1st day, Monday 9th/22nd of July 2013

The webpage of the Patriarchate of Jerusalem, in keeping with its earlier commitment to its followers, provides a detailed account of the Patriarchate’s participation in the celebrations for the 1025th anniversary of the Christianization of the Russians, which was inspired and urged by their king, Emperor St Vladimir and queen, St Olga.

A delegation from the Patriarchate of Jerusalem joined the celebrations, headed by His Beatitude Theophilos, Our Father and Patriarch of Jerusalem, and composed of the Elder Sacristan Aristarchos, Archbishop of Constanina; the Most Reverend Theophylaktos, Archbishop of Jordan and Patriarchal Commissioner in Bethlehem, the Very Reverend Archmandrite Damianos, Exarch of the Holy Sepulcher in Greece; and Archdeacon f. Athanasios.

The delegation left Ben Gurion Airport on a Transaero Airlines airplane at 2.45 pm on Monday the 9th/22nd of July 2013 and arrived in Moscow at 20:00 pm of the same day.

His Beatitude was warmly received by Barsanoufrios, Metropolitan of Saransky and Mardofsky, the Right Reverend Tychon, Assisting Bishop of Baldosk, the Archbishop Arsenios of Istra, first vicar of His Holiness, the Patriarch of Moscow, as well as by a number of priests and children offering flowers.

Following this warm welcome, the Patriarchal retinue was driven to the hotel to dine and rest.

From the Secretariat-General



On the evening of Friday the 25th of May/7th of June 2013, students at the Patriarchal-Hieratical School of the Patriarchate on the hill of the Holy Sion realized that unknown people had broken into the lock of the wrought iron door of the chapel-catacomb of the Pentecost, placed religious books and other items inside the chapel and closed it using a door chain and lock of their own.

The underground chapel was excavated by the late Timotheos, Patriarch of Jerusalem, and in addition to a few other occasions, it is also used on Whit Monday (Monday of the Holy Spirit) of each year for reading out one of the Pentecost-Kneeling Prayers during the litany from St Trinity Church to the grave of prophet-king David and the gallery.

Faced with this fact, students informed the Principal, the Venerable father Photios, who in his turn notified the Patriarchate. The Patriarchate called the Christian Affairs Division of the Israeli Ministry of Religious Affairs and the Israeli Police.

On Sunday morning, after the Divine Liturgy, the School Principal, father Photios and the Grand Chancellor Aristarchos, Archbishop of Constanina, arrived at the chapel and, guided by the Israeli Police, tried to remove the chain that had been placed on the door, in order to step inside. At that point, about ten extreme-religious Israelis, probably from the nearby Synagogue of the tomb of prophet-king David, arrived to protest, holding the Bible, reading and praying out loud, denying the Patriarchate’s jurisdiction. They even obstructed the police from entering the chapel to remove the items they had left inside. In the meantime, a religious woman, with her head covered, arrived at the scene and after fiercely reprimanding representatives of the Patriarchate and the Police, went on to cut a hole into the chapel’s railing fence and, in the presence of the Police, allowed three young men with side curls to step inside.

Faced with these developments, the Grand Chancellor and the School Principal notified HB Theophilos, Our Father and Patriarchate of Jerusalem, now on a pastoral visit to Amman, Jordan, Mr Sezar Marzie, Head of the Christian Affairs Division of the Israeli Ministry of Religious Affairs, the Consultant on Christian Affairs at the Municipality of Jerusalem, Mr David Coren and the Consul-General of Greece to Israel, Mr Soteris Athanasiou. The latter arrived at the scene soon thereafter, together with the Patriarchate’s Legal Consultants.

After approximately two hours and repeated efforts, the Police drove out, albeit unwilling and protesting, those who had arbitrarily trespassed to foreign property and to the Patriarchate’s religious grounds with the intention of occupying and appropriating it. Their belongings were also removed, and the chapel was locked by means of keys kept at the School. Even so, the female protester went on to place a new chain with a lock on the door.

Subsequently, the Patriarchate’s Legal Service together with the School Principal gave a statement to Jerusalem Police, submitting evidence of the Patriarchate’s ownership of the site, with the aim of resolving the problem and reestablishing order.

The Patriarchate of Jerusalem condemns this illegal and unjust plot against its property, especially in this site of religious pilgrimage; it extends its thanks to the Israeli Police for their support on the hill of the Holy Sion, without prejudice to its right to continue its efforts to fully resolve the problem.

