On Wednesday evening, 19th January/ 1st February 2017, the Foreign Minister of Ukraine Mr. Pavel Klimkin, visited the Patriarchate escorted by his personal consultant and the Ambassador of Ukraine in Israel Mrs. Gennadi Nadolenko.

The Minister and his escorts were received by H.H.B. our Father and Patriarch of Jerusalem Theophilos with the Patriarchal Commissioner, Most Reverend Metropolitan Isychios of Kapitolias, Geronda Secretary-General Most Reverend Archbishop Aristarchos of Constantina, Dragouman Archimandrite Mattheos, the Master of Ceremonies Archimandrite Bartholomew, and Archdeacon Mark.

In the agenda of the meeting there was an interesting conversation on the pastoral activities of the former Patriarchs of Jerusalem in Ukraine and Russia in order to fight the proselytizing of Unia and establish the Orthodox faith.

Of interest was also the conversation of the need for unity of the Orthodox nationalities under the wings of the Church, which respects the national and cultural traditions of each nation and heals in its body the occurring schisms.

This is the viewpoint that His Beatitude also expressed in the Great Synod of the Orthodox faith in Crete last summer.

For this visit, His Beatitude offered an icon of the Holy Sepulchre, wishing the protection of the Ukrainian people by the Grace of our Resurrected Lord Jesus Christ and of the Most Holy and Life-giving Sepulchre.

From Secretariat-General

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