Between the 21st to the 22nd of August/3rd to 4th of September 2013, an international conference entitled “The Challenges facing Arab Christians” took place in Amman, Jordan, at the Hotel Royal, upon the initiative of His Majesty, King Abdullah of Jordan, through His Royal Highness, Prince Ghazi.

Discussed at the conference were problems facing Arab Christians in the Middle East areas of Egypt, Iraq, Libya, Jordan and Jerusalem.

Speakers at the Conference were first and foremost the Heads of Churches in the Middle East, and the Leaders of other Christian Churches. A list of the speakers may be read here:

Among the Heads of Orthodox Churches, present at the conference were: His Beatitude Ioannis, Patriarch of Antioch, and Our Father and Patriarch of Jerusalem, Theophilos. His Beatitude the Pope and Patriarch of Alexandria was represented by the Most Reverend Benedict, Patriarchal Commissioner in Amman and Metropolitan of Philadelphia. His Beatitude the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russians was represented by the Most Reverend Theodosius, Metropolitan of Tambov and Rasskazovo.

His Royal Highness, Prince Ghazi, opened the Conference on Tuesday, the 21st of August/3rd of September, pointing out that Christians have become targets in various countries and that we ought to bear in mind that Arab Christians and Muslims have lived together as one nation from the time of the Covenant of Umar and together they have fought in the struggles of their homeland. Also, that the democratic legislation of Jordan provides both Arab and Christian citizens with equal rights and that when the Muslims came to Jerusalem, the Christians were already there.

Rev. Olav Fykse Tveit, General Secretary of the World Council of Churches, also spoke at the conference, saying how the Middle East is to the Council a unique region to which God was revealed through the prophets, Jesus Christ and the Apostles, therefore there is an urgent need to maintain peace in settling the conflict between the Palestinians and Israel.

After the end of the first session of the conference, participants were received at the Palace by His Majesty, the King of Jordan, Abdullah II. Welcoming his guests, the King noted that at a time when our region suffers from acts of violence, Jordan invites Christians and Muslims from across the world for the sake of peace, religious freedom, justice and prosperity; also for maintaining the identity of Christians and the character of Jerusalem, the Christian and Muslim deference of which Jordan has undertaken the obligation to protect.

During the meeting, the King decorated distinguished personalities participating in the Conference. The King Hussein of Jordan medal (2nd order) was awarded to the Most Reverend Benedict, Patriarchal Commissioner in Amman.

On the evening of the same day, the participants visited the Lord’s Baptismal Site on the East Bank of the Jordan river, as well as the Monastery of John the Baptist, founded by the Most Reverend Benedict, who hosted a dinner for them.

During the dinner, His Beatitude Theophilos, Our Father and Patriarch of Jerusalem, addressed his fellow diners in English. His speech may be read here:

On Wednesday the 22nd of August/4th of September 2013, during the “Jordan and Jerusalem” Session, the Patriarch of Jerusalem read the following speech in English:

As regards the challenges facing Arab Christians, all speakers at the Conference pointed out these general points:

That Jordan remains a paragon of a democratic state, securing and guaranteeing the peaceful coexistence of Christians and Muslims, and equal rights for both. That the Conference sends the message of religious freedom and mutual respect for the followers of all religions. That it recognizes and proposes the force of culture and not the culture of force. That Christians and Muslims denounce the use of violence among themselves or in the face of others.

That the Conference makes an appeal for the liberation of the Prelates abducted in Syria. That peace in the Middle East depends on the peaceful settlement of the Jerusalem problem. That schools need to cultivate reconciliation and acceptance between Christians and Muslims. That Arab States ought to encourage their Arab Christian citizens to not abandon their houses and become refugees.

That God cannot be found in power but in justice and truth. That the Church proposes to serve its members and the people. That respect for otherness is a requirement for peace. That the Muslims who came to Jerusalem in 638 AD encountered Christians, they therefore treat them with appropriate respect. That to apologize requires power of the soul, whereas the inability to apologize reveals a weak soul. That Arab Christians ask to live as equal citizens in Arab nations and not as minorities. That the Conference promotes as values the peaceful coexistence of Christians and Muslims, religious tolerance, dignity, reconciliation and equality.

