On the morning of the 23rd of September/6th of October 2016, on the conclusion of the divine Liturgy at the monastic church of Sts Constantine and Helen, His Beatitude Theophilos, Patriarch of Jerusalem, accompanied by Hagiotaphite Fathers, read the prayer on the disturbance of the Holy Altar at the adjacent chapel of St Thekla the Great Martyr and Equal to the Apostles. The Altar had been moved because of restoration works by the subvention of Archimandrite Alexios. Vespers and the divine Liturgy commemorating St Thekla are scheduled to take place on the 23rd of September.

On the occasion of this event, His Beatitude addressed attendants in Greek, referring to the completion of restoration works on the church within the most ancient Monastery that makes part of the Patriarchal Monastery of Sts Constantine and Helen, founders of the Church of the Resurrection of Christ our Saviour.

“The Holy Shrines”, added the Patriarch, “as well as the Monasteries and Churches adorning the Holy Lands, especially the Holy City of Jerusalem, have been preserved as sites of veneration, sanctification and blessing, owing to the sacrificial care of Hagiotaphite Fathers”.

The restoration and beautification of St Thekla church, Patriarch Theophilos said, is essentially a continuation of the earlier restoration of Sts Constantine and Helen Church, on the initiative and subvention of Archimandrite Alexios, Typikaris and Cantor at the aforementioned church, whom His Beatitude warmly thanked.
From the Secretariat-General
