On Saturday the 9th/22nd of March 2014, H.B. Theophilos, our Father and Patriarch of Jerusalem, conferred upon Cypriot pilgrim Mr Christos Pantelis, the title of Crusader of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulcher.

For more than twenty years now, Mr Christos Pantelis has been the Director of the Byzantine Choir and President of the Association of Cypriot Pilgrims to the Holy Sepulcher. Mr Pantelis and his choir chant during the feasts of the Holy Monastery of Hojeva and on His Beatitude’s name-day. They visit in the company of pilgrims who have greatly contributed to the conservation of the All-holy Pilgrimage Sites, and financed the painting of icons, for instance the iconostasis of the town of Pkea Community in Northern Israel. They have also contributed towards the purchase of church vessels and the baptismal of infants from our congregation.

For his contribution to the choir and the Church as a whole, especially the Church of Jerusalem, His Beatitude conferred upon Mr Christos Pantelis this Hagiotaphite honorary title, inviting him to devote himself to similar activities for Northern Jordan too, where His Eminence Philoumenos, Archbishop of Pella, has been serving as Commissioner for the past year.

Touched and extending his thanks to His Beatitude, Mr Pantelis pledged to carry on supporting the work of the Church of Sion with the same zeal.

From the Secretariat-General
