On Friday afternoon, 13/26 February 2022 at the Monastic and Patriarchal Church of Saints Constantine and Helen there was the memorial service for the repose of the souls of the departed Hagiotaphite Fathers, memorable Patriarchs, High Priests, Hieromonks, Deacons and Monks. The service was led by H.H.B. our Father and Patriarch of Jerusalem Theophilos with the co-prayer of Hagiotaphite High Priests, Hieromonks and Deacons, who chanted the Canon for the repose of the souls of the Patriarchs first, followed by the High Priests, Archimandrites, Priests, Deacons, Monks and Nuns.

After the Canon and the dismissal of Vespers, there was a reception with the boiled wheat, along with the wish “May God give them rest”.

On Saturday morning the Divine Liturgy was celebrated at the chapel of the Holy Zion cemetery by Archimandrite Klaudios and Hierodeacon Simeon, while the memorial service was observed by His Eminence Archbishop Theophanes of Gerassa and the Trisagion was read around the tombs by the Priests for the Hagiotaphite Fathers, the members of the Greek community and the Arab-speaking flock that are buried there.

From Secretariat-General