On the evening of Saturday, the 8th/21st of May 2016, the graduation ceremony of the Patriarchate’s School in Ramallah took place. Representing the Patriarch at this well-organized ceremony were: His Eminence Theophanes, Archbishop of Gerassa; the Chairman of the Education Committee of the Patriarchate’s schools in Israel, Archimandrite Ieronymos, hegumen at St George Monastery in Fhes, Jordan; and f. Issa Mousleh, the Patriarchate’s liaison with Arabic-speaking media.

The ceremony began with a prayer, the National Anthem of the Palestinian Autonomy and of Greece, and the parade of the graduates. In his opening address, the School’s Principal underlined the significance of the Patriarchate’s support in establishing and empowering the School for twelve years, so as to educate students and define their character.

A representative of the graduates spoke on their behalf in Arabic, English and Greece, extending thanks to parents and teachers alike.

The ceremony continued with a performance of Palestinian songs and dances by students of various ages, before closing with the Patriarch’s speech, read by f. Issa Mousleh (to be posted soon).

As a token of gratitude, the School bestowed a plaque on His Beatitude by the hands of Archbishop Theophanes and f. Ieronymos.

In closing, the Archbishop of Gerassa addressed students with paternal words, congratulated the event’s organizers and conferred diplomas as well as awards of excellence to graduates.


From the Secretariat-General
