brotherhood, which I represent by order of His Holy Beatitude our Father and Patriarch of Jerusalem Theophilos III, expresses its thanks to the old-people’s home of Saint Merciful in Athens, where the departed was hospitalized by the care of Fr Emanuel, to the Archdiocese of Crete and especially to his nephew, Hagiotaphite Archimandrite Stephen, the Exarch of the Holy Sepulchre in Russia, who looked after him in devotion during all the stages of his illness, to the Holy Metropolis of Gortyna and Arkadia and its shepherd, His Eminence Metropolitan Makarios, to the Abbess Timothei of the Holy Monastery of Panagia Kalyviani, and to all who honour his memory with their presence in this funeral service.

May his memory be everlasting”.

Obituaries were also read by the Mayor of Faistos Mr Gregory Nikolidakis on behalf of Faistos Municipality and all the Messara district, and the Vice Mayor Mr Nikolaos Kargakis on behalf of the departed’s students at the Patriarchal School of Zion, honouring and thanking him.

The Patriarchate of Jerusalem and the Hagiotaphite Brotherhood thank all who honoured his memory, especially the Archdiocese of Crete and the Holy Metropolis of Gortyna and Arkadia and the Holy Monastery of Panagia Kalyviani, in the cemetery of which the departed to heavens our brother in Christ was buried.

Ever-lasting remembrance!

From Secretariat-General




A delegation from the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Jerusalem, led by His Beatitude Patriarch Theophilos III, and accompanied by the Heads of the Churches in Jerusalem, held on Thursday, December 9, a small reception at the Imperial Hotel in Jaffa Gate to celebrate to wide reaching, positive impact of Christians in the Holy Land and to call for protection of the Christian Quarter in Old City Jerusalem.

During his speech, the Patriarch of the Holy City, pointed out that holding this ceremony at the Imperial Hotel aims to send a clear message to the world that the Patriarchate will not waive or retreat from practicing God’s given right to defend its properties; to show that the battle to defend the Jaffa Gate properties is an existential issue for the Orthodox Patriarchate of Jerusalem; and that all the Churches of the Holy Land support the Jerusalem Patriarchate in this battle.

His Beatitude Patriarch Theophilos III said: “Radicals are the real threat, for at their hands, the Christian community in Jerusalem suffers hate crimes as well as underhanded tactics, intimidation, and systematic attempts to diminish the ability of Christians to remain in their historic homes and neighborhoods.”

“Our enduring efforts on behalf of the well-being of all our peoples without distinction makes the rise of challenges to, and threats against, the Christian community, all the more serious and concerning. Not only is the Christian community threatened by such activity, but so is the stability and health of our whole society.”

Numbers of Christians in the Holy Land have dwindled to historically low levels, driven away from their homes by multiple factors – economic hardship, lack of opportunity, bureaucratic challenges, violence, and vandalism of property.  Christians now represent around 1% of the population of the Holy Land, down from 12% a century ago.

Attending the reception were the Consuls Generals of European countries in Jerusalem, including Greece, France, the United Kingdom and Belgium. The warm atmosphere of the humble reception also gathered people from the Christian community in the Old City of Jerusalem, who took the opportunity to congratulate the Heads of the Churches for the occasion of Christmas and show support for the Patriarchate in its battle to defend its properties in Jaffa Gate, including the hosting hotel, the Imperial.

The reception began with a small speech from the tenant of the Imperial Hotel, Abu Al-Walid Dajani, who thanked everyone attending, especially His Beatitude Patriarch Theophilos III, for his unwavering support for the hotel in its continuing battle against the Israeli radical groups aiming to evacuate the property.

Soon after the speeches finished, the Heads of the Churches exchanged early Christmas greetings with the Consuls, stressing the importance of celebrating and rejoicing in the birth of Christ, understanding the lessons the birth of Christ teaches us, and comprehending the humanitarian values of our Lord’s story.


News and Photos by: Heba Hrimat.




On Saturday afternoon 7/20 November 2021, the new Patriarchal Representative in Bethlehem, His Eminence Metropolitan Benedictos of Diocesarea was welcomed and settled in Bethlehem.

For this event H.H.B. our Father and Patriarch of Jerusalem Theophilos was represented by His Eminence Metropolitan Isychios of Kapitolias, the Sacristan of Bethlehem Archimandrite Polykarpos, the Elder Dragoman Archimandrite Mattheos, the Arab-speaking Priests of the Shrine, the President of the Palestinian Committee on Christian Affairs Mr Ramzi Chouri, representatives of the Franciscans and the Armenians, of the Municipality, Prefecture, Police and members of the Bethlehem flock.

