On Saturday, the 1st/14th of February 2015, the Very Reverend Metropolitans Panteleimon of Veria and Georgios of  Kitrous visited the Patriarchate, heading two groups of pilgrims numbering approximately sixty members each.

The Metropolitans and accompanying pilgrims were received by H.B. Theophilos in the presence of Hagiotaphite Fathers.

In the context of the visit, the two Metropolitans addressed the Patriarch, extending their thanks to God for enabling them to carry out the pilgrimage, and to the Patriarch for courteously welcoming the pilgrims.

In His response, His Beatitude expressed joy for meeting with two distinguished Prelates from the Church of Greece, and for the benefit reserved for pilgrims, as well as for our Orthodox flock, from pilgrimage tours along the Holy Shrines.

On the occasion of the meeting, the Metropolitan of Veria offered His Beatitude a volume commemorating the twentieth anniversary of the “Pavleia” event, thanking Him for the Patriarchate’s participation. Metropolitan Georgios of Kitrous, in his first visit to the Holy Land, offered the Patriarch the medal he himself had been given one year ago, on the occasion of his election and ordination as Prelate.

From the Secretariat-General