On Tuesday, the 30th of July/12th of August 2014, the Serbian Ambassador to Israel, Mr Milutin Stanoyevic, visited the Patriarchate accompanied by Mrs Miliça Vajovic, the Embassy Secretary, whose assignment in Israel is nearing its close.

His Excellency the Ambassador of Serbia and his Secretary were received by H.B. Theophilos, Patriarch of Jerusalem, the Patriarchal Commissioner, Metropolitan Isycios of Kapitolias, and the Elder Secretary-General, Archbishop Aristarchos of Constantina.

An interesting discussion took place in the context of this meeting on the role of the Patriarchate of Jerusalem as a factor of stability and reconciliation in the Middle East, especially so during this period of political unrest, acutely manifested with the atrocities in Gaza. Also underlined was the role of the Patriarchate as a link between the Orthodox states currently maintaining diplomatic delegations to the state of Israel.

The destruction of Serbia’s cultural and ecclesiastical monuments, caused during the years of the harsh war, as well as by recent floods, was also talked about.

Having asked His Beatitude’s blessing, the Serbian Ambassador and Mrs Miliça Vajovic went on to venerate at the Holy Sepulcher, His Beatitude wishing the Ambassador success in his mission and Mrs Vajovic a fine career back to her country.

From the Secretariat-General