From the Secretariat-General




On Tuesday, the 22nd of May/4th of June 2013, the tonsure took place of two monks by HB Theophilos, Our Father and Patriarch of Jerusalem. The monastic initiation was conducted at the Chapel of the Pentecost which is adjacent to the Patriarchate Hall, in the presence of Fathers of the Holy Sepulcher, novice Paris Vasiloyiannis of Achaea, serving at the Tomb of the Mother of God in Gesthemane, who took the name Palladios, and novice Constantinos Papachristos of Leivadeia, serving at the All-holy Church of the Resurrection, who took the name Cyril.

After the tonsure rite, His Beatitude addressed the two tonsured monks, declaring that the Grace of God has merited them with prosperously concluding their novitiate and with now being received into the Angelic Schema of the Holy Sepulcher, which includes the period of novitiate but also the diaconate in which they have already been ordained, bearing responsibility for thousands of pilgrims who resort to the All-Holy Pilgrimage Sites in order to quench their thirst through life and salvation incarnated, crucified and resurrected in Christ.

From the Secretariat-General




On Thursday, the 3rd/16th of May 2013, the Holy and Sacred Synod of the Patriarchate of Jerusalem held a regular meeting to discuss a number of topics. 

Among such topics was the long ongoing captivity of kidnapped churchmen, their Eminences Paul, Metropolitan of Aleppo and Alexandretta, brother of his Beatitude John, the Patriarch of Antioch, and Gregorios, the Bishop of Aleppo, a Prelate of the Syrian Church.

The Holy and Sacred Synod, having once more strongly condemned this unacceptable and illegal action, calls for the immediate and unconditional liberation of the two aforementioned clerics on the basis of the inalienable right to human freedom and for the prevalence of peace and conciliation in the country of Syria and the wider Middle East region.

The Secretariat- General


The Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Jerusalem expresses its profound sorrow to the abduction of the Greek Orthodox Metropolitan of Halab and Alexandretta Mr. Pavlos, the brother of His Beatitude the Patriarch of Antioch Ioannis, and the Syrian Metropolitan of Halab Mr. Gregorios.

Moreover, the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Jerusalem strongly denounces and condemns this unjust act and hopes and prays from the Holy Tomb of Our Lord Jesus Christ for the speedy and immediate release of the above mentioned high ranked clergymen and for the peace, stability, and co-existence in country of Syria.

Chief Secretary’s Office.


On the 20th and 21st  of February 2013, an official delegation of the Romanian Patriarchate consisting of His Eminence Metropolitan Nifon, Archbishop of Târgovişte and Patriarchal Exarch, Rev. Prof. Dr. Viorel Ioniţă and Rev. Fr. Michael Tiţa, Patriarchal counsellor, was received by His Beatitude Theophilos III, Patriarch of Jerusalem, in the presence of the Committee of the Patriarchate of Jerusalem made up of His Eminence Archbishop Aristarchos of Constantina, Chief Secretary, His Eminence Archbishop Theophylaktos of Jordan, Patriarchal Representative in Bethlehem and Rev. Archimandrite Galaction, Superior in Ramalla.

The visit was also due to the initiative of the Ecumenical Patriarchate aimed at mediating in clarifying aspects of the relations between the Patriarchate of Jerusalem and the Romanian Patriarchate.

After discussions in a spirit of Christian Orthodox communion, the two sides agreed on the following points ad referendum to the Holy Synod:

  1. The Memorandum signed in Bucharest on the 11th of December 2012 between the delegation of the Ecumenical Patriarchate and the Romanian Patriarchate was accepted as the basis of the present Minutes.
  2. The restoration of full communion between the Patriarchates of Jerusalem and of Romania should be also regarded as a matter of urgency in view of the need to accelerate the process of preparation of the Great and Holy Synod of the Orthodox Church.
  3. To this purpose, the Romanian Patriarchate recognizes fully and unreservedly the canonical jurisdiction of the Patriarchate of Jerusalem in the Holy Land with its pastoral implications.
  4. Regarding the status of the church and the pilgrim’s hostel in Jericho, the Romanian Patriarchate should remain the owner of these buildings, while the spiritual, liturgical and ecclesiastical use of these buildings should depend on the canonical blessing of the Patriarch of Jerusalem:

a)    The priests serving in the church of these buildings should be appointed by the Patriarch of Jerusalem on the basis of recommendation of the Patriarch of Romania. It is of course understood that the Patriarch of Jerusalem may Himself or with his clergy liturgically use this church whenever he decides to do so;

b)    All priests celebrating the Divine Liturgy in the church should commemorate at the anaphora (ν πρώτοις μνήσθητι) only the Patriarch of Jerusalem, while at the Great Entrance the priests may commemorate also the name of the Patriarch of Romania;

c)     The Antimision will be received from the Patriarch of Jerusalem.

