Early on the morning of the 14th/27th of October 2015, Archimandrite Keladion, Hagiotaphite and member of the Holy and Sacred Synod, passed away at his residence in the Patriarchate, following a four-month illness and hospitalization.

After receiving word of his death, Patriarch Theophilos of Jerusalem performed a Trisagion for the repose of his soul at the monastic church of Sts Constantine and Helen, before the conclusion of the divine Liturgy.

The funeral of our late brother Keladion will take place tomorrow, Wednesday, the 15th/28th of October, at 13:00 pm, at the Church of Sts Constantine and Helen, with Patriarch Theophilos officiating. A eulogy to the deceased will be read during the funeral service, from which the followers of the Patriarchate’s website will be informed of Archimandrite Keladion’s dedicated service to the Hagiotaphite Brotherhood.

May the Lord rest his soul in the land of the living with the righteous and the just.

From the Secretariat-General