At the conclusion of the Conference, dinner was hosted by the Rum-Orthodox Group, under the presidency of Mr Raouf Abu Jamber, for all participating prelates and laymen.

From the Secretariat-General


On the night of Friday to Saturday, the 3rd to the 4th/16th to the 17th of August 2013, during the Divine Liturgy at the All-Holy and Life-Giving Sepulcher of the Lord, Templar Monk Agapios Hadjipavlis was ordained deacon by the Grand Sacristan, His Eminence Isidoros, Archbishop of Hierapolis, having as participants Brothers of the Holy Sepulcher, including the Templar Fathers, acquaintances of the ordained and a crowd of faithful.

Before the ordination, the ordaining Archbishop addressed the ordained, saying among other things:

Most pious Subdeacon Agapios,

[…] Your mission as a Monk of the Holy Sepulcher and a Deacon shall be twofold. Apart from safeguarding and caring for the All-Holy Pilgrimage Sites with which the Lord has entrusted us through the centuries, you will have the pastoral responsibility of guiding souls towards salvation.

You shall become the channel, the way through which people afflicted by life’s sorrows will know Christ and find peace.

And this you shall only achieve if you yourself embrace Christ’s teachings, known through his Sermon on the Mount but much more through his personal example.

Love, obedience, patience, forbearance, tolerance, brotherly love, justice, should from now on rule your behaviour.

In this new spiritual struggle lying before you, you must carry your cross uncomplainingly, just as Christ did, and you shall climb your own Golgotha just as our Lord did, always with the hope that crucifixion is followed by resurrection. […]

After the Divine Liturgy, the Grand Sacristan held a reception at the Office of the Church of the Resurrection for the ordained deacon and the congregation, wishing him prosperity and progress in his diaconate, by the mediation of Theotokos and the wishes of His Beatitude Theophilos, our Father and Patriarch of Jerusalem, and of the entire Brotherhood of the Holy Sepulcher.

From the Secretariat-General




On Tuesday the 24th of July/6th of August 2013, His Beatitude Theophilos, Our Father and Patriarch of Jerusalem conducted the monastic initiation of two deacons of the All-Holy Church of the Resurrection, namely Ioannis Ioacovou who was given the name Juvenalios and Alexandros Hadjipavlis, renamed Agapios.

This tonsure took place according to a decision by the Holy and Sacred Synod which took into account the good novitiate and diaconate of these two young monks.

After the rite, His Beatitude congratulated the tonsured monks on their new mission to meet the obligations of monastic life at the Holy Sepulcher.

From the Secretariat-General



The festive events organized by the Russian Patriarchate on the occasion of the 1025th anniversary of the Christianization of the Russians, which began in Moscow and continued in Ukraine, were sealed in Minsk, the capital of Belarus, in the manner they have been described, either along general lines or in detail, on the webpage of the Patriarchate of Jerusalem.

At the conclusion of the celebrations, the Heads and Delegates of the Local Orthodox Churches left for their respective countries.

The delegation of the Church of Jerusalem remained in Minsk until Tuesday, the 17th/30th of July 2013. In the morning of that day they had the opportunity to visit the Ecclesiastical Center of the Metropolis of Minsk, which runs on the financial aid of the Metropolis and the state.

Operating in the Center is a well-organized hospital unit which includes an Ophthalmological Clinic, a wing intended for the stay and treatment of the gravely ill, a Hematological Lab, a Hemodialysis unit, an Ultrasound department, a Dental Clinic, a Pharmacy providing low-priced medicines and other departments of medical treatment.

Subsequently, His Beatitude visited the marvelous Church of the Holy Trinity, built entirely of wood, as well as the great and marvelous church of All-Saints. In an area beneath the Holy Bema of this church, he admired icons of wonderful embroidery of the ancient and new Church of Belarus.

In the evening of the same day, the Delegates of the Patriarchate of Jerusalem, led by His Beatitude Theophilos, Patriarch of Jerusalem, boarded a BELAVIA BELARUSIAN AIRLINES plane which took off from Minsk airport at 20:00 pm, and with God’s help arrived at the Jerusalem See at midnight, praising God for their participation in this important event for the Russian Church and Orthodoxy as a whole, and for their safe return.

