On Friday, June 1/14, 2024, the following people visited His Beatitude:

  1. The Cardinal Archbishop Matteo Maria Cardinal Zuppi, accompanied by a group of Roman Catholic believers, to ask for the blessing of the Holy Places and the Mother of the Churches in these difficult times of the war situation in the Holy Land.

His Beatitude received them and emphasized the difficult conditions under which the Churches of Jerusalem protect the Status Quo of the Holy Land and support the Christian entity in the Holy Land, which the European Union cannot support as it does not project the value of the Bible.

  1. His Beatitude received the Priests of the Rame Community of Northern Israel, Fr George and Fr Elias.
  2. The Priest of the Ambelin Community Fr Savva with a member of his Community.
  3. In the afternoon, His Beatitude led the Funeral Service of the blessed attendant of Saint James Cathedral, Ibrahim Salfiti, who served this Holy Church for over fifty years.

From the General Secretariat