His Eminence was addressed through Fr Issa Mousleh by His Eminence Isychios with the address that will be posted shortly.

From Secretariat-General


Jerusalem 11.19.2021

The Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Jerusalem condemned the activity carried out by a group of Israeli radicals, under the protection of the Israeli army, on lands belonging to Saint Savvas Monastery yesterday. Those radical groups that are lurking to undermine the Patriarchate’s real estate.

Regarding the matter, Father Issa Musleh, spokesperson for the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Jerusalem, said that His Beatitude Patriarch Theophilos III, Patriarch of Jerusalem and all of Palestine and Jordan, is personally following up this issue of the continuous attempts of attacking the lands of Saint Savvas Monastery, and that the Patriarchate is working on all legal and diplomatic levels to stop these attacks and prevent them in all ways.

Father Musleh added that protecting and preserving Orthodox real estate is a top priority for His Beatitude Patriarch Theophilos III, especially with the increase in radicals’ ambitions to seize them.


An article by: Heba Hrimat

Whether it is for getting clarity in times of difficulties, or going in the footsteps of Jesus where the miracles of Christmas and Resurrection occurred, the reasons of pilgrimage may vary, but pilgrims to the Holy Land may not realize that their intentional, or sometimes unintentional trips, form a monumental contribution to the Christian existence in the Holy Land, where Christians are undeniably suffering from all sorts of problems, but mainly an existential one.

In a complex region such as the Middle East, where religion and politics clash all the time, pilgrims are considered a bless to the Holy Land and an element of stability, not only because they allow a population that is mostly Jewish and Muslim to breathe a different air, but they are also significantly different from tourists, because they have a horizon of faith that moves by looking at God and the people they meet.

That unfamiliar sight of watching the streets of the Holy Land and mainly Jerusalem and Bethlehem, which used to hustle and bustle with endless tourists’ movement, empty, for the past two years have shut down life as we knew it for families and brought unimaginable suffering to communities which were 100% dependable on income from pilgrims. Hotel employees, tour guides, restaurants’ workers, souvenir shops’ owners and handicrafts makers lost their chances of making any profit and were pushed to the corner with no way out.

Despite the efforts of the Churches of the Holy Land to financially and spiritually aid the different Christian communities (and in many cases the non-Christians as well), the Churches themselves were suffering from the same issue; No real income was pouring in and expenses kept piling up drying out sources of the Churches.

And while everything in the time of Covid seemed possible to be replaced with a virtual alternative; learning at schools and universities swapped with online classes, shopping in stores with online shopping, etc. one thing remained irreplaceable: pilgrimage to the Holy Land, and the after effects of that will unfortunately remain for years to come.

Christians used to account for the largest percentage of annual tourists to the Holy Land. In fact, before the beginning of the pandemic, and specifically at the end of 2019, a whopping 2.5 million Christians visited Israel that year alone, out of the total 4.5 million, according to data from the Israeli Tourism Ministry.

With most pilgrimage aimed at Jerusalem; it comes as no surprise that 85% of the pilgrimage to the Holy Land is focused towards the Holy City.

But there’s a silver lining, both Israel and Palestine have been slowly emerging from the pandemic with the prime focus of bringing back tourism ‘hopefully’ to where it once was.

The Israeli Prime Minister’s office recently announced that starting the beginning of this month Israel is allowing tourists who are vaccinated against COVID-19 or have recovered from the virus, to enter its territories. Meaning that groups of tourists will be allowed to enter the country without Covid booster shot, to further encourage tourism.

On the other hand, the Palestinian Territories, which had almost two years of zero pilgrimage income; completely paralyzing the local economy in tourism-based cities like Bethlehem, which was affected more than the others, is now given (since November 6) the green light to allow tourists for overnight stays.

A gradual recovery is now expected for the first time since the pandemic, people are finally starting to hope again, to believe again. Churches and communities of the Holy Land have never been so eager to warmly welcome back pilgrims who now have the opportunity to visit from around the globe.


On Thursday afternoon, 15/28 October 2021, there was a school ceremony in honour and remembrance of the national anniversary of October 28, 1940, at the Patriarchal School of Zion.

This ceremony was honoured by the presence of H.H.B. our Father and Patriarch of Jerusalem Theophilos, the Chairman of the School Board, His Eminence Archbishop Isidoros of Hierapolis and other Hagiotaphite Fathers, the Consul General of Greece in Jerusalem Mr Evangelos Vlioras, Monks, Nuns, members of the Greek community in Jerusalem and the first group of Greek pilgrims to have arrived in Jerusalem since the beginning of the covid-19 pandemic.

