On Tuesday, September 28/October 11, 2022, the Most Reverend Metropolitan of Vishkorod & Chernobyl and Professor of the Kyiv Lavra, Paul, accompanied by representatives of the Russian Mission to Jerusalem (MISSIA), visited the Patriarchate. This was accepted by H.H.B. our Father and Patriarch of Jerusalem Theophilos.

On this visit, His Eminence offered His Beatitude a set of Priestly gloves. His Beatitude honoured His Eminence with the medal of the Superior Grand Master of the Order of the Knights of the Holy Sepulchre for his love for the Holy Places and for his offering of gold for the gilding of the icon of the Basilica of the Nativity in Bethlehem. He wished for the cessation of all hostilities and the reign of peace and recalled His visit to the Lavra of Kyiv and to the relics of its Saints and spoke about the position of the holy relics in the Orthodox Church as well as in drawing strength from the Life-giving Tomb of Christ and the Liturgy in it every day and especially from the period of the restoration of the Sacred Edicule, in 2017.

The Most Reverend Metropolitan Paul of Vishkorod & Chernobyl, thanked His Beatitude for the honour bestowed upon him and for His practical interest in the Church and the people of Ukraine.

From Secretariat-General