On Wednesday 19th October/1st November 2017, H.H.B. our Father and Patriarch of Jerusalem Theophilos held a meeting with the Most Reverend Archbishop Justin Welby of Canterbury. In this meeting His Beatitude was escorted by Geronda Secretary-General Most Reverend Archbishop Aristarchos of Constantina and Archdeacon Mark.

His Beatitude informed the Archbishop of Canterbury Mr. Welby about the quite serious situation which concerns the Jerusalem Patriarchate and the other Christian Churches in the Holy Land with the proposed bill by 40 members of the Knesset, which if passed into law, will deny the Christian Churches in the Holy Land their right to freely deal with their land properties.

 His Beatitude also raised the issue of the recent decision of the Israeli District Court in Jerusalem, which gave effect to the unauthorised and illegitimate long-term contracts to the settlers of the Settlor group “Ateret Kohanim”, relating to the Jaffa Gate properties that belong to the Patriarchate of Jerusalem.

In the same spirit, His Beatitude further met with His Eminence Cardinal, Archbishop of Westminster Vincent Nichols on the 2nd of November; where the issues at hand were discussed.

During His three-day stay in London, His Beatitude held meetings with members of the Houses of Parliament of the United Kingdom, seeking their support regarding the aforementioned problems.

 His Beatitude also held meetings with various other faith leaders including His Eminence the Coptic Orthodox Bishop Angelos and Pastor Agu of the Redeemed Christian Church of God.

 His Beatitude asked for the support of the Archbishop of Canterbury regarding the efforts of the Christian Churches for the preservation of the Status Quo in the Holy Land and especially in the Old City of Jerusalem.

 All parties listened attentively to the presentation by His Beatitude and expressed their intention to support the efforts of the Churches of the Holy Land, for the preservation of the Status Quo in Jerusalem and the protection of the followers of the three monotheistic religions.

From Secretariat-General

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