From the Secretariat-General


In the morning of Monday the 16th/29th of July 2013, a Patriarchal, Primatial and Hieratic Joint Service was held in Minsk, Belarus, on the occasion of the 1025th anniversary of the Baptism of Rus. The service was attended piously by the faithful people of Ukraine, who were there to also venerate the Holy Cross. The Cross had been brought there prior to the beginning of the celebrations in Russia, accompanied by the Most Reverend Chrysostomos, Metropolitan of Patras and clerics of his god-saved Metropolis.

At the end of the divine Liturgy, His All Holiness Cyril, Patriarch of All Russia, Metropolitan and Exarch Philaretos, and the Patriarch of Georgia, Elias, each made a speech underlining the importance of the Baptism for the existence and identity of the Rus.

This was followed by the deposition of a certificate commemorating the 1025th anniversary of the Christianization of the Russians on the site of the very ancient Church of the Nativity of Theotokos in Zamtsise. In particular, a cornerstone was laid within which a letter was placed commemorating the 1025th anniversary, signed by all Primates for the construction of a new Church.

At 14:00 pm an official reception was held by the Patriarchal Exarch of All Belarus, Most Reverend Philaretos, Metropolitan of Minsk and Slutsk, in the President Hotel. At the reception, His Beatitude Theophilos, our Father and Patriarch of Jerusalem, offered the Most Reverend Philaretos an ivory shepherd’s staff and an ivory cross with which to give blessings to his congregation.

At 18:00 pm a wreath was laid at the Monument standing in Victory Square.

At 19:00 pm the Meeting between the Heads of Delegations of the Local Orthodox Churches and the President of the Republic of Belarus, Mr A. Lukashenco took place at the hall of decorative carpets in the Monument of the Church of All-Saints.

The meeting was followed by a celebratory concert in the vicinity of this Monument.

In the evening, the Belarusian President, Mr A. Lukashenco held an official reception in the White Hall of the Church of All-Saints in honour of the heads of the Local Orthodox Churches.

During their addresses, the Primates expressed their joy over their participation in the celebrations for the Baptism of the Russian and Belarusian peoples, which has indeed determined their political identity along their path through history. On his part, the Belarusian President underlined the renewal taking place in the Republic of Belarus, aimed at the return of the Belarusian people to their Christian roots.

From the Secretariat-General


On Sunday the 15th/28th of July 2013, a Joint Patriarchal, Primatial and Hieratic Service was held in the Square of the Kiev Caves Cathedrals of Lavra.

The exquisite Church of Lavra is dedicated to the Dormition of Theotokos. Its first founder was St Antony of Kiev, approximately in 1095. He was ordained monk in Mount Athos.

In these very deep and very large labyrinthine caverns, either carved or constructed, thousands of monks have lived in austere asceticism from the 11th century onwards. Holy relics are kept in the caves, some exuding myrrh and some imperishable, declaring the power of the grace of our Lord, the crucified and resurrected Jesus Christ, as well as the sanctification of the body and its participation in theosis by grace.

The relics of several Russian saints are kept here, in the Cavern of Upper Lavra. The Cavern also includes many small chapels, such as those of St Theodosios, second founder of Lavra, and a chapel with 13th century mosaic icons on the iconostasis.

In the second Cave, known as the Near Caves, the holy relics of seventy three saints are kept. The Cave contains the chapels of St Theodosios, 12th century St Varlaam, hegoumen of Pecherskiy, the 13th century chapel of St Antony’s Tonsured Monks, and the altar wherein the holy relics are kept.

On the walls of the caverns, small curved conches, closed, attest to being openings of tombs of many unknown saints. The guide also pointed to a grave wherein are kept the bones of twelve architects who died in Lavra and were buried in its cemetery.

This work of architects is appreciated even more if one considers that the whole area of the Caves includes twenty-four ground Churches and six underground.

At the end of this holy and magnificent Pan-Orthodox Joint Service, His Beatitude Theophilos, Our Father and Patriarch of Jerusalem, delivered an address on behalf of all Orthodox Churches. The English version of the address may be found here:

After the divine Liturgy, an official lunch was held by Metropolitan Vladimir of Kiev and All-Ukraine for all Prelates and Delegates of Local Orthodox Churches.

