On Saturday morning, December 3/16, 2017, Mr. Spanos Isidoros was offered the honorary distinction of the Grand Commander of the Order of the Knights of the Holy Sepulchre by the Patriarchate, for his donation for the maintenance of the holy icons of Horrendous Golgotha, in the presence of Geronda Sacristan, Most Reverend Archbishop Isidoros of Hierapolis and Priest Euthymios from Thessalonica.

Awarding Mr. Spanos, His Beatitude thanked and praised him for his donation, which made possible the maintenance of the ceiling murals of the Horrendous Golgotha chapel, and wished him strength, blessing and a return of his generosity for this place where our Lord Jesus Christ shed His blood for the remission of our sins.

Mr. Spanos thanked His Beatitude and expressed his intention to help for the maintenance of other shrines.

From Secretariat-General

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