On Thursday, the 7th / 20th of June 2024, H.H.B. our Father and Patriarch of Jerusalem Theophilos received:

1 – Father Mark of the Austrian Hospice Foundation with ten volunteers from Austria.

In this group, His Beatitude analyzed the pastoral and cultural activity of the Patriarchate from the beginning of the first Church until AD 638, the time of Patriarch Sophronius of Jerusalem, until the present time in the context of the states of Israel, Jordan, Palestinian Authority and Qatar under each Patriarch of Jerusalem with his ecclesiastical jurisdiction recognized and all the privileges of the Patriarchate recognized over the ages.

2 – Then His Beatitude received the General Diplomatic Representative of the American Embassy in Israel for Palestinian Affairs, Mr George Noll with his colleague.

His Beatitude spoke about the work of our Patriarchate in the Palestinian Authority and in Gaza and about the inseparable relationship of the Old Testament with the New, completing and sealing the Old in the person of our Lord Jesus Christ.

3 – Then His Beatitude received Mr Ode Kawas, head of the Arabic-speaking Schools of the Patriarchate, for a discussion on the issues of these schools.

4 – The teacher Mrs Panayiotan Kafetji, and discussed directions for the teaching of the Greek language in the Arabic-speaking Community of the Patriarchate and in the Patriarchal School of Saint Dimitrios.

5 – Mr Dib Youssef with his wife, who translated into Arabic the work of the blessed professor Fr. Georgios Kapsanis, Hegoumen of the Monastery of Gregoriou in Mount Athos.

6 – The Head of the Community of Yaffo Fr Konstanti.

7 – The Abbot of the Monastery of Prophet Elisha in Jericho Archimandrite Parthenios, to invite Him to the Monastery’s celebration on the 14th of June.

8 – On the evening of this day, His Beatitude blessed, through His presence, the gathering of Orthodox Scouts in the ceremony hall of the Notre Dame Hotel in the presence of the Consul General of Greece in Jerusalem, Mr Dimitrios Angelosopoulos, the Ambassador of Cyprus to the Palestinian Authority Mr Assos and the former Director of the Supreme Ecclesiastical Committee of the Palestinian Authority Mr Hana Amire.

This gathering was characterized as a “Leaders Inauguration Ceremony”, i.e. as a leader installation ceremony. In this, His Beatitude announced the establishment of the Local Council of Jerusalem and encouraged the activity of the Scouts, who strengthen the Christian presence in the Holy Land through their participation in the ceremonies of the Church, especially on Holy Saturday.

At this meeting, awards of excellence were awarded to distinguished Scouts for their participation in various humanitarian activities.

From the General Secretariat