On Easter Monday 20 April/ 3 May 2021, the joyful Feast of the Resurrection was celebrated at the Patriarchal Monastic Church of Saints Constantine and Helen, led in participation at the prayers by His Beatitude our Father and Patriarch of Jerusalem Theophilos. The Service included Matins, the Canon of the Resurrection and then the Divine Liturgy, at the chanting of the Byzantine Choir Leader of the Church Archimandrite Eusevios and the Typikon Keeper Archimandrite Alexios. The Brotherhood Fathers attended the Service, the Consul General of Greece in Jerusalem Mr Evangelos Vlioras, and a few faithful from Jerusalem.

After Dismissal the Patriarchal Entourage went to the Patriarchate Reception Hall where they sang the Paschal hymn, the Fathers exchanged Paschal wishes and received Easter eggs from His Beatitude.

From Secretariat-General