Subsequently, the Prelates and Delegates left from Kiev central train station at about 15:50, to arrive in Minsk, Belarus at 23:35 pm.

From the Secretariat-General



In the morning of 13th/26th of July 2013, the primates and delegations of Local Orthodox Churches boarded a special train from Kievsky train station in Moscow and after a ten-hour drive amidst vast verdurous forests, arrived at Kiev train station and from there left for their rooms in the Hayatt Regency hotel.

On the following day, Saturday, a prayer service was held on St Vladimir’s Hill, Kiev, near the river where the first Baptism of Rus took place, before St Vladimir’s statue and icon. Leading the service was Cyril, Patriarch of Moscow, with Metropolitan Vladimir of Ukraine co-officiating, in the presence of Russian President Mr Putin, Ukrainian President Mr Yanukovich, Serbian President Mr Nikolic and Moldovan President Mr Timofti. The service was followed by lunch at the hall of the Kiev Caves Monastery of Lavra.

After lunch, the heads of delegations of Local Orthodox Churches met with Ukrainian President Mr Yanukovich, who held a banquet in their honour.

During this meeting, the prelates and delegates expressed their joy over their participation in the celebrations of this particular event, the acceptance of Orthodox Christianity by the pious people of Ukraine.

President Yanukovich expressed his joy over the celebrated event and over the fact that the country of Ukraine offers religious freedom to its citizens and supports the renewal of the Russian Ukrainian Orthodox Church.

Early in the afternoon, matins was served in the square of the Kiev Caves Cathedrals of Lavra.

From the Secretariat General



In the morning of Thursday the 12th/25th of July 2013, His Beatitude Theophilos, Our Father and Patriarch of Jerusalem, with His retinue of Guardians of the Holy Sepulcher and of the Church of Russia, the Right Reverend Tychon, Bishop of Bodolsk, and the recently appointed Head of the Russian Patriarchate Spiritual Mission (Missia) in Jerusalem, visited the historical monastery of Our Lady Donskaya in Moscow.

The Monastery, dated to the 16th century, contains a large Cemetery wherein lie Greeks of the Greek Community in Moscow since the 19th c. onwards, including distinguished scholars and national benefactors from Ioannina, as well as Russian writer Solzhenitsyn.

Into one wall of the cemetery are kept fine art sculpture pieces rescued from the destruction of the Church of the Saviour during the Russian Revolution, with representations of David and Goliath, of the prophetess Deborah, and of Mariam, sister of Moses.

It is worth mentioning that in 1920, in this particular Monastery, the first Patriarch of Moscow after the two hundred-year long abolition of the patriarchal institution by Peter the Great was placed under home arrest and was permitted to briefly bless the people only from the balcony of His cell.

In this cell, the soldiers guarding him assassinated his assisting monk, having missed their primary target.

Tychon, Patriarch of Moscow, passed away in 1925. In 1992 he was included in the church calendar of the Russian Orthodox Church.

The Patriarchal Retinue venerated His holy relics, kept in the Church, and was warmly received by the hegoumen, Archimandrite Paramonos, who offered His Beatitude an icon of St Tychon, whereas His Beatitude reciprocated with an ivory blessing cross.

During the afternoon of the same day, the Heads of different Orthodox Churches met with the President of the Russian Federation, Mr Vladimir Putin, at the Kremlin.

At the meeting, President Putin expressed his interest in the support of the Orthodox Churches in Russia and across the world and underlined the spiritual rebirth taking place in the Church of Russia, pointing out the contribution that religious leaders may have in the establishment of peace and justice in the world.

In the evening of the same day, the delegations of local Orthodox Churches attended a celebratory concert at the Red Square.

From the Secretariat General



On Wednesday the 11th/24th of July 2013 a Joint Service of Patriarchs took place on the occasion of the 1025th anniversary of Russian Christianization at the Church of the Saviour in central Moscow, which was erected on the site of the old church after the last regime change in Russia. The old church had been destroyed by the Communist regime to be used as a swimming pool.