The well-organized ceremony by the good cooperation between the teachers and the students began with prayers to the Mother of God, the introductory speech by the Managing Director of the School Archimandrite Mattheos, and the Sermon of the day by the Greek Literature teacher, Mrs Charikleia Robou.

The program continued with patriotic songs, sung by the students under the guidance of the music teacher Mr Vasilios Gotsopoulos, reciting of poems and video documentaries from the battlefields of northern Greece, the barbaric Nazi military forces of the Germans, with scenes of the Greek army defending themselves, being less in numbers but a lot stronger through their bravery, worthy descendants of their glorious ancestors. The video scenes projected the wholehearted support and unity among all the Greeks, the elderly, the women and the young. Despite the consequences of the German occupation attacks, the destructions of bridges, roads, properties, individual and group executions until the extermination of villages, despite the famine and starvation, the mindset of the Greek people remained steadfast and shook off the yoke of German occupation, thanks to the help of God and the Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos, for whom, “Let us praise the graces”.

At the end of the comprehensive moving and concise ceremony, His Beatitude praised and thanked the Chairman of the School Board His Eminence Archbishop Isidoros of Hierapolis, the Managing Director Archimandrite Mattheos, the teachers and students for their performance, which transferred our minds to those difficult times of the occupation, from which the Greek people freed themselves, a people “called to liberty”, responding to the call of Jesus, who became Incarnate, was Crucified and Resurrected, and of the Apostle of the Nations Paul.

Concluding, His Beatitude thanked the Consul General of Greece Mr Vlioras for his support to the School, while the latter replied that he feels proud of the work of the Patriarchate and its School and wished progress to the students for the remaining of the school year.

From Secretariat-General


This morning, October 11, a press conference was held in St. George Hotel in Jerusalem to announce the launch of the largest housing development project in East Jerusalem named ‘Lana’ neighbourhood (meaning: ‘ours’ in Arabic) in Beit Hanina, as a result of a partnership between the Patriarchate of Jerusalem and Massar International Company, headquartered in Rawabi.

The speakers at the press conference were His Beatitude Theophilos III, Patriarch of Jerusalem, His Eminence Sheikh Muhammad Hussein, the Grand Mufti of Palestine, Honorable Sheikh Azzam Khateeb, Head of the Islamic Waqf, His Excellency Evangelos Vlioras, the Greek Consul General in Jerusalem, Mr Hanna Ameireh and Mr Issa Qassiessieh, representatives of the Presidential Committee on Churches’ Affairs, Palestinian Businessman Jalal Nassr-Eddin, along with a number of Bishops and Jerusalem’s community leaders.

Engineer Enas Musa Al-Waari, the project manager, welcomed the press and followed with a description of the “Lana” neighbourhood, its 400 residential apartments, its commercial centre that includes stores of world-famous brands, cinemas, restaurants, cafes, and offices, in addition to a modern school, a kindergarten, and green spaces for entertainment. Al-Waari also shed light on the aspect of developing the infrastructure of the project and its surroundings, so that there will be 3 to 4 floors of parking under the buildings, and a comprehensive expansion of the road network surrounding the project, which is located 15 minutes from the Old City of Jerusalem.

The first speaker was His Beatitude Patriarch Theophilos III, Patriarch of Jerusalem, who blessed the meeting and the project launch, adding that “the journey that took a decade, which brought us here today,” referring to the journey of obtaining the necessary licenses to start the project “has been both challenging and exhilarating.” Stressing the need to focus on what is positive in order to obtain the desired results and that’s how “our community will be blessed and grow in strength.” His Beatitude also expressed his deep gratitude to everyone who participated in this project.

His Beatitude, the Patriarch of Jerusalem, clarified that the “Lana” housing development project is a symbol of cooperation between the Orthodox Patriarchate of Jerusalem and the wider local community to improve people’s living standards, provide housing, and job opportunities for thousands of citizens in the city, especially in light of the immense challenges that our Holy City and its community are witnessing. He added, “The vision of our esteemed friend and partner, Mr Bashar Masri, to create a comprehensive communal living experience makes the “Lana” neighbourhood housing development a model of progressive thinking in the field of community living.”

His Beatitude Patriarch Theophilos III also commended the local Orthodox community in Jerusalem, which has always aspired to realize this dream and to move forward with such a huge project, declaring that the Orthodox Church members will continue to participate in this project through a nine-member committee responsible for independent screening and selection of grant candidates for the purchase of housing units. This committee is chaired by Mr Hanna Ameireh.

