On Tuesday, February 14th / 27th 2024, H.H.B. our Father and Patriarch of Jerusalem Theophilos received:

  1. The German Archaeologist Dr.Dr.Dr. h.c. Dieter Vieweger for a discussion on the continuation of the archaeological excavations in the area of the hill of Holy Zion, where the Last Supper and Pentecost took place and where the Patriarchal School is housed.
  2. The new Ambassador of Georgia to Israel Mr Zaza Kandelaki for the credentials at the beginning of his diplomatic service as the representative of the country of Georgia in Israel and for the continuation of the relations of the Patriarchate of Jerusalem with the country of Georgia and the expression of thanks, because the Patriarchate agreed for the establishment of a cultural centre on the Eastern bank of the place of the Baptism of the Jordan River, with the agreement of the Jordanian Government. On the subject of the establishment of this cultural centre, His Beatitude said that the Patriarchate agreed on the condition of safeguarding its rights in the Holy Land, for which the Ambassador committed himself, thanking him for the visit.
  3. The Priest of the Zababde Community of the Samaria region Fr Lucas with his wife to discuss matters of the Zababde parish.

From  Secretariat-General