On Saturday, November 3/16, 2019, the Patriarchate celebrated the commemoration of the translation of the relics of St. George the Trophy-bearer from Rome to Lydda, and of the consecration of the Holy Church bearing his name in Lydda, which was constructed by St. Helen in the 4th century A.D.

This feast was celebrated:

  1. At the Holy Monastery of St. George in the Jewish Quarter, in south Old City of Jerusalem. Vespers in the afternoon and the Divine Liturgy on the morning of the feast were officiated by Archimandrite Demetrios Kavathas, with the participation in prayer of a congregation which were offered a reception after the Divine Liturgy by the responsible of the renovation and icon painting of the Holy Church Abbess Nun Marianna.


  1. At St. George of the Hospital

This Monastery is called so because the Patriarch of Jerusalem Chrysanthos (1707-1731) had founded a hospital there. In this Monastery, Vespers in the afternoon and the Divine Liturgy on the morning of the feast were officiated by Archimandrite Kallistos, with Hagiotaphite Hieromonks and Deacons as co-celebrants, at the chanting of the Novice Monk Constantine and the Patriarchal School of Zion students. A congregation of Monks, Nuns and laity attended the Services.

This congregation was hosted by a reception at the hegoumeneion by the Reverend Nun Pansemni who has worked on the preservation of the old icons of the Monastery.

From Secretariat-General