The Joint Service was led by His All Holiness Cyril, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, and co-officiated by the Heads of the All-Holy Orthodox Churches, His Beatitude Theodoros, Patriarch of Alexandria; His Beatitude Theophilos, Our Father and Patriarch of Jerusalem; His Beatitude Irinej, Patriarch of Serbia; His Beatitude Neophytos, Patriarch of Bulgaria; His Beatitude Elias, Patriarch of Georgia, His Beatitude Chrysostomos, Archbishop of Cyprus, and His Beatitude Savvas, Metropolitan of Warsaw and All Poland. Participating in the liturgy were also prelates and priests representing the Churches of the Patriarchate of Constantinople, the Patriarchate of Antioch, the Patriarchate of Romania, the Church of Greece, the Church of Albania, and the Head of the Russian Church of the OCA (Orthodox Church in America), Archbishop Tychon.

In order based on the Diptychs of the Orthodox Church, the bloodless sacrifice was reenacted in Pan-Orthodox participation and unity, giving thanks to God for the incorporation, 1025 years ago, of the whole of the Russian people to the Body of the Orthodox Church by means of the baptism of their king, St Vladimir, and St Olga.

Thousands of faithful Russians attended the divine Liturgy in devoutness and absolute order. These arrived both for the celebrations of their Church, but also in order to venerate the Holy Cross of the glorious Apostle Andrew the First-Called from the Metropolis of Patras, waiting for their turn with piety and patience.

At the end of the D. Liturgy, His Beatitude Theodoros, the Patriarch of Alexandria, talked of the event of the 1025th anniversary of Russian Christianization, whereas a message by President Putin was read by a presidential representative.

After the divine Liturgy, lunch was held in a large, beautiful hall beneath the Church. During lunch, each of the Heads of the Orthodox Churches briefly addressed the Patriarch of Moscow, underlining the importance of the Baptism of Rus and of the celebration of its 1025th anniversary to the Russian people and the entire Church, and also extending thanks for having been invited to participate therein. In his reply, His All-Holiness Cyril, the Patriarch of Moscow and All-Russia, emphasized the renaissance taking place within the Church of Russia during the last twenty years, and requested the help of God and Orthodox Churches for the completion of this God-pleasing work.

From the Secretariat-General



On Tuesday the 10th/23rd of July 2013, His Beatitude Theophilos, Our Father and Patriarch of Jerusalem, with His retinue of members of the Holy Sepulcher and the Very Reverend f. Stephanos, Patriarchal Commissioner in Moscow, visited His Beatitude the Patriarch of Moscow and all-Russian at his Patriarchal and Synodic residence, namely “Danilovskaya”.

There, the Patriarch of Jerusalem was given a reception worthy of his position, followed by an exchange of brotherly wishes and a discussion of bilateral issues of concern to the two Churches, focusing on All-holy sites of pilgrimage and the situation of Christians in the Middle East.

Subsequently, His Beatitude the Patriarch of Moscow conferred upon His Beatitude the Patriarch of Jerusalem the Russian medal of glory and honour. Members of the retinue of the Patriarch of Jerusalem were decorated with the medal of the late Metropolitan of Moscow, Alexios, who had lived in the 14th century before the Church of Russia was declared a Patriarchate.

After the decoration, His Beatitude the Patriarch of Moscow offered His Beatitude the Patriarch of Jerusalem a pair of engolpiya (small icons), a patriarchal scepter, a stole and a pallium. Prelates from the retinue were each offered a prelatic scepter together with a stole and a pallium. Other members received Patriarchal blessings.

Then, His Beatitude the Patriarch of Jerusalem and His retinue visited the Holy Pilgrimage site of Hosia Matrona of Moscow ((† 1952) in Moscow.

In this site, at the chapel of the Holy Skepe, the Hosia’s sacred relics are kept. The veneration of the holy relics and a supplication were followed by veneration in the adjacent Church of the inauguration of the Church of the Resurrection, where His Beatitude was received and welcomed by Mother Superior Theophania, to whom His Beatitude replied with blessings.

At noon His Beatitude visited the Dependency of the Holy Sepulcher in Moscow, where the Hegoumen and Patriarchal Commissioner, Archimandrite f. Stephanos gave a warm reception and held an opulent lunch with the participation of the Greek Ambassador to Moscow, Ms Magdalene Koumanoudi, and the Consul-General.

From the Secretariat-General
