On Wednesday, the 19th of June/3rd of July 2014, the Most Reverend Eugenios, Metropolitan of Hierapytna and Sitia of the Church of Crete, heading a pilgrimage group consisting of a hundred priests and faithful of his god-saved Bishopric, visited the Patriarchate.

The Most Reverend Metropolitan of Hierapytna and pilgrims were courteously received by His Beatitude, Patriarch Theophilos of Jerusalem, and Hagiotaphite Fathers.

At the beginning of this visit, the Most Reverend Metropolitan of Hierapytna expressed his joy, emotion and gratitude to God for yet another visit to the Holy Land, the holy shrines of which have been preserved through the centuries by the Patriarchate of Jerusalem and the Hagiotaphite Brotherhood.

In His reply, His Beatitude thanked the Most Reverend Eugenios, Metropolitan of Hierapytna, for this pilgrimage initiative and explained to pious pilgrims the importance of their pilgrimage as an act of spiritual development which enhances their faith and greatly contributes to salvation.

His Beatitude went on to offer an engolpiyon [small icon worn on the chest] and cross to the Most Reverend Metropolitan, pectoral crosses to the priests, and Jerusalemite eulogias to pilgrims.

Amongst the pilgrims was the grey-haired Abbot of the “Axion Esti” Monastery of the Bishopric of Hierapytna, Archimandrite Anastasios, who offered a set of golden chalice, paten and coverings to be used during services at the All-holy Church of the Resurrection.

From the Secretariat-General
