On Thursday the 13th/26th of September 2013, the Patriarchate commemorated the Inauguration of the All-holy Church of the Resurrection.

The feast took place in remembrance of the fact that at the completion of the construction of the Church of the Resurrection in 336 AD, Constantine the Great called the Bishops who had gathered for a Synod in Tyre, Sidon, and in magnificence, under Archbishop Makarios of the Church of Jerusalem, held the Inauguration of the All-holy Church of the Resurrection, for which the rich theological hymnology of the day says that: “the Lord demonstrated the beauty of the temple of His glory below, akin to the grace of the firmament above”.

To commemorate this great ecclesiastical and historical event, a divine Liturgy was held at the Katholikon of the All-holy Church of the Resurrection, led by His Eminence Demetrios, Archbishop of Lydda and Secretary of the Holy and Sacred Synod. Co-officiating were Hagiotaphite Archimandrites, Hieromonks and Hierodeacons in the company of several pilgrims, who had arrived to celebrate the Elevation of the Holy Cross.

At the end of the divine Liturgy, the Prelatic retinue was respectfully received by His Beatitude Theophilos, our Father and Patriarch of Jerusalem.

From the Secretariat-General
