On the afternoon of Saturday, the 21st of December 2014/3rd of January 2015, a concert was given under the auspices of the President of the Palestinian Autonomy, Mr Mahmoud Abbas-Abu Mazen, with the blessings of Patriarch Theophilos of Jerusalem. The concert, performed by the “King Christ” Choir, was held at the CCI Convention Center, of the late Rum Orthodox Said Houri, under the pastoral guidance of Archbishop Theophylaktos of Jordan and the musical direction of Professor Jandalla Masri.

In attendance at the Christian Concert was the Patriarch of Jerusalem, accompanied by Hagiotaphite Fathers, namely: Metropolitan Isychios of Kapitolias, Archbishop Aristarchos of Constantina, Archimandrite Chysostomos, Archimandrite Ieronymus, Assistant Dragoman Archimandrite Bartholomew, Archimandrite Ignatius, Protosyncellus Leontios, Archdeacon Evlogios, and Arab-speaking priests as f. Issa Mousleh. Guests included Mr Hsen Araz, representing President Abu Mazen, the Director of the Divan, Minister Ziyad Bandak, Tourism Minister Ms Rula Maya, representatives of the Police, the Mayors of Bethlehem, Beit-Jala and Village of the Shepherds, the Director of the Convention Center, Mr George Bassous, Commissioners of our congregation, and faithful from the occupied areas, mainly Bethlehem, and also from the Village of the Shepherds, Beit-Jala, Nablus and Samaria, as well as from Communities of Israel i.e. Remli, represented by Archimandrite Niphon.

The Concert began with the National Anthem of the Palestinian Autonomy and the Nativity Hymn. It included an address by the Patriarch, followed by the representative of President Abu Mazen, who welcomed guests to this event held on the occasion of Christmas, a feast celebrated by the entire Palestinian people.

The concert also included Palestinian dances and songs for the Incarnate Lord by the “Bayat” Choir and “Diar” Dance Association from Malia, Northern Israel. Mr George Bassous referred to the life and contribution of the founder of the Convention Center, the late Said Houri. Mr Hsen Araz, Archbishop Theophylaktos and Mr George Bassous were honoured by His Beatitude for their contribution to the Community of the Patriarchate.

On the conclusion of the event, Mr Bassous hosted guests to dinner in memory of the late Said Houri.

From the Secretariat-General
