On Wednesday 26th January/8th February 2017, the Minister of Tourism of Greece Mrs. Elena Kountoura visited the Patriarchate with her associates and the Consul General of Greece in Jerusalem Mr. Christos Sophianopoulos. The Minister and her associates were received by H.H.B. our Father and Patriarch of Jerusalem Theophilos with Hagiotaphite Fathers.

At her visit, the Minster expressed her joy on the third visit she makes in the Holy Land, the prior two of which were  at a younger age on occasions of athletic activities. His Beatitude agreed with the Minister after her experience, saying that Jerusalem acts in a transformative way in the souls of both the pilgrims and its citizens, due to the special blessing it bears, to have been watered with the blood of the Prophets, and especially with the very blood of our Lord Jesus Christ.

For this reason Jerusalem continues to mesmerize and attract thousands of pilgrims throughout the centuries.

On the occasion of this visit, His Beatitude offered Mrs. Kountoura a pectoral Cross to protect her in the practice of her important ministry of tourism of Greece, and wished her a worthy pilgrimage at the Holy Sepulchre in the Church of the Resurrection.

From Secretariat-General


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