On Friday, February 1/14, 2020, the Patriarchate celebrated the commemoration of the miracle of the ten lepers’ healing by the Lord (Luke 17: 12-19) at the place of their healing which has been preserved with the name Burkin in Samaria, at a long distance from Jacob’s well.

This place was the lepers’ prison, as they were separated from the rest of their society at that time, a place carved within a rock, which was later transformed into a shrine. The Patriarchate has preserved this place with the work and funding of the former Hegoumen of Ramallah Archimandrite Galaction and currently with the work of the present caretaker Monk Vissarion, and the moral and material support of our Patriarchate.

In this shrine Matins and the Divine Liturgy were officiated by His Eminence Metropolitan Joachim of Helenoupolis, with co-celebrants the Hegoumen of Beit Jala and Beit Sahour Archimandrite Ignatios, Arab-speaking Priests and Hierodecon Simeon. The changing was delivered by Archimandrite Leontios and the service was attended by many Arab-speaking Orthodox Christians from Burkin and the wider Samaria district.

After the Divine Liturgy the caretaker of the shrine Monk Vissarion offered a meal to the Episcopal entourage and many of the congregation.

From Secretariat-General