On the afternoon of Monday the 15th/28th of October 2013, the 28th of October 1940 was celebrated at the Patriarchal Hieratic School on the hill of St Sion.

Celebrations were honoured with the presence of His Beatitude Theophilos, our Father and Patriarch of Jerusalem, accompanied by Hagiotaphite Prelates from the Patriarchate and the School Board, as well as by the Consul General of Greece in Jerusalem, Mr Georgios Zacharoudiakis, his associates and his distinguished wife.

The humble ceremony included a Foreword by the Principal, the Reverend monk f. Photios Kousis, professor of Physics. The Panegyric was delivered by professor Eleni  Oikonomou, followed by recitations of poems and performance of songs commemorating the 1940 epos by students at the School.

Through the Foreword, the Panegyric and the recitations, those attending the celebrations were mentally transferred to the 1940-1944 period, during which World War II lasted, feeling deep emotion and national pride for the bravery of our fathers who fought and not only offered their belongings but also sacrificed their life, fighting under adverse weather conditions in Northern Epirus and Albania, as recounted by Nobel laureate Odysseas Elytis in “Axion Esti”. Some of them organized national resistance across the whole of the Hellenic region, until the day they liberated Greece from the cruel and inhuman Nazi occupation.

At the conclusion of school celebrations, His Beatitude and the Consul General congratulated teachers and students alike and offered them religious and patriotic advice and guidance.

From the Secretariat General
