On the night of Saturday to Sunday, the 8th to 9th/21st to 22nd of December 2013, in accordance to a decision by the Holy and Sacred Synod, the ordination of Archdeacon f. Athanasios to the rank of Presbyter was performed by the Most Reverend Isychios, Metropolitan of Kapitolias.

Before the ordination, the ordaining Metropolitan delivered a speech to the ordained on the utmost importance of the sacrament of priesthood, the honour bestowed upon him and the responsibility he undertakes.

“In the course of your service as Deacon, Archdeacon, Assistant Dragoman and Spokesman at His Beatitude office in the long spoken of Patriarchate of Jerusalem”, said the Metropolitan, “you have demonstrated excellent obedience, exemplary keenness in the execution of your duties, and respect to Hagiotaphite Brothers, irrespective of their rank”.

“For this reason”, the Metropolitan continued, “and having fulfilled long years within a short period of time, you are today worthy – with the Grace of the Holy Sepulcher – of your introduction to the second grade of priesthood”.

In his reply to the ordaining Metropolitan, f. Athanasios confessed “with fear” of “seeing distinctly” his insufficiency and weakness. “I also confess however”, said he, “my trust to God’s unmeasured mercy and my obedience to the Mother of Churches, the Church of Sion”.

F. Athanasios went on to express his “filial thankfulness and immense gratitude” to the Patriarch of Jerusalem, Theophilos III, for “fervently embracing” him during his five-year diaconate in the rank of His Archdeacon. Thanks were also extended to Metropolitan Isychios, f. Athanasios’ parents, Michael and Theophano, his spiritual father, the Very Reverend Archimandrite f. Chrysostomos, as well as the Most Reverend Christodoulos, Metropolitan of Elftheroupolis.

Co-officiating the sacrament of ordination were Archimandrite Chrysostomos, hegoumen at the Monastery of Abba Gerasimus of the Jordan; the former Protosyncellus of the Holy Archbishopric of Cyprus, Archimandrite f. Ieronymos, and other Fathers. The ordination took place in the presence of Mrs Aspasia Mitsi, representative of the Greek Consul-General to Jerusalem, the parents and other relatives of the ordained, and several Hagiotaphite and pious pilgrims, exclaiming “Worthy he is”.

The service was transmitted live on the Patriarchate’s Online Radio Station, see link:

At the conclusion of the divine Liturgy, the ordained, f. Athanasios, hosted everyone to a reception at the Office of the Elder Sacristan, His Eminene Isidoros, Archbishop of Hierapolis, and received the wishes of all for a devoted and consecrated diaconate.

From the Secretariat-General
