On Thursday evening, 16th/29th June 2017, the graduation ceremony of the School leaving certificates of the Arab-speaking Greek-Orthodox Community of Remla Graduates took place at the School reception hall.

This School of the Community of Remla runs all levels of Primary and Secondary Education, Nursery School, Secondary School and Lyceum, was founded by the aforementioned Community in the beginning of the 1990s, by the funding of the memorable Patriarch of Jerusalem Diodoros. In it, students are of Palestinian descend, Christians and Muslims, who abide in Israel since its foundation in 1948. The School students are taught in the Arabic language, with Hebrew and English as foreign languages and with an approved curriculum by the Ministry of Education of Israel.  

The ceremony was honoured with the presence of H.H.B. our Father and Patriarch of Jerusalem Theophilos, escorted by Geronda Secretary-General Most Reverend Archbishop Aristarchos of Constantina, the Most Reverend Metropolitan Joachim of Helenoupolis, Dragouman Archimandrite Mattheos, the Manager of the Arab-speaking Patriarchate Schools Elder Issa Musleh and Archdeacon Marc. The ceremony was also honoured by the presence of the Mayor of Remla Mr. Michael Vindel, who in his address committed to the equality between the Israeli and Palestinian citizens of the town, as addresses were made by the representative of the Ministry of Education of Israel, the President of this Arab-speaking Community Mrs. Frieda and others.

The ceremony began with a prayer and was followed by the entrance-parade of the 47 Graduates of the twenty-second year of the School’s operation.

The President of the Community Mrs. Frieda underlined in her address the moral support of the Patriarchate for the good and successful operation of the School. The Manager of the School Mrs. Iham Mahil referred to the high grade scores of the last year School Graduates, to their entrance into Universities and wished the same high scores to this year’s Graduates together with the preservation of their Orthodox identity.

The ceremony was enriched with Palestinian patriotic songs accompanied by musical instruments which were performed by the Scouts.

The ceremony was sealed with His Beatitude’s address, read by Fr. Issa Musleh in Arabic (posted in the Arabic version of this website).

Finally, the ceremony ended by the awarding of the School leaving certificates by His Beatitude, the School Manager and the President of the Community, with the wish of successful university studies and a good professional career.

 From Secretariat-General

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