On the morning of Friday, December 17/30, 2022, H.H.B our Father and Patriarch of Jerusalem Theophilos, received in his Office the doctor Mr George Naum, son of a priest, President of the Federation of the Byzantine Chanters Association of Greece, Director of the Amarousion and Psychiko Medical Center, accompanied by his wife and by the representative of the European Public Law Organization, Mrs Maria Zozonaki.

Mr Naum informed His Beatitude about the medical prototype achievements of his research and about their relationship and connection with the Theological Church Music, of which he is also a healer, as a member of the body of the Church of Christ and offered His Beatitude the exquisite handwritten musical composition by him and Mr Konstantinos Douzios “Liturgy”.

His Beatitude blessed the work of Mr Naum and wished him the grace of the Holy Sepulchre for the continuation of his outstanding medical, scientific and musical work and presented him with the book of the History of the Church of Jerusalem of the Holy Sepulchre Archbishop of Athens Chrysostomos Pathopadopoulos and a cross for him and his wife and the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos of Jerusalem.

From Secretariat-General