On Monday, Sept 30, 2013, a delegation of the Heads of Christian Churches in Jerusalem paid a solidarity visit to Al-Aqsa Mosque, in the light of continuous violations at the hands of Israeli settlers. They were received by the head of the Waqf Council, the Grand Mufti, the Director General of the Waqf, members of the Waqf Council and the Islamic Higher Council. They released the following statement:

–         We ascertain the inviolable character of all holy places in Jerusalem, and especially Al-Aqsa Mosque, and denounce what is considered by many as the Judaization of the Holy City, its history and religious geography.

–         We affirm the harmonious historical and social ties between Muslims and Christians in the Holy City, based on common language, common history and common destiny.

–         We ascertain the importance of the latest agreement between HM King Abdullah Ben ΑΙ-Hussein II and HE President Mahmoud Abbas, in protecting the holy places in Jerusalem and elsewhere, and the importance of Hashemite support for the Waqf, and for Islamic and Christian holy places in the Holy City of Jerusalem.

–         We appeal to all international organizations and establishments in Jerusalem and internationally and the Israeli government to protect the Islamic and Christian Holy places in Jerusalem from violations of religious extremists.

–         We unanimously denounce all forms of violence and extremism directed against all holy places and Cemeteries in the Holy City.


The Heads of Churches in Jerusalem

for the Official Website of the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Jerusalem.