The 27th of December 2013/9th of January 2014 marked the visits to the Patriarchate of all Christian Communities in Jerusalem, on the occasion of Christmas.

The visits take place during the festive period in order to diminish prejudice and tension and enhance the spirit of peace, religious coexistence and collaboration.

Early in the morning of the aforementioned day, dedicated to the memory of St Stephen the First Martyr, the visit took place of Franciscan Friars, the Roman Catholic Custodians of the Holy Land.

Underlined during the address of Custodian f. Pierre Battista Pizzaballa and the reply of His Beatitude, was the Incarnation and Birth by flesh of our Lord Jesus Christ, as the beginning of our salvation and the basis of coexistence between Christians in the Holy Land toward a commendable Christian testimony and support of its Christian inhabitants.

This call was followed by visits from other Churches, i.e. the Latin Patriarchate, the Armenians, Copts, Ethiopians, Syrians, Lutherans and the Apostolic Delegate.

During the speeches and reply speeches of the visitors, the need was stressed for an even closer collaboration among Christian Churches of the Holy Land, toward the resolution of differences and problems, and assistance to Christians in the Middle East, Palestine and the Holy Land.

His Beatitude’s addresses to the guests who collectively visited the Patriarchate, may be reached here:

And to the Armenians, who visited separately, here:

Present during the visits were representatives of the Greek Orthodox (Rum Orthodox) Communities of the Patriarchate, namely the Jerusalemite Community of St James the Brother of God; the Community of Shepherds Village; and the Community of Tubas in the Neapolis/Samaria area.

The day’s visits closed with the visit of the Israeli Police of Jerusalem.

From the Secretariat-General