  1. The Romanian Patriarchate will avoid in the future to build churches or shrines on the canonical territory of the Patriarchate of Jerusalem without written agreement.
  2. Concerning the status of Archimandrite Ieronim Creţu, who was deposed from the rank of priesthood, it was agreed that the Patriarchate of Jerusalem will lift up this canonical measure, and the Romanian Patriarchate will call him back to Romania.
  3. Concerning the Representation of the Romanian Orthodox Church in Jerusalem, it was agreed that a special Statute should be worked out as soon as possible, by the two sides.

His Beatitude Theophilos III, Patriarch of Jerusalem has given his consent to the above Minutes (Praktikon).


Jerusalem, 21st February 2013

The Committee of   the Patriarchate of Jerusalem:

His Eminence Archbishop Aristarchos of Constantina, Chief Secretary,

His Eminence Archbishop Theophylaktos of Jordan, Patriarchal Representative in Bethlehem,

Rev. Archimandrite Galaction, Superior in Ramalla.

The Delegation of the Romanian Patriarchate:

His Eminence Metropolitan Nifon, Archbishop of Târgovişte and Patriarchal Exarch,

Rev. Prof. Dr. Viorel Ioniţă,

Rev. Fr. Michael Tiţa, Patriarchal counsellor.


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Friday, October 27 / November 9


Arrival at Ben Gurion airport (Terminal 1), Tel Aviv, of His Beatitude Kirill, Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia. His Beatitude is met by a delegation of the Patriarchate of Jerusalem consisting of:

His Eminence Isychios, Metropolitan of Capitolias; His Emincence Theophylaktos, Archbishop of the Jordan; Rev. Archimandrite Stephanos; and Rev. Archimandrite Galaktion. His Excellency Mr. Sergey Yakovlev, Ambassador of the Russian Federation to State of Israel; His Excellency Mr. Alexander Rudakov, Representative of the Russian Federation to the Palestinian Authority; and Rev. Archimandrite Isidor, the Head of the Russian Ecclesiastical Mission in Jerusalem are also present.


Transfer to Jerusalem by car to the King David Hotel.


Official entrance to the Old City at Jaffa Gate met by a delegation of the Patriarchate of Jerusalem, representatives of the Christian Communities in Jerusalem, local Authorities and the people. Procession to the gate of the Patriarchate of Jerusalem.


Procession of H.B. Theophilos III, Patriarch of Jerusalem, and H.B. Kirill, Patriarch of Moscow, to the Holy Sepulchre Church.


Arrival at the Holy Sepulchre Church. Veneration of the Stone of Unction and the Holy Tomb, Gospel reading, Doxology in the Catholicon, exchange of greetings.


Return to the Patriarchate. Reception. Greetings. Decoration of H.B.Patriarch Kyrill.Transfer to the King David Hotel. Dinner.


Saturday, October 28 / November 10


Breakfast at the King David Hotel.


Transfer to Gethsemane.


Visit to the Tomb of the Mother of God. Prayer and Gospel reading.

Visit to the Garden of Gethsemane.


Transfer to Bethlehem.


Visit to the Grotto and the Basilica of the Nativity of Christ of His Beatitude Kirill, Patriarch of Moscow, who will be officially met by the Patriarchal Representative, His Eminence Theophylaktos, Archbishop of Jordan, the priests, and His Excellency Mr. Alexander Rudakov, Representative of the Russian Federation to the Palestinian Authority, local Authorities and the Flock. Greetings. Meeting with the local Press in the courtyard of the Basilica.


Meeting of His Beatitude Kirill, Patriarch of Moscow, and His Beatitude Theophilos, Patriarch of Jerusalem, with His Excellency Mr. Mahmoud Abbas, President of the Palestinian Authority, at the presidential residence in Bethlehem.


Official luncheon in honor of His Beatitude Kirill, Patriarch of Moscow and His Beatitude Theophilos, Patriarch of Jerusalem, given by His Excellency Mr. Mahmoud Abbas, President of the Palestinian Authority.


Transfer to the King David Hotel.


Vespers and Matins at the Holy Trinity Cathedral of the Russian Ecclesiastical Mission in Jerusalem. Presentation of awards. Dinner.


Transfer by car to Jaffa Gate.


Procession to the Patriarchate.


Procession from the Patriarchate of Jerusalem to the Holy Sepulchre Church.

Sunday, October 29 / November 11



Arrival of His Beatitude Kirill, Patriarch of Moscow, and His Beatitude Theophilos, Patriarch of Jerusalem, at the Holy Sepulchre Church. Matins in the Catholicon.