His Beatitude also spoke about the merit of coexistence between the Christian and Muslim communities, which culminated in the Omari Covenant since the era of Caliph Omar Ibn Al-Khattab, all the way to the Hashemite guardianship under His Majesty King Abdullah bin Al Hussein, the guardian of Islamic and Christian holy places.

His Eminence Sheikh Muhammad Hussein, the Mufti of Palestine, praised “Lana” development project, and praised God for “making us the guardians of Christian and Islamic sanctities.” His Eminence added that “we have life and aspirations in Jerusalem” and housing is an important part of our continuous presence and future. His Eminence thanked His Beatitude Patriarch Theophilos III for his contribution to strengthening the steadfastness of Jerusalemites. He also thanked the developer of the project, Mr Bashar Masri, for bringing this project to light, calling on Palestinian and Arab businessmen to follow suit and invest in Jerusalem.

His Eminence the Grand Mufti of Palestine concluded his speech by saying, “Blessed are these efforts, and we ask God more of them so that we attain our political, religious and social rights towards a secure life as it was during the days of Jesus Christ, peace be upon him, and the days of the journey of the Prophet Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, from Mecca to Jerusalem, and the days of the Omari covenant that is considered the basis of the common life between Muslims and Christians in this land.

As for the developer of the project, Mr Bashar Masri, the head of the board of directors of Massar International, the Orthodox Patriarchate of Jerusalem’s partner in this huge project, said that the “Lana” project is a one billion shekel development. He said that he went on to seek the necessary licenses for ten years, which was crowned with success thanks to the effort, commitment and full cooperation of the Orthodox Patriarchate of Jerusalem. 

Masri added that the “Lana” neighborhood is an integrated modern neighborhood, and its success paves the way for more housing projects that serve the various economic classes in the city of Jerusalem, stressing that the decision to invest in Jerusalem is a strategic decision for Massar International to deepen economic empowerment in Jerusalem and strengthen the steadfastness of Jerusalemites. Masri explained that the “Lana” development project, which was designed by more than 40 engineers, will provide thousands of job opportunities for Jerusalemites, and will contribute to strengthening the local economy.

As for the financial arrangements for the purchase of apartments, Masri said that the management of “Lana” development has completed negotiations stage with a number of Palestinian banks to provide mortgages for the apartments, so that the citizen would pay 20% – 25% of the value of the apartment and the rest is to be paid in installments for 15 years, adding that The Palestinian Monetary Authority has provided incentives to Palestinian banks to encourage them to provide the necessary mortgages at acceptable rates. Masri confirmed that this project is a purely Palestinian, with 100% Palestinian capital, and that the project did not receive any assistance or grants.


News and Photos by: Heba Hrimat.



At dawn on Friday 25 September/8 October 2021, the Patriarchal Representative in Bethlehem, blessed Hagiotaphite Archbishop Theophylaktos of the Jordan slept in the Lord. His Eminence was admitted at the Loewenstein Rehabilitation Centre in RA’anana for the last two days, after a two-month treatment at Hadassa hospital in Ein Karem.

The Hagiotaphite Brotherhood mourns in the Lord and prays for the repose of the soul of its distinguished member. We mourn along with the Rum Orthodox Arab-speaking flock of Bethlehem, where the departed ministered in self-sacrifice for the last fifteen years.

The funeral service will be observed at the Church of Saints Constantine and Helen at 10:00 a.m. tomorrow, Saturday 26 September / 9 October 2021, and the burial will be at the cemetery of the Basilica in Bethlehem. 

May his memory be ever-lasting!

From Secretariat-General



At noon on Tuesday, 7th of September 2021, H.H.B. our Father and Patriarch of Jerusalem, Theophilos III, accompanied by the Director of the Patriarchate’s Finance Department, His Eminence Metropolitan Isychios of Kapitolias, and Geronda Chief Secretary, His Eminence Archbishop Aristarchos of Constantina, visited the Holy Monastery of Prophet Elijah, located between Jerusalem and Bethlehem near the place of the “Seat of the Virgin Mary”.   The visit aimed to launch the much needed renovation project of the Monastery; where the gratitude of the Patriarchate was also highlighted by His Beatitude for the generous donation extended by the Russian non-profit organization: “Foundation for Support of Christian Culture and Heritage”.

 The project is, God willing, scheduled for completion before Christmas this year, when the official departure of the Patriarchal Entourage to Bethlehem will take place on the Eve of Christmas celebrations.

His Beatitude and the Patriarchal delegation were welcomed, today, by the good keeper of the Monastery, Monk Achillios.

From Secretariat-General