On Thursday, the 7th/20th of October 2016, the recently-appointed Latin Patriarch in Jerusalem (former Custos of the Holy Land), the Very Reverend Father Pierbattista Pizzaballa, visited the Patriarchate for the first time.

The new Latin Patriarch in Jerusalem was welcomed by H.B. Theophilos, Patriarch of Jerusalem, in the presence of Hagiotaphite Fathers.

During the visit, Father Pierbattista extended thanks to His Beatitude for having sent Archbishop Nektarios of Anthedon, the Patriarchate’s representative in Constantinople, to represent Him at his recent ordination as Bishop in Bergamo, Italy. He also thanked Patriarch Theophilos for honouring him by His presence during his inauguration at the Latin Patriarchate, and for everything He offers to Christians in the Holy Land.

In His reply, His Beatitude expressed satisfaction over His harmonious collaboration with the Very Reverend Father Pierbattista in the course of his diaconate at the Roman Catholic Church as Custos of the Holy Land for three consecutive tenures. Patriarch Theophilos said He was content for the continuation of this collaboration that can heal the wounds of the past and resolve the problems facing Christians as a result of this century’s situations.

On the occasion of the visit, His Beatitude offered the Latin Patriarch a pectoral and a table cross.

From the Secretariat-General