Patriarchal concelebration of the Divine Liturgy in the Holy and Life- Giving Tomb. Exchange of greetings in front of the Holy Edicule. Office of the Holy Sepulchre Church.


Departure of His Beatitude Kirill, Patriarch of Moscow, from the Holy Sepulchre Church to Jaffa Gate. Transfer to King David Hotel.



Meeting of His Beatitude Kirill, Patriarch of Moscow, with Mr. Jona Metzer and Mr. Shlomo Amar, Chief Rabbis of Israel, at the Chief Rabbinate.


Presentation of His Beatitude Patriarch Kirill’s book Freedom and Responsibility in Hebrew and of the jubilee almanac Russian Palestine: Peoples and Destinies at the King David Hotel.


Official luncheon in honor of His Beatitude Kirill, Patriarch of Moscow, given by His Beatitude Theophilos, Patriarch of Jerusalem, at the King David Hotel.


Meeting of His Beatitude Kirill, Patriarch of Moscow, and His Beatitude Theophilos, Patriarch of Jerusalem, with His Excellency Mr. Shimon Peres, President of the State of Israel at the President’s residence.


Meeting His Beatitude Kirill, Patriarch of Moscow, with His Honor Mr. Nir Barkat, Mayor of Jerusalem.


Transfer by car to Lions’ Gate. Procession along the Way of the Cross.


Veneration of the Calvary, the Stone of Unction and the Holy Tomb with hymns and Gospel reading.

19:30 – 21:30

Reception in honor of His Beatitude Kirill, Patriarch of Moscow, given by His Beatitude Theophilos, Patriarch of Jerusalem, at the Patriarchate of Jerusalem. Transfer to the King David Hotel.


Monday, October 30 / November 12


Transfer to the Gorny Convent.


Consecration of the Church of All Saints of Russia. Divine Liturgy. Presentation of awards to the benefactors.


Luncheon in the Refectory of the Gorny Convent.


Visit to Yad Vashem Memorial.


Visit to St Mary Magdalene Convent in Gethsemane.


Visit to the Convent of the Ascension on the Mount of Olives. Prayer for the departed at the tomb of Archimandrite Antonin Kapustin. Tea.


Transfer to King David Hotel. Dinner.


Tuesday, October 31 / November 13


Private breakfast.


Transfer to Mount Tabor.


Visit to the Monastery of the Transfiguration on Mount Tabor. Prayer and Gospel reading.


Transfer to Nazareth.


Arrival at the Church of the Annunciation. His Beatitude Kirill, Patriarch of Moscow, is met by His Eminence Kyriakos, Metropolitan of Nazareth; His Honor Mr. Ramzi Jaraise, Mayor of Nazareth; Mr. Popov, Consul of Russia in Haifa; and Mr. Amin Sifia, Consul of Russia in Ashdod. Prayer and Gospel reading.


Meeting of His Beatitude Kirill, Patriarch of Moscow, with His Eminence Kyriakos, Metropolitan of Nazareth, and with His Honor Mr. Ramzi Jaraise, Mayor of Nazareth at the Hall of the Nazareth Metropolia. Official luncheon in honor His Beatitude Kirill, Patriarch of Moscow, given by His Eminence Kyriakos, Metropolitan of Nazareth at the Nazareth Metropolia.


Transfer to Tiberias.


Visit to the Monastery of the Twelve Apostles of the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate in Tiberias.


Visit to the Russian Pilgrim’s House in Tiberias.


Visit to the St Mary Magdalene dependency of the Russian Ecclesiastical Mission. Prayer and Gospel reading.


Transfer to the Kingdom of Jordan via Allenby Bridge.


(Jordanian summer time) Arrival at the Pilgrims’ Centre on the Jordan River. His Beatitude Patriarch Kirill is met by His Beatitude Patriarch Theophilos, His Highness Prince Ghazi ben Muhammad and His Excellency Mr. Alexander Kalugin, Ambassador of the Russian Federation to the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. Dinner given by the Russian President’s General Affairs Department at the Refectory of the Pilgrims’ Centre.


Wednesday, November 1/14




Vesting in the house chapel. Procession to Jordan River. Great Blessing of the Waters.


Visit to the Greek Monastery of St John the Baptist on the bank of the Jordan River. His Beatitude Kirill, Patriarch of Moscow, is met by His Eminence Benedict, Metropolitan of Philadelphia and Patriarchal Representative in Amman.


Transfer by car to Amman.


