On Wednesday morning, March 8/21, 2018, the President of the Opposition Party of Ukraine Mrs. Yulia Tymoshenko and her escorts visited the Patriarchate.

Mrs. Tymoshenko was warmly received by H.H.B. our Father and Patriarch of Jerusalem Theophilos and Hagiotaphite Fathers.

At this visit Mrs. Tymoshenko thanked His Beatitude for His support towards herself, her daughter and her family during the hard times of her imprisonment.

In reply, His Beatitude told Mrs. Tymoshenko He follows the news and is aware of the sad events of division and fratricide in Ukraine, as well as the ecclesiastical schism, and He prays for the solution of these issues through dialogue. The visit of members of the Ukrainian political parties in the Holy Sepulchre, as this of Mrs. Tymoshenko, would provide them with faith, power, love and peace from the blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, which He shed for all of us.   

Mrs. Tymoshenko thanked His Beatitude for His comforting words and asked His prayers for the solution in the Ukrainian crisis. His Beatitude offered her and her escorts a cross and other blessings from Jerusalem and blessed her visit to the Holy Sepulchre.

Mrs. Tymoshenko offered His Beatitude Ukrainian art handicrafts made of Ukrainian stone.

From Secretariat-General

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