The ordination of Deacon Savva Mahouli, son of the Care Taker Priest Theodosios Mahouli, to Priest, according to the Synodical decision of the Holy and Sacred Synod chaired by H.H.B. our Father and Patriarch of Jerusalem Theophilos, took place during the All-night Vigil at the Holy Sepulchre, which started with Matins at 11.30 p.m. on Thursday May 10/23, 2019 and the Divine Liturgy began at 1.30 a.m. on Friday May 11/24, 2019. Fr. Savvas is going to minister as the helper of the Care Taker of the Community of Tarseha Priest Gregory, and to some extend as a helper of his father, Priest Theodosios at the Koufr Yasif Community.

Before the ordination the Most Reverend Archbishop Aristarchos of Constantina who ordained the new Priest addressed him as follows;

“Reverend Deacon Savvas,

Only a few months have gone by since you received the sacrament of the first degree of Priesthood, to be a Hierodeacon, by the hands of the Archbishop in this Holy Place, the Horrendous Golgotha and the Life-giving Tomb of the Lord.

During these few months you have proven to be worthy of the trust the Church has shown you, because in faith and diligence you have ministered as a Deacon the Orthodox people of the Tarseha Community helping Fr. Gregory, the Care Taker, and the Koufr Smea Community, helping your father in flesh Fr. Theodosios.

The Holy and Sacred Synod, chaired by our Father and Patriarch of Jerusalem Theophilos, based on the witness of the Patriarchal Representative in Acre-Ptolemais, Archimandrite Philotheos, of Fr. Gregory and of your father, Fr. Theodosios, along with that of the Care Takers of the parishes of Tarseha and of Koufr Smea, has approved your ordination to Priest.

You are therefore called, at this hour of the Divine Liturgy and here, at the holiest place of the world to receive the grace of the Holy Spirit to perform as a Priest the sacraments of the Church, the sacrament of the Eucharist, the bloodless sacrifice of Christ, to baptize the children of the Orthodox Christians with three submersions and emergencies in the water and give them the first Holy Communion, which for us Orthodox is straight after the baptism, and to study the Holy Bible, to understand and explain it to the faithful, just like the Church Fathers have done.

Indeed, it is a great honour, a great responsibility, great is also the joy and the gleefulness, but do not hesitate, come forth and bear in mind to always sacrifice yourself, just like the Lord sacrificed Himself for our sake. He became a sacrifice for us, and with that sacrifice, with His Cross, joy came to the whole world.

Come forth therefore, kneel before the stone that the angel moved from the Tomb and pray that the All-holy Spirit may come down and burn your sins, purify you and make you a chosen vessel of God, a trusted and worthy worker in the vineyard of the Lord.

Be sure that you are accompanied by the prayers of your parents, your wife, relatives, my own prayers, and those of all who honour you with their presence at this hour.”

After the invocation of the Holy Spirit, the placing of the Archbishop’s hands on the ordained Deacon’s head, which established him to the degree of the Priest, those who honoured him with their presence, Archimandrite Philotheos, the co-celebrant Priests and the other Priests present, along with his relatives, called out the words “Axios”, “Axios”.

The newly ordained Priest offered a reception to his guests at the Office of Geronda Sacristan Most Reverend Archbishop Isidoros of Hierapolis.

Finally, in the morning he visited the Patriarchate Headquarters and received His Beatitude’s council and blessing.

From Secretariat-General