Meeting of His Beatitude Patriarch Kirill and His Beatitude Patriarch Theophilos with His Majesty Abdallah Ibn Husein II, King of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.


Official luncheon in honor of His Beatitude Patriarch Kirill and His Beatitude Patriarch Theophilos given by His Majesty King Abdallah II.


Transfer to Queen Alia International Airport.


Departure of His Beatitude Patriarch Kirill for Moscow.


End of the visit of His Beatitude Kirill Patriarch of Moscow.

Chief  Secretary’s Office



We Christians have been living in the region of the Middle East since ancient times. Therefore, we consider that all efforts aiming at ousting us are unreasonable and unjust. Even when other religions conquered our land, we have always managed to adjust ourselves and find ways of symbiosis and peaceful coexistence with them.

However, the recent increasing influence of extreme fundamentalist elements in the region, directly jeopardizes the lives of Christians in their ancient cradles. We witness daily aggressions against Christian places of worship, killings of innocent people, violent acts and atrocities against Christian properties, as well as violations of the most elementary human rights of Christians. Christians are thus forced towards expatriation. Thousands have already left their ancient cradles and have become refugees in various parts of the world, seeking more security.

We call upon the European Union and all those willing to intervene, in order to put an end to this blatant injustice. More specifically, we call upon them to exercise their influence in order to protect all aspects of religious freedom and worship in the region. Moreover, we would appeal to them to preserve and save from desecration and pillage the places of worship and the Christian cultural monuments in this tumultuous land, e.g. in Syria and the occupied Cyprus.

These temples and monuments are part of the world cultural heritage, therefore belonging to Humanity as a whole.

As Christian leaders, we call upon all the religious and political leaders and every person of good will to contribute to the peaceful coexistence of all the Communities in the Middle East.

We reiterate the commitment of our Orthodox Churches to the Middle East Council of Churches and pursue through it the strengthening of relations among all Christians of the Middle East and the development of friendly, harmonious and peaceful relations among the believers of the Abrahamic religions.

As Heads of the Orthodox Churches we cannot remain indifferent towards the challenges facing our region, in view of the political and socio-economic changes taking place there nowadays. We therefore underline the need for a peaceful solution of all conflicts, through constructive dialogue.

Moreover, we stress that Syria is a country in which churches have always co-existed side by side with mosques, in a unique symbolism of symbiosis, fraternity and mutual respect, bringing people closer together.  As Heads of Churches of the Middle East, Alexandria, Antioch, Jerusalem and Cyprus, we reiterate our commitment to support all the efforts and necessary initiatives, aiming at restoring peace and tranquillity in that country.

Brussels, 18th September, 2012

†Pope and Patriarch of Alexandria and All Africa Theodoros II,

†Patriarch of Antioch Ignatius IV,

†Patriarch of Jerusalem Theophilos III,

†Archbishop of New Justiniana and All Cyprus Chrysostomos II


On Monday, August 6, 2012, His Beatitude Patriarch Theophilos III, Greek Orthodox Patriarch of the Holy City of Jerusalem and all of Palestine and Jordan, and President of the Middle East Council of Churches for the Orthodox Family, expressed his concern for and acted out of what he called a “moral duty” by making a pastoral visit to the Syrian families who have fled the deteriorating situation in Syria, And who have  sought sanctuary in the Al-Zaitari Camp located just a few kilometers from the city of Mafraq in northern Jordan.

His Beatitude’s  visit comes out of a genuine sense of love and concern for the people who are caught up in this humanitarian crisis. The local church is committed to the Christian mission found in Mathew 25:35,36 –  “for I was a stranger and you received me, sick and you visited me, hungry and you gave me food, naked and you clothed me.”

“It is a moral duty for the church to support and be present those who suffer , who at this time need everyone’s love and assurance”, His Beatitude stated.

The Church is in prayer for peace, and a desire that all might soon return to their homes and country, being especially mindful of the children, who need to be at home and in secure dwellings.

His Beatitude expressed his deep gratitude for Jordan and especially for His Majesty King Abdullah II and the Hashemite Kingdom , for welcoming the refugees and hosting them in the best possible way.  Jordan has, throughout its history, accepted within its borders many people in need of help , hosting them as guests until the day when they can once again return home safely.

His Beatitude was briefed by the Jordan Hashemite Charity Organization and the UNHCR representatives as to the current situation and conditions within the camp.

The Orthodox Church has pledged to provide assistance .

“We call upon all people of goodwill to join us in this humanitarian effort”.

From the Office Of His Beatitude Patriarch Theophilos II The Middle East Council of Churches  President for the orthodox Family Amman –Jordan
