On the evening of the 1st/14th of May 2016, the graduation ceremony took place at the Patriarchal School in Taybeh, near Ramallah.

Metropolitan Isychios of Kapitolias, Patriarch Commissioner, represented the Patriarchate at the event. He was accompanied by the President of the Patriarchate’s Schools in Israel, Archimandrite Ieronymos, and the Patriarchate’s liaison with Arabic-speaking media, f. Issa Mousleh. The well-organized ceremony began with a prayer and the National Anthem of Palestine, and was followed by the entrance of 23 graduates.

The School’s Principal went on to address guests, praising the Patriarchate’s contribution to the establishment of the School – that includes a Nursery, Primary and High School and a Lyceum – which it goes on to support both financially and morally.

Representatives of the graduates then spoke in Arabic, English and Greek, extending thanks to the Patriarchate, the School and their parents.

The ceremony closed with the Patriarch’s address, read by f. Issa Mousleh, and the award of graduation degrees by the Patriarchal Commissioner, the Schools’ President and the School’s Principal, alongside wishes for success and professional progress.


From the Secretariat-General