On Wednesday 6/19 January 2022, the Patriarchate celebrated the Despotic feast of Theophany according to the Status Quo.

On the morning of the feast, the Service of the Sanctification of the water was observed at the Catholicon of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre by H.H.B. our Father and Patriarch of Jerusalem Theophilos, with the co-celebration of their Eminences the Archbishops, Aristarchos of Constantina, Theodosios of Sebastia, Philoumenos of Pella and Metropolitan Joachim of Helenoupolis and Hagiotaphite Hieromonks with first in rank the Elder Kamarasis Archimandrite Nectarios. The chanting was delivered by the Byzantine singers, Hierodeacon Simeon and Mr Vasilios Gotsopoulos.

After the Sanctification of the water, the Divine Liturgy of Saint John Chrysostom was officiated by His Beatitude at the Holy Sepulchre, with the co-celebration of the Hierarchs and Hieromonks written above. The service was attended by local faithful Christians and the Consul General of Greece in Jerusalem Mr Evangelos Vlioras, without any pilgrims due to covid-19 restrictions.

The Liturgy concluded with the sanctification of the congregation and the veneration of the Holy Cross with the Precious Wood, before returning to the Patriarchate Headquarters, under the sounds of the great bells.

At the Patriarchate main hall, His Beatitude wished the enlightenment of the Father of Lights of our Lord who was baptised in the Jordan.

Finally, the ministering Priests visited the houses of the faithful to sanctify them with the sanctified water.

From Secretariat-General