On Monday evening, October 15/28, 2019, the anniversary of 28th October 1940 was celebrated as a School event by the Patriarchal School on Holy Zion Hill.

The feast was honoured by the presence of H.H.B. our Father and Patriarch of Jerusalem Theophilos, the Consul General of Greece in Jerusalem Mr. Christos Sophianopoulos with Consulate members, the Chairman of the School Board Most Reverend Archbishop Isidoros of Hierapolis, Geronda Secretary-General Most Reverend Archbishop Aristarchos of Constantina, the Most Reverend Metropolitans Isychios of Kapitolias, and Joachim of Helenoupolis, the Vice-Rector of the Technical School of Kavala Mr. Demetrios Bantekas with his wife and associates, Hagiotaphite Fathers, Nuns, members of the Greek community of Jerusalem and pilgrims.

The festive speech of the day with the introduction by the Managing Director of the School Archimandrite Mattheos was read by the teacher Mr. Nikolaos Souliotis.

The Students recited poems, read texts, sang patriotic songs and acted on plays, referring to the epic of 1940 events at the military front, and the occupation of Greece by the oppressing, inhuman and murderous Nazi German Occupation, and to the wholehearted and courageous fighting and sacrificial mind of the Greeks, through which and with the help of the great Powers they removed, four years later, with he end of World War II in 1944.

At the end of the ceremony, His Beatitude and the Consul General praised the Managing Director of the School, the teachers and the students, for the well-organized ceremony of the Patriarchal School which evoked feelings of patriotism and national excitement and pride.

From